30-The Canadian'Cham'pion, Friday Seéptember ý08, 20o06 Isle [HenHol & AgoniS New Machina Shop looking ta opan in yoar area raqutros oxporfoncai CNC ltha operalors. Good wagon, bonofia and profil shsrtng pion. Experlonce wiuh Okurna contrais an assai. CNC Shop Manager roqutroil. Saccosafut can- didalaral hava oxporfonce tn Shop Manage- mont and posoSa skiti s tnctudlng, CNC Prograrnring, CNC Laiho/iti Oporaion and Seiup, Schoduttng Succenotul candidates munI bu wîliing ta tampurarily ralocata out of province for -training. Lot Person/ Wash Bay Person Fuil-timo, Mon-Fni and/ or Salurdays Respurnibie for cuntomer î lot cana. Tracke traiter! motorcycle driving expuerce an annet but rot requîrad. Munt punseos outil Onturio drivers lîcenae yod have a cteur drivirg record. Enioy deaiirg with tha public. The candidate munI damoratrate excellant communication akilia, the abiiity t0 prioritize, bu datait orierted and reat ix appeararca. We offer an excellent buref if package. Positions roqutred ai bof ol sr BMW locations, Qokatiloe fax 9«>W85-9887 or pfloich@kaoddsbrnw.com and sur Nomilion locaion fox 905-387-388 or karonp@buddsbrnw.com NO CALLS PLEASE Warehouse Help Required Futi-timae workors needed (day & avening shifft for a teadirg community rewspaper, handix/ irserting ffyrs. Safoty ahous are mardatory. Good puy banal or piece worm, Est Bunlingtor location, Calt Gramceta 905-637-887 or fax resurne toa 9054317-7815, or apply ln persan with resurnoi 4390 Paletta Cri. Unît 1, Burlinglon, ON. Free Career Semiasar For: Apprenticeship in the Trades Tool & Die Tuesday September 12, 6:O0-8:OOpm Cail the YMCA in Burlington @905-681-1140 «eORTINOS FORTINO'S (New St) Ltd. 5111 New St., Burllngton is n0w hirîng PART-TIME STAFF who are fleoible (o work days, evenîogs & weekends PRODUCE * CASHIERS NIGHT SHIFT *SEAFOOD MEAT (CUTTERS &WRAPPERS) BAKERY * DELI We are neekirg hîghly mottvated and oervice-ariented irdîvidaua la t illt buse vacaacîea Fortira's offers a challengîng and tnîendiy work envîranment with competitive rates of puy. par timre bunefîto and a peson plan, Hf y«oaieo às I l a a I.Wou a part ofl noa graulg famIy, 1111 otu M 4*lcatlo la-sars or fa resaos ta 905-31-1167 elai C&OO5S@ffl.co. jëD ACTING/MODELING il r*-ha[QP ý,d 1P -TaetSrch hale1 hIdnian> ppe gel ito Scvursta Ocatalonguen. Watniart & Royal Banik TV, 1 a.coiineciin.Ciadi,îv Tire a.îdnu, ic2. n ideoN. flotta va îîîd miv tes &b miore. Weig, srlriens, lacca i1 ail looîk,~, aLes ol s& eihniu.itie%. 1 vin ,uand op. 1 . 1 lhursday.Septernber 141h Ï Il 590) Argus Rousd 4 For istid iýii i n il coi s.6- Statn g ut $11.00 par hoar Cati Chris or Wanda 647--234-181 EM Tehical Holp jTîenl HeIp Construction Equipmanl repair, service & aembly lachnictan requtred for growing Mllon haaed manufacturer. Sllii required, *Eap. wîth vmai angine repuir & wîrîng -Ahtlity vo diagnove & traubieshoat mechunîca, Hydruic & electrîcul issues -Atitîty ta, tiff op ta eoibv *Comfarruhie workîng ut haîghta *Vulid drtvervs fcense -Ahility ta do somne travel amati rasumneu to: nancyaOklmer.corn or fax: 9054876-3791 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR IntodntOCmmarciaOfelaentia raquiras: LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Permanent position. Competitive agea ana benielts Muai have good communication akîis. Maosse fox rosmr oi: CARNEY ELECTRIC 905-877-0726 sniiul wit exeic on NOW HIRING PHARMACYTECHNICIAN 25 - 30 hourper week Apply ix pumson aith raemei Monday toi Frday Young's Pharonacy & Hornocaro e 47 Main Street South, Georgetow iHuwuuuunganaacaaaaw mng ce u N D to D $0hER evp ana OaPce iaao ap leiv meaonufcor visc i ng M 2888 fon Plhrnoli Doeiee OsIcalîto er (Wtnston ChurchltlOEW) ROOFING Service Person needed anap. Muni have knowtedge and expunience wilh ait roof nyniema. Honent, rut abte and hard workîng only need apply. Pos itcon comnes wolh company