Mi' Qaîîabiau Qbamptou Miton s Community Newspaper Since 1860 R E AL E S TAT E See what's on the market inside S PO0R TS IceHawks secure first season win wwwnljtoncanadiacharnpion.com C O M M U N I T Y Arthritis sneaks up on its victims -Walk..indciic opening GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION TEAM EFFORT: boe Zhou teamed up with his son, Kevin, 8, piggyback style as the pair took part in Sunday's 26th annual Terry Fox Run at E.C. Drury High School. See more photos from the event on page A4. By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF October 20 will be a day that brings good news on Multons health care front. That's when a walk-in clinic thatîIl operate almost 12 hours a day will open on Bronte Street, helpmng take the load off Milton District Hospital's emergency department. "This is big news," remarked Halton Physician Recruitment Co-ordinator Angela Sugden-Praysner, pointing out it's the first daytime clinic in town. "Theres definitely a need in Milton." The initiative, called the Milton Urgent Care Clittic and Family Practice, will be headed up by two fulI-tirne doc- tors - Dr. Mustafa Kamouna and Dr. Ziad Al-Qaseer - and four part-time. "Itfs going; to be staffed by local [arn- ily and emergency physicians," said Dr. Kamouna. In addition to medical problemns typ- ical after-hours clinics deal with, Dr. Kamouna said the new clinic will also be able to handle minor fractures, breaks and lacerations. And gîven the rapid growth in Milton, he said he expects 80 to 100 patients will come to the climc and ~DOCtOr on way Anoffier new family physician bas signed on to set up shop in Milton. Starting November 1, Dr. Ugo Dag- Ellams will begin practising at the Kelso Lake Medical Clinic, said Halton Physician Recruitment Co-ordinator Angela Sugden-Praysner. Dr. Dag-Ellams received her training in Germany and at the University of Western Ontario. Two more female family doctors have alson confirmed they'll corne to town early next year. They're both recent graduates, one frorn the Urtiversity of Toronto and the other the University of Western Ontario. Those in need of a farnily doctor can caîl Dr. Dag-Ellams at (905) 876- 1011. practice every day "There's a demand and need for this," he noted. He explained the idea - part of the local Family Health Group initiative - has been in the works for some time, but it took awhile to seek an appropri- ate location. Since the clinic will be in the med- ical building portion of the Bronte Corporate Centre, just north of the cor- ner of Bronte Street and Derry Road, Dr. Kamouna highhighted the fact that its within one minute of the hospital. Another benefit of the new location, Dr. Kamouna said, is that itîIl have a lab and pharmacy on-site, along with many other physicians, including a surgeon, obstetrician, urologist and pediatrician. "It'il provide one-stop shopping for people," he noted. The climc, at 400 Bronte St. S., suite 103, will operate [rom 9 arn. to 8 p.m. Mondays to Fridays and 10 arn. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennessey@m)riltoncanadianchampion.c om. Inide Todlay's Champion OPINION A6 HISTORIC HOME A9 CHAMPIONi couNTRYA1 DATELMN A14 CLASSIFIED A18 wwmiltoncanadianchapion com www.miltontoyota.com GORRUD% AUTO www.gorrudsauto>group.com Jac Nureki Mareo KIMg 6..e R 96 3- 4 A-1 ROSE TRXI 905-875-1900 cait 10% SENIORS IIIIýDIScOuN1 __1