Champrio ,n nr ntr~ The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - A13 RAGNG MOWERS: Above, Barry PelIow (Ieft) goes head-to-head with Bob McClintock as they round a cure in one of several heats leading Up to the grand finale of the super modified Iawn tractor racing at Country Heritage Park Saturday afternoon. Top right, Rob Hoskins camres the checkered flag for a victory Iap after winning one of the heats. Bottom right, Brandon Mauro, 11, of Milton tightens up his hel- met strap as he watches the racers compete. The action was part of this past weekends Ail Colour Antique Tractor and Toy Show, which included antique tractor pulls, machinery demonstrations and a tractor parade. Yoer water s@ftn sh.iaId lm FRE SALT BAGSJOUlx FREINSTALL (A $213.00 VALUE) 623 Main Street Eaat Milton, Ontario 905-878-2474 44#,ýe 'Mwe,ý eW # b~ W Pm»a" olou. ', 11-1 ýý *" et ùýk-& *ý. aatâ9dý"