vehîcie and bunefîla. Please fax info to: 905-640-4680 s Light Production Machine Operator Anuita Canada Ltd.ua world clava leader in amant curd techratagy vs expandirg ils rew production centre in Ourtîrgtn ON by addirg a secord and third ahift.We hava immediute operînga for machine operatara ir a light weigh, high volume production ervirorment. Applicants must have high uchoot diptoma, uit teaut Ivea yearv expenience aperatirg hîgh volume production machirery gaod maruat deatenity generai computer ukillu (MS Office) goal basic math akitta, ard the abitity ta, work ir a team baved work environment vithaut clave superviin. Requinea moiti taaking, clave attention ta detait, able ta work effectîvety in reama and able ta stand for long periodu. Warehouse Clerk Axaita Canada Lrd., hav immediate openîrgs for futitime Warehause Cienku ut aur eurlîrgton ON. plant on the second and thîrd uhîhasYax veut recaîve, stare and uhip goada and materaa, maîntaîr recarda and generare recesaary documenta ix accordarce vvith praceduresta the highevt standards of accvracy and securîty. You mauxt have an teant a hîgh uchoat dîpiama wîth 2 ta 5 years oi evperîence in ahipping & recaîvîng iv a manufacturîng envioîrnvent, Must bu datait ariented wîith gaad basic math akîial, and a warkîng krawiedge of camputers uaîng Microsoft Office. Other ennentiai artnîbuten include arganizatiaral ukîttu, gaod decîian making and prableve ving skis.The abiiity ta wark wîith littie supervision, operate manertal handlîng equîpment and a iorklifh truck are requîred. Applîcants must pans hîgh neconry background checks îvclodîng, credtt & crîminai recarda and emplayment & edacattanal hintaîy verificatian. Axaito Canada Ltd. ina suhsîdîary of Gemalto, the Warld Clous leader in mîcrapracensar smart card productian.We allen a self dîrecteul ream based work ennîronmentWortd Clans training and shills deoelopmert, educational reinnhaisementu, $1 atm /hi pion inceintive and shift ynemîum. Our benefîts piogram includes dental, life ad&d,disability innurnce, flexible npending, and an nasP wîith a generaun contrihutian match. Apply by email, fav or mail E-mail: annalam@gamaita.com, Fax: 905-335-9147 Amy-: A. Lam, 5347 John Lucas Or., Bunlinglun, ON L71 6A8 Axaito inon egiiot opportanity employer Large Brampton Company reqaîres an expie- rienced invoicing clerk for a Tuesday to Saf- urday shift. The candidate must be a self- motivafed, weI organized îndividoal wif h eo- cellent communicaion skills. Musf be profi- cient în data eotry. Dufies include general office dafies, answerng phonos and filing. Email resumes toi: careers@mapIeIodgetarms.com So racttionern eorgetowneing uîî-timeI Famly aw/ Etaes lek wthminimum 5 yearn leariencele Fax:95-87765~ I ega red tar a local office supplian compury. Cani- date mont have un ah Oiy tOa wk wal unda preauae. *Datavsncaude pacevinguandnrvicng dyadanl purcasig ad cstoer ervie, anaingtheoffce au wehousa pervannal att ciextly Computer ltera cy aur an arlue muat Su ury nturhing SSCOlaaek If itrIesaued pleuve tuax feme tai 90"-77-9688 Taylor Mnuîng and Starage, ext. 1959 , currently hua a punition open on the raie ni Accounts Receivable Clerk This nu full rime punition .3510o40 hoars par weeh. The naccenaful candidate wîil bu able ta multiunti. The ntarting rata of puy wiil bu $12.00 la $13.50 par haut dapending an vapenience. Bene- lts wili bu made avuilabie atter 6 montha. Pleana nend ail renumen ta tha attention of Rick Taylor: fax (905)632-8130 amati rich@afaylorinoeing.com RECEPTIONIST (P/T Ability ta handie a buny multiple-lina nwitchboard, excallent verbal communication & active lintening skîlin, exparienca in a wîndown baneil environ- ment, strong orgunîzuttonul & prabiemt nolviflg akilla. a positive atitade & ntrong teamwork ethica, avanînga & waalvandn, rua evtate exp. an asaIt Forward rename: Re/Max Garden City Raly Inc