G ro u phe Canadien Champion, Friday, Auguat 25, 2006 - A3 ',lItcc lu lcjlý'\c (1hooisaînd'. o dollars huml time Itltonl Healthy Community Fund. The recent announicement means $316,745 will be dis- tnhbuted to 18 groups that formi collaborative partnerships to, launch projects that continue to contribute to Haltons healthy community and quality of life. "The Halton Healthy Community Fund enables organiza- tions to, strengthen familles and communities in Halton from the funding they receive," said Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline. "The program is a success because of ail the part- ners who each year pool their resources to, make a stronger and heaithier Halton community" This year's recipients, listed by lead administrative partner and project, are: e Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton, ln-School Mentoring North Halton Outreach, $18,128 to recruit and train volun- teers in north Halton and match and mentor at-risk children. - Oakville Sports Council, Canada Games Day event, $2,000 to offer those aged four to 14 a sports and education- al experience to mirror the Canada Gamnes. a Burlington Family Resource Centre, ABC Talk With Me language program pilot project, $8.972 for a part-time speech language pathologist, part-time early childhood edu- cator, staff training, program supplies and child care. - Family Adolescent Straight Talk (FAST), Halton service expansion project, $19.500 for a counisellor, two part-time social workers, rent, utilities, outreach and administrative expenses. 9 Halton Hilîs Chamher of Commerce, Junior Achievement program expansion, $15.000 to promote pro- gram delivery expansion and cover administration fees, training and materials. - AIDS Committee of Guelph and Wellington County Peer Outreach Support Services' (POSSE) development of hest practice resources, $29.480 for a consultant, stipend for youth participants and administration costs. e Oakville YMCA, Food for Thought, $25,000 to hire a community developmnent worker, launch an extensive in- kind programn and raise awareness of childrens nutrition issues. - Oakville Parent Child Centre. Cozy Reading program, $17.350 for a pan.-timc co-ordinator, newsletters. books and hags for resource kits, administration costs and training. * Halton Chîld and Youth Services, Our Communitv Cares child deveîopment program (Burlîngton). $12.900 for staffing and equipment. - Halton Multicultural Council. volunteer parent support program for newcomers (Oakvillc), $29,928 for part-time co-ordinator. - John Howard Society, Options program, $29.939 for facilitator fees, transportation assistance, kits, training, resources and marketing materials for initiative aimed to increase early identification of mental illness symptoms and - Ir.însitions loi Youth, Optionî - Reaching Out to leeris and Their Caregivers, $30.000 to, hire a part-time child and family worker and for staff training. a Schizophrenia Society of Ontario, Collaborating to, Care for the Caregiver program (Burlington), $30.000 for a part- time family care facilitator and program expenses. - Halton Huis Gymnastics Centre, Talk 'n' Tumble pro- gram, $21,548, for coaches' salaries, gym equipment, profes- sional fees and training. * Burlington Civic Chorale, Medieval Visions concert, $5.000 for an artistic director, accompanlast, professionsl instrumentalists, dancers, choreographers and marketing. . Burlington Carihbean Connection, Black History Month celebration. $3.000 for performers. transportation and advertising. $4,000 for marketing and promotion. e VON Halton, People in Crisis, Depression project, $15,000 for development of depression education modules, training packages and tools, resource matetials and work- shops specific to, depression couniselling. The Halton Healthy Community Fund is made available through combined resources of fundirtg partners in Halton who've been working together for nine years. The parmers for 2006 include Halton Region, the City of Burlington, towns of Halton His, Milton and Oakville, Burlington Community Foundation, Ministry of Community, Family and Childrens Services, Community Foundation of Oakville, Ontario Trillium Foundation and the United Ways of Burlington and greater Hamilton, Halton His, Milton and Oakville. 2006 Matrix 2007 Camr LE~ 2001 YariS CE Hatchhck lE5*9 149*6.51 "M189*@ 6.5' PEi ffTII Fi i iU uii 4 i NO IMMI $2i3U Uaiaui fU $21M DIR. PERM RU M oM"$ml ,i33liDM Rom h PIl MiSE» FitiMIiPD E LLUI FUEItifmO Pi.E. Mumi $1,0 m * 25,800J ump.tm mu,?5 p* 1t.8 U 26p agine -iýsWmauel *2. L. 15hp egie 5-spd aumiabic 1.5 16 hp ffleMie 5.m"wu iraiisamAiC tmt 0" K*u siy4 u ir"ssu - AOC - No nim, Wbc and hiSmm - Pm ad brits - Dr #W releïe * AMIN stemOe * IV Akurnum mm. - Ralpes MW *k teuà * >5W p8spaiioahtpèmu iW rsb'if imai Ai (Mu aiiqu4uuh & MM simut» COM3, atuli jnsiack & ancrei Wbrmiii WO U mU em CO &MM i M "WBUiU an eMt c I iSiUUa5 as imtLiSiUi4u8t eWYLnuJIUmrt di8IMS*GUMIM CMa i.miimsWRt r-4à*- NO SECURITY DEPOSIfT ON AU. 200r. LMES. 400 Steeles Avenue 1-800-617-4025 www.mlltontoyota.com [M 1 eT , TY