beQauablaîî 0. O jMiltons Community Newspaper Since 1860 bp W endE ito N EW S 2nd power plant site proposed S POR T S Water-skier wins nationals A& E Residents invited on restaurant tour www.rmskoncanadianchampion.corn A Merln Pulcf 'o. 4 N. 48..a, uut25 065 pae ée -h 0(i G.S . Halton Region has no plans to take Toronto's -~ garbage, says chairman GRAHAM, PAINt f CANADIAN CHAMPION COOL REUEF: KMilton Fîre Department training teehnician Barry Kory cools off in one of the departrnent's 'recenîty-acquired 'Kore Kooler' rehab chairs following a training exercise. The chairs are availaole to firefight- ers at extensive cails. The car's water-filied arm poekets lower firefighters' body temperatures By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Regional C hairman Joyce Savolîne bas a message - Halton isn't eyeing Torontos garbage. \Vhile a front-page headlîne in vies- terda'-- Toronto Star stated the oppo- site. the head of lialton regional coun- cil îold The Champion its -simply untrue.- The storv dîscusses the Regions plans to buîld a facilîty at the landfill site on Regional Road 25 in Milton that wF)uld covert waste into energy, which is a concept Savoline publîcized ai a press conlerence earhier this month. And wbîle Halton is now weighîng its options for the plant, wîith one option potennially beîng to make ot large enougb to take w~aste lrom other regions, Savolîne emphasized the Region hasnît talked to any municipali- ties about ibis vet or made anv final decîsions when it comes to the facilitv. "Nothing bas heen determîned. other than that there will be a facîlîîy for Hialton. We're not at a point where we're ready to discuss more garbage (comîng fromn outside Halton)." sbe said. We are doîng our due diligence and deselopîng a business case to understand our options. Tben. we will make the decîsion on sm bats best for I lton. She .îlso poînted oui tbat Toronto bas neyer întended to use energv from waste (EF\V) technologies. Currently, Michigan legislators are ssorking to close the states border to trasb shîpments from Toronto and other GTA munîcîpalîties. Although the Region ackno-w ledges the minîster of the ensîronmeni can direct ssaste from other municipalities to Haltons landfîlî in a lime of cnisis. regional counicîl bas long heen firm that it doesn't want to be put in that position.- Savoline said if waste was to EFW facility from other municipalities, the Region would insist Joyce Savoline that ot arrve by train in order to, take trucks off the road. W\ýe are trytng to clean up the envi- ronment,- she pornted out. And while there are no estimates at this point as to how many extra trains that could bring int Halton, Savolmne notcd the rail traffic "is already there now She explained the business case *sae PUBUC on page A5 Inside Todlay's Champion OPINION A6 CLASSIFID A22 RL ESTATE B9 DATEINE B16 vruM1tncanacîanchamp1on coro vî 0F .F rt F .-5'r -, F ULLPFS5 NiTjP.F,0FT F. ff-'"-.M lFÂ 0L OMN'i' U'W5JM CBsFA i SF5 ,A AE SF40 F -A.2 FE- A FS&E- 9L 1 1 l .E-PPC Hêý D Hawldns AmalHopia ASK DOLLY - #fer Delly, 1 .rbsllq se"id Mr mw W. 118, ad il b* we.ii«@ fier ML We.a bu lm #o h.Lu% g Asf #A phhh tehpoet bm lin wEu teMif= hM léb111 a.'m EgUWO teir Nus up *mbu iesmi tu 0 %Çpq. bInumuieh MuvJu hi -, ema"*N 60 a 4ip * i b *I t* a u ilwh wfml. pul at .I 903473 6