20 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 19, 2006 l~IIng ~ rTmInInq li aggsaer Orr Gea ~~Hp ~MleeHep - ' G Yuuet i LEADING EDGE caerrîg1 Office Administrator Honours Buiness £ Administrton HtAILTON 905.528.8972 s5 ciiI cm. àor,%s*utN MISSISSAUGA 905.949.4955 CALL TrODY1 -fnxiiaustee M be s" eo = = ers I M ti "LEG GEF R1IE Gerri. El.ctric, one of Canada s largest independeot distribotors cf electrcal, automation, lighting and data communication products, is an 150 9000 company wîth a repotation for service, qualîty and great careers. Our Oofkvil Showroom currently requires.. ePermanent Part-time Your friendly nutgoîng disposition is coeîplernented by somne retail experlence and a dedication tn costomer satisfaction. This rote requires working approximately 18 hours per week, weekends and ose emening pet week. At Cernie Electnîc, vie offer a culture of inspiratin and challenge. Please apply, in confidence, to: Huma. Relaseurces Manager, GERRIE ELECIIC WI4OLMSU UIMITED, 4104 Sentii, Service Road, *,rlingtou. ON L7L 4X5 Fait (905) 681-1774 e-.aiit H68geniecem Conanalittel Io Quualifty IDî'dIiafî'îi to Custcsns'r Stîcct's- We îbank ail applîcanin loi ilion inîciosi, hoievoi. ûiîiy itsp iniocted loi ai) intoerve wl e coiiiacied. caners o cý Hndyeon Hayperon NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMVENT a CORPORATE SALES OFFICE The advertising sales representatîve wil i increase sales through new business developmenf. This is a fuît time outoîde sales position at our Corparate Sales office, 10 Tempo Ave.. Willowdale, Ontario. Rssponsibilities * Promofe and oeil Metrolandos speciafty publications and supplements inicluding. There's No Place Like Home, Live If! Canadas Heafh & Wellness Magazine, Get Connected, Giff Card Giving Supplement and more * Prospect for new accounts including researching advertisers in compefing publications " Creafe proposais for prospective advertisers fhrough compelling business cases * Assist clients in ad designs and co-ordinate with Production depf " Develop advertising programo for clients and negotiafe rates within acceptable guidelines " Attain and/or surpass sales targets * Address client conceno in a timely and protessional manner * Manage bath sales and administrative processes Compotmncima, Silua and Expllerienco Competencies: Action orientet, Drive for Results. Composure, Customer Focus, Creativity, Learning on the FIy, lime Management * Superior customer service skiffs " Ability f0 build and develop effective relationships within the team and with clients * Strong sales, presentation and telephone skilîs * A proven history of achieving and surpassing sales targets, an unprecedented drive for results * Solid organizational skills and time management ekilîs with the ability fa muftiý-task * Ability tai worls in a fast-paced, dead-line oriented environment " Must be able fa concurrentty manage bath sales and administrative responsibilitieo * A minimum of 2 yrs experience in advertising print and magazine sales preferred If woring witit a hîghly snorgized, campotitive team is your ideal environment, pliase emnail your rosume ta: rscapin@metroland.comt no later titan September 22, 2006. 1Tempo Ave., Willowdole, Ontorio, M2H 2N8 MMetrolandCommnunity Newspapers www.metroland.com www.millionhotreaders.com Thank you for considering Metroland Community Newopapero as a patential employer however onfy those candidates oefected for an interview will be contacted. Consuiting Enginéers and Land Surveyora _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Relaed nteredite LvelProfeso onal Desi908f ot Iand 5years experiencePoect bllngl Bulinoupply yard WIP/AP/AR/GUPaynnil and yeamend wnrfsng papers. requîtes: Resmefso iniv9dlgbasnomc DZ DRIVERS Heavy lifting involved. Drivers must provide currenf drivers icense with boom fruck experience an assef. We provide a compefifive starting veage and compeny benefits. Patente Building Supplies Ltd. 7449 Trafalgar Road/Aubum Road (souh of 401)Homnby (905> 875-279 AflRIDGE IRANSPORTATION INC. Ontario's largest privalely owned school busing compony 1NOW HIRING AND TRAININO IMMIDIATELY FOR MINI BUS RUNS IELFOR PAtRi-TUME PERSONS - Fr". Trahàg Excd5.t part-dmi oa m Ds.t - Cmm a.p.ttv is fatr Rut 'oe T rais on su aior luge y$"$ - Sbay at ha. pantis - Extra .ud.gs avaié with - No bâby-stiu ciuier wr Cldée ilile FIEE SCHOOL ROUTE OPENINGS AVAILADIE IN DURLINGTON & OAKWILLE TRANSPONTATYON 111C. Cali - 905-333-4047 CHALERS SSOFUELS DZ DRIVER Rq Inede ee petrdeum pn sucts. Must hune petroleumn espeîerrce. *Fao resume to Or emai to admi