B6 - The Canadian ChamDion. Fridav. Seotember 1 2006i ~- -'W$ The benefits of autumnn pool and hot tub installation For most peuple. autumn and swimming pools have littie in common. As the temper- ature falîs, the excitement of planning a backyard pool paradise declines as well, but the autumn season is actually an ideal time to instaîl a swimming pool or hot tub. A faîl installation gives homeowners a spring and summer season to plan their project whilc aquatie enjoyment is fresh on everyoie's mi. Homeowners can visit friends' and neighbours' pooîs for first hand design ideas thev can incorporate irito their own plan. They can also visit the operational job sites of contractors in their area 10 gauge their skills and organîzatiori throughout the project. lnstallîng a pooî tn cooler temperatures means construction tîînc takes place %vhile famîlyvyard usage is lowest. As wmnter approaches. there is also an increase in the av atlabilit-v of contractors as their busîest Fail home m season draws to a close. Some builders, if properly prepared, can even work through the winter, affording a comfortable buffer for revisions and repairs. Autumn is also a perfect lime t0 begin planting ihe larger trees and sbrubs that will complete a backyard aquatic paradise. Plantirig in the faîl can reduce initial shock on plants as they prepare to enter their dor- ma7nt cycle. Once the pool is completed, homeowners have the entire wînter 10 review landscaping plans and choose eye- catching accessories with the added beriefit of a completed pool to facilitate the deci- sion making process. Homeowners can also use the winter months to enroli in safeîy and maintenance courses. gettîng the essenîtal information 10 ensure a safe and well-maintained pool come sprîng. The Pool & flot Tub Council of Canada offers a '.arietv of courses for the aintenance homeowrier as well as a directory of quali- wwwpoolcouncil.ca, or by calling (800) fied pool builders across Canada. More 897-7066. information is available online at - News Canada checkl ist Colder weather. shorter days and falling leaves mean its rime t0 get vour home ready for the winter moritbs. Faîl home mainte- nance irivolves more than rakîng leaves anid storing garden furniture. ht requires attention t0 your roof and gutters, your fouridation. faucets and windowýs. and even vour ceîiig fans. Wiriýïter cani be bard on a bouse. so we recommerid a number of steps to prepare vour home for the increased cold anid mois- turc. saîd Colin Smyth . AmeriSpec of Canada. -There are tbîngs that mosi home- o-wners don't even think, of that can make a huge difference.- The following are some tîps fromt AmeriSpec to make sure voure ready for the wýinter months: e Protect the outsîdefaucets For those who do not have freeze-proof faucets. it ts important to shut off the indoor water valve and make sure the outsidc faucet Ls completely dratned. *Clean andi rnsc the ceilîngfans Turn the fan off. dlean and oil the motor. dlean and dry the blades and reverse the air Rom- direction to push warm air down. eReplace batteries in the smoke detectors andi test the smoke alarma Battenies sbould be replaced twice a year and aIl smoke alarms sbould be tested week- 'y. 'Apply weather-stripping to windaws andi doors Even insulated %%indows and doors require additional reinforcemeni for winter. Weatber-stripping reduces drafts and saves on heating bills. eCaulk arounti window and door casings to keep out air and water. If your bouse bas wood siding witb window frames that stand out fromt tbe sîdîng, caulk the top and sîdes of tbe frame. Don't caulk under the silI - that space sbould be left open t0 allow moisture inside the wall to escape. If yuur bouse is brick or storie, wvitb wiridow frames that are set iritu the finish material, caulk ail four edges of eacb frame - where the brick mold meets the masonry. 0 Fix up your gutters Erisure there are nu leaves or other debris tin your gutters iri order to prevent overflow, and leakage duririg heavy sriow or rain. AmeniSpec home inspedtors ofler great uips on home mainteniance and impruve- ments. More information on commun home maintenance subjects and professional home inspections cao be fourid at N%%wamerispec.ca. - News Canada th~eea4 e ~ jj~ ~- ~<Summer ours -Mon-Fr 96'5e 95 u~10-5 70-wr o% and Cowx&t& G~4nqCmte We' *Va&MerévsIý Add the bright, Ionglasting colour of mums to every corner of your garden! TREES -~September is the perfect tîmne to plant to get themn settled before winter ,4GGREGATES & MULCH --Top up your beds. Start new landscaping projects in the cooler weather ahead. Check our sale board for weekly specials! --------------