Multon's Community Newspaper SînCe 1860 R E AL ES T AT E See what's on the market inside S POR T S Sr. Royals earn shot at pay-back wwwrritncanadancr pion.comn C O M M UO1\1I1T Y Puppy learning to be dog guide GRAHAM PAINE/I CANADIAN CHAMPION TRICK OR TREAT: At left two-year-aid Amelia Crowe shows her kîtty cat costume aiongside mom Jennie at Sundays Halloween Party and Spooky Grand Opening at the Milton Communîty Resource Centre on Bronte Street South. At right, seven-year oid Pamela Prasetya, decked out as a good w tch, works on painting her pumpkin, one of the days activites for ghouis and ghosts of ail ages. Hall packed for al-mcandidlates meeting By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF t was standing room only at a Wards 2 and 4 al-candidates meeting last Tuesday evening when those rnnnng for councîl were ques- tioned on everything from transit to the town's rapid development. The session, held at Hugh Foster Hall, drew more than 100 concerned residents wbo want- ed ta bear what the contenders bad to say The candidates in attendance were: Ward 2 - Mark Curtis, Peter Haight and Jim Timbers, Ward 4 - Wendy Scbau, John Daly and Paul Scherer and Wards 2 and 4 (iocalregional) - Rick Malboeuf, Ron Furik and Nicki Ward. Ward 2 incumbent Mike Boughton svas absent due ta an MRI appointment (he had a brain tumour remroved earlier ibis sear), wbile Wards 2 and 4 candidate Colin t3est had a scheduling conflict and Ward 4 Councillor John Challinor said hes jusî startîng a new job and bad a meeting with his boss. Growtb, as always, was a bot topîc of tbe nigbî, wiîb one man asking the candidates ta explain bow ibe speedy des eloprnent andi resuiting traffie chaos %vere aliowcd ta happeti. Scberer saîd be docsnt undet stand bow ît got away tram the Town lîke it dîd. If elected, lIl sure as bell make sture were doing a better job nsanagîng growtb," lie said. For Maiboeuf, the developers are contrai- ling the growtb, not councîl. And Dalv saîd wbile be bears the Town bias a plan dealing witb tbe growtb, he doesnft tbink Ot bas a vision. Schau explained the Town's 19971 Officiai Plan said Milton ssiil grow, anti now the Provînce's Plaîccs ta Grow, plan has designateci the town as a priority urban grawth area. Ibhere are places wbere we can and cannot stop growtb.' she saîd. Sbe alsa noted tbat if tbe Town were ta turn down a developer wbo bas a good plan, then the municipality wouid end up before tbe Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) for a costiy hearîng. Hlaîgbt saîd bes tired of hearîng, "The Region won't let us, tbe Province wont let us." It daesnît have ta be (that way),' be said. Tîmbers concurred tbat -council bas ta take a stand somewbere and take contrai back." And wbeîî it carnes ta the traffie problems, Furîk explained the Town doesn't receive development charges ta beip pax for infra- structure until residenîs Fhave moved ino their new homes. see TOWN on page A7 Insideàn Today ys Champion OPINION A6 HIGH SCHOOL REPoRTA9 CHAMPION couNTRYAI1i DATELIN*E A12 CLASSIFIED A19 www.mitoncanadianchampion.comn Inserts: FULL OISTRI 'UTION BOUCLAIR- MARKS WORK W/H MCDONALDS PARTIAL DISTRIBUTION BONS -SPORT MART -GlANT TISER -HERBAL MSS C- HOME DEPOT -RENTLY PWOt)LINCOLN S655 MAIN STREET E» .f011 M ler Change F' ailinspectIon I.R Jj ~ Check & lrpUpo01Fhakls à e D atiry IlBat ,PRotiae ires TAXI f,~75~i9OO 'Il tiI I I I 1 A Metroland Media Group Publication a Vol, 147 No. 67 Tuesday,, October 31, 2006 44 Pages * $1.00 (incl. G.S.T.)