Volunteer report ready By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Alter more than a ycar of public con- sultation and research, a community plan that supports Ilatonis non-profit and voluntary sector is rcady The initiative, which received sup- port rom the Regions health and social services commîttee last Tuesday, was crafted to help move the secior [rom potential crisis mode to long-term sus- tainability Created by the Chairman's Roundtable on the Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector, the plan contains 15 recommendations that respond to cor- rent trends and issues, ranging rom raising awareness about the importance and value of volunîeerism to reducîng the competitive environmeni around fundraising. Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline applauded the document, calling it a "made-in-Halton solution." tIl s ti uly one-ot-a-kiînd," she remarked. -l îhink il (the plan) was a real passion lOr aIl ol tîs. It was really a bauds-on groutp. Burlingion ( ouncillor joan Lougheed spoke about the public forum recently held to present the roundtable's fîndîngs and recommenda- tons to tbe community - an event that was aîtended by over 300 people. 1 was overwhelmed by the number of people there. 1 think that speaks to, the need and importance of thîe report." ln addition to endorsing the plan, ihe committee also supported having Savoline requesi meetings with applica- ble federal and provincial minîsters to revtew the plan and seek support for the actions wîthin it. The matter will go before regional council tomorrow. If everything's approved, another community forum will be held November I to launch the plan. Melanie Hennessev ian lie îeached ut mhtiisivi ýitnaainhampion. om. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 3, 2006 - A5 Ilim Pi I Nothing surprising: chair ff fromn HALTON on page Al DFSIGh iors, rentaI housing, medium and high-density rcsidential FR development and one-person householcîs. *Milton bas ihe hîghest proportion of resîdents parîlci- patîng in the labour force and hîghest perceniage of-housîng 0 0 needîng major repairs. *Halton Hilîs bas the youngesi population, ldest hous- tng stock and lowest les el of unemployment. -« g-.tt *Boîh Milton and Hialton illîs arcetehnically the least b,ýa--adt In an interview wiîh The Champion, Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline saîd shte dîdn'îtbink anything surprising came 1 out of tbe atlas. "But every document we produce is a base for learning," she saîd. "1 îhînk that we've been a community that always looks at every aspect of where we're ai. its another way Halton is a leader." m The information is based largely on data gaîhered during the 2001 Census. Savoline emphasized the lact the atlas will change in the years to come as the community grows. "It won'î just be a stagnant document - it wîll be active," she said. "its an evolution." Once the 2006 Census information is released, staff plans* to update the social profiles for Haltons communîties. Melauite Hennessi'y catn be rcached at mmhennessey(a@mi lion- canadianchanipioîî.corn. Enloy Culligan for only $19.95 a mantii. better wajer. pjr an smpe: 5-47 Main St. E. MILTON 878mO931 m iA