nOchalmensfuels.ca GelHlp eea HmIHp FOOD MANUFACTURER BULKSHIPPEPVRECEIVER Responsible for filling out bills of lading, customs papers, loadirigiunloading bulk liquid tankers, and inventory coritrol. No forklift required. BLENDER/OPERATOR Measure and log ingredierits according to formu- las, machine setup and test finished product for quality. Ability to work overtime, weekends and shifts. Excellent compensation plus berteffils. Fax: 905-873-1190 THE OLDE HIDE HOUSE ACTON LEATHER CO. FURNITURE DELIVERY PERSONS Must be courteous, have a valid G license and pro- rvide a clean driver's abstract. Previous commercial driving is an asset. Heavy liftiM is required. Please fax or email to: 51%4534514 rneWOohh.t Or complete art application formi at The Olde Hide House ~M GnHslHlp SHERIDAN College Trafalgar Residence FIT, lIpm-7am, Sun-Thurt. $llihr. Montor flse of resi- dents, admin. duties, computer & Microsoft Dfhice shills required, otnong onganizational, communications& cuotomer service olsîlo- writtentnertial JOBS AVAILABLE Production worh in mhe MILTON area. $12-$l31hr. AIl tits anailable HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Mals SL E. Ste. 205, Nhton Fa 05689930Li Siding/ Soif lit/ Fascia/ Eavestrough Instailers Wanted Training Available Caf t: 905-854-5963 Fax: 905-8.54-5992 "KIDS ON TV!" "Commercials, Film, Videos, Sorien li Plnr* Fnesh Faces ageo 2 yrs- Seniors nreded immed. No tee's, Ns courses. To age l/Sensaos cals. Vie make $ wnen you make $ Cali Now. 416-221-3829 e JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB Eam extra $$$$ vie are looking for reliable, responsible Youths and Aduits . For doortoi door fa delivenies PLEASE CALL 905 878 5947 x245 Ful-tie G OO MILTON COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE HOUSEKEEPER 7:001 io 100 pm - Monday to Frîday We are tsokîng for someone to loin oun team You must be flexible, enîoy wonhîng in a chîld fniendly envînonment and s team playen. Piessa. fax your resuma to: 905 876 1273 Attention: Heather Jackson or emal ta: hesI Wrmcrc.on.ca Deedtine Septemrber 25th, 2M8 FeTriig-Part-Time Houro Perfect for retîrees and homemakers. IfI you have a few hous a day and enjoy the L.....i.fchldren plese contact s a.. 90"-77-2231 or 905-877-4448 ,Training NOW for S. tomber We sre looking for a peron who os nteresfed insa getvlneropportunity. Tis peraon needo foi *be motivafed, energetn and have feachi ng and /or preorotaf on expere ence. Ysu wsuld he part of a hea rsoibe for feaching our training oss tiont for or crsi felephone lne. Pese cal Gai at: 905-877-055 , sâ 1 A vibrant and grawing food distributor lacated in Milton is currently seeking a responsible and reliable individual. Excellent opportunity for someone who is looking fo start a career. THE SKILLS: 0 Strong customer relations 0 Excellent English Communication * Possess a pleasant telephone manner *Organized *Able ta tollow Procedures *Good computer skilfs, a definife assef Please E-mail your resume fa aoIIerenshaw@freshstartIos.com NEED CASH? FT/PT positions untif October 31 sf Flexible Hours - Training Provid ed -Cashiers - weekends (experience preferred) *Baker - P/T weekdays & weekends *Barbecue & food services - P/T *Farmers'Markefs - Wed, Fn, Set WEE-KEND AVAILABILITY 15 CRITICAL ANDREWS SCENIC ACRES Applications avaliable at the farm: 9365 10th Side Rd. 905-878-5807 Da-e mports os a leading imponter and diotributor of gi unae to retai stores acr005 Canada. We nurnently require a customer sensice person to wonk in our buoy office. Go1j elphne and1nohem soljjn sls are required. Pbausa applyto0 custonsersevce@dandaocanada.com or by fax to: 9054876-9912 www.dandeenda c M /IIDmndt TRIAC 116NLTIDOm PARTSPERSON Brandi ITantot Ltd., tewsdd's arge prate y hield John Deete Csnstrsctioe & Psnestry Eqaîpment Dealer, rs loa&itîg to tIl thr msftef Patsperseo. The suniessfutucndidate wtt be responsîble forpronioting partusles for the Oîtnh WicO and Bandit prsdunt lites as weIt as pars identification, nounter and phone sales, shippingl reenîrg, ondes pinhing and îraentsy cortrst. Preference wîtl be gier ro apphicnr witlt presisus pantsexperirnce in the csnstinitenr eguipment irdustry. To hecane amierribes of the winnisg tram fsteanti yoat resamne tt lshore@htandttsactot.nsn by September 22, 2006. OnIn these apphicants srectred for intensm es o ntacted. No phneelh please. Mailing Addrews Attention: Branch Manager Brandt Tractar Ltd. 8035 Esqaesing une E lae tI Milton, Ontanso L9T 5(8 Fan: 19051 093-0772 Vinit us at wwrabandttractor.com to cira ail empîsyment opportunities thrssghsut Western Canada.