Budinglon ON. Attention: Sue Edwanda Fax:905-333-3616 I V E-mall:suaano@roa-gc.com RO M 'UU Administrative Assistant requirad by amai Oakvitla accounting off ice. Succeveful candidate communi- caten effecivey, ix orgaxîzeil, reliable, and paya attention f0 datait. Racaptîn do- tien inctudeil. Groil warhixg, kxowladge nI MS Ofice raquîrad. Bookkuepng akîlla a duO iie assai. Ernail rearne tai: jobad@cogeco.nt Receptionist Requtrol for Minnînnauga West Company. Comparer expedience and gool commuxica- hi.ona skitis requinud. Email resumoe .alanasltech.ca Tnucking compary ix Mîloun reqoinea a Pull trne Recopionst/ Adrmnistrattve Aseisitant. Piea. fax Requîred for reaurne foi. busy Miton 905-875-098 off ice, able or "-ailla,: juiiadeiarnaea- person ta traUbluelined.com. prepare simple financiai statementa and i(aan oceue 6assfied Hours Fax rsumetoi: Monday 10 Frîday 905876-3448 9 am to 5pm Fnîd & Russell Office Prodacîs is currenfly 0oakîng for: -0r ee Otieae Please oisif the Careers section oi out websîte ion mare information www fridandrua1 icm lntvresfed candidates ara askvd to pîvase fax resomes in confidence. 10 Human Resources at (905) 8f45-0611 or E-mail to hi iitidandrussell.comn CONCEPT FORD INC. SALES OPPORTUNITY We are lookîng for a career oriented individual to add f0 our aalea leam and a growing markiet area. No experience required. *Top commiasion plan *Bonaaeu *Bentit package and dental * Training *Company Damanatrator Pleaae fxor emtail resume ta: John Haden, Salea Manager Highway #l7 - Georgetown Fao. 905-873-3309 Email: ihaden@0conceptord comn 'IrO00iOi loi W0oe f,oOoeoo N.-a arauY^.. eeKe k,,a.iedge ofi heal, anod evo..s o Orop Srmembo rea* 9%* ufth ancnd.,oht Im.$vok Conoedi saly nia bnmas and macoe .ForeveYOUNG Forever Young, Canadans leadirg publi- cation for 50+ connumera and a diviaion of Metroland Printing, Publiahirg & Dia- tributing Ltd., han an immediate opening for an enperierced Retail Advertising Sales Representative The candidate muai poonean a minimum ai two yeara pnini adverining salea expie- rience. An imprenaive busness devetop- ment record and agency experience ia atno an annet. The nelected candidate will have an entrepreneurial spirit, the abdily 10 work bath an par af a team and irdependety, and veitl be extremely veel organized. We are tookirg for a aetf- starter veho ns highty motivated and han excellent communication akilta, both writ- tex and oral. tn thin rote, you will bu cuntomer focuned and will buitd ntrong relationahipa oilti reve clients by ennuning that their adver- t îning reeda are met. You will bu goal- oriented and capable of meeting regular montly budgetn wilhin a deadline fo- cuned ervirorment. If you would like 10 wore for a leader in the media irdunlry thin opportunily may bu the right one for you. We offer a com- pelitive compensation package and bure- fila an veeli an ponnibilitien for future ca- reer growlh. If inlorenled pleane torward your renumne, no tailer thar Septembur 13, 2006 10; kbreeson@foreveayoungnews.com fox: (905)337-5571 We appreciate the intereni of ail appli- caria however only thone nelected for an interview will be conlacled. No phore calta or agercien pleane. TORAREE LECI SUPPLY Eetia xeinenecessary ISalary/ benehtnlobonus Grjtcareer on ntfi Fax Rosumes la: 905-276-740 Email: eribrarch@torbramelectric.com Local leader in Canadas a1 induatny is xuak ng inde iduals lu juin aur tearn Wv rauw have positiors available for Lot Staff New/Used Cars Pull-rime l2pm-9pm, Mon-Thora, sait Bsm-6pm (2 positions) ae nghdrOOte m55rý raveý - Eice1:eni motiva or, - BersIsoerted . Work h r r es or s oýr 01aý Pluane forward reaumne la rmcneitt@teggalautugroup.con Or drap off resurne lu: New Car Manager - Bob Kanary lUsaI Car Manager.- Datte Marcuzzi UsaI Car Sopervisur - Rab McNoii *V- r a' apOc2nrt eor 3Opay, g but 0511y trioe ýcnu,,erec bil; cn contacted.