Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 2006, p. 31

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - B3 &j-±iiyfLiys Canadians need to get serious about seasonal flu (NC)-Despite ilis seriousness, a large proportion of * Canadians do flot consider influenza a poieniiallv life-ihreaten- ing disease. However, according io the Public Healih Agency of Canada, 4.000 -8,000 C anadians dte e cr-sar due lu inlitien- * za-related complications. In recent Ipsos Reid surveys of more than 1,200 Canadians, only seven per c eut of parents saicl tbe irsi ibing îbey would do ai tbe onsci of flu sympioms is make a dociors appointinent. A signifieant mnmber said their firsi response to trcating influcenza P., bcd resi (35/i), and/or (uer tibe-coinier mecication (33'),,) Many C anaclians belie e hat once thex ire sick w ,tithie fOu, iliete i-slitile liev ctnd(I other iban cisc the ss'mptoiq. Fesset- titan 20 per ccittîf îcîtplc w ere aw.tre tbâantiviral iiîcdic attows c 5<1 st a,;t lcatitîctt optitonit1,4 akc t1bc'nî (cel betici Ilîsici .and( pr evetiscri otisse lli5c 1tlct li. Ittrcsunn.'lx7 i1-cent.of panîctîts staicI1141lih.du ktîc'sx a prec rilin idic4lct4oitwa.s .45 aibl4' it sioiil .c'el o ibeir recos crs .anclliell prutect ilteir 1l.îc oîl ni dlic Oithi ewxocî(d ,sk ltîîclîtdctîîîfortil ' cttng .ti citatc(ld titcl in .îsbî ng ,îtiîc gtil.rlsan- tbe besi means îu preveni influcenza. However. influenza stl causes tbitcsauds (of infections in Canada eversy car,' stvs Dr Allîsoî McGceer, cliectoi of infectiotn cuntrol tl îMittint Sînai Hospital. "BecI resi, Oîîîds and over-ibe-coutîter utecicatictus can belp sooibe fOu symtîponîs. buwex'er antixiral mecicatîctus cat preveut comnplications, and maRe people feel liciter fse Be Preparect- Tbe Canaclian Naticonal Acivisors C uîinmîîîee uon Immunizatictu encourages ail Canacians lu prepare fcor tue Oct season by geîîing tbeîr anutal vaccine sbot, yeî unis 38 per cent oîf aclulîs and 34 per cent of cbiidren gel xaccnated agaînsi sea- <4mal i Ol, i coi n.r441 Io (Ilc4 u rxc \ (, . 44444wu 4I do(444r .ab4u4444 44 Ili)l 4,444II (444' .41441 1 ant 1(4iun hl Il\('1(444 14,and(1 li Cl 14 .444 .44 i i, (Ju pLN lu p .icc 44444ou 144444 41144, 4(7.4iI Think about Preventionv .Altltî4glt ite lt is a lîiglly cuîîtagîus vircus, .tinI1g tbe <lii caciof ibe Oct îs 041 ttp fii ndîîitvîLîCanaclians, Focr mtît, feeling beiter is ibe uitîtber une lîrictrîts lut addition 141 anîsual sacciationu, antiviral nieclicatiuns ,îîîack tbe influenza viruîs, ancd ibus prexent tbe infection frutru gettîng wctrse alncd elp ici lirexent îî irutm spreaiiug te, otber peo4ple. Know the Treanmt Antiiral incdicati4us arce e nîlv prescripticîn itedîcînes available 441 treat tbe liiiAnîîbîutîc s arec14441eflective agamnsi tbe influienza v4irus. *iHean*nci Audiology Centre & Dlspensary Th i f e. e euii Here is your opportunity to give yourself, and someone else who truly needs it, the gift of better hearing. Until the end of this year, Hearing for Life wilI offer you $50 towards the purchase of a new hearing aid, when you donate your old hearing aid. While it may flot be helpful to you anymore, your old hearing aid stili has value, It can be refurbished for those with pour access to hea!thcare, ensuring others benefit as wellI -EY LE- URHARN -AD Haigfor Life 47Laurier Avenue, Suite 3, Milton 905.693.HEAR (4327) Clearsoluions Counselling, Therapy & Mediation «ec#4 0dý /d ý4«/stam Do you feel stressed lots eft fe time? Seem to react or overreact to minor events? Feel completely lethargic and unable to tind energy to do even the simplesf things. You are flot alone and you may be dealing with the atereffects of trauma. Wbat are tra.matlc events? There are events that most would objectively agree are fraumatic: serious car accidents, being raped or beaten, near drownings, lite threafening ilnesses. However, many .everyday" events can also be taken on as trauma. These include being yelled at, minor surgeries that involve anesthesia, tender benders, talling off a bike. These events can ead to high levels ot nervous system arousal or energy build-up that essentially, if not discharged, leaves our system "ail revved up with no place to go". How muci energy are we talklng about? You've nu doubt heard of the (frue) story ot a "ittle old lady" who manages to pull a car off a child. In that moment ot threat, she manages to direct ail the energy that is racing through her system to the very tocused action ot lifting the car. By lifting the car, the woman created an opportunity to lower her nervous system activation so that tf could come back intu b4iance. Imagine ail that energy wifh nu ouflet; ail that survival energy getting "sfuck" in the body and the nersous system. This stock energy is what creates 'trauma symptoms". The various symptoms of trauma result trom the bodys attempt to "manage" and contain this unused energy. Some physical symptomns include chronie pain, immune systemn problems (colds, flues), fatigue. o l VËOt 4.ct .)4 4.6 exampie ut what happens when we are yelled at or teel stressed: *we tense our shoulders or neck - this becomes a routine reaction and before we know it we have chronic neck problems *we shy away and avoid conlict - when this becomes routine we tind ourselves unable to assert or contront when if is healthy. Maybe we even end up in abusive relationohips. tel: 905-302-9481 ie > eex md4 "d d s//îa.ce" a4e we hoid in our own emotionai experience, say anger - like a beach bail beid under water, neuf thing you know if sfarts f0 fînd ifs way ouf, somefimes as rage, wifb liffle provocation. Heallug trauma: "Somatic Experiencing®" (SE) is a sbort-ferm naturaIisfic approacb f0 the resolution and beaIing ut trauma deveîoped by Dr. Peter Levine. SE employs the awareness ut body sensation f0 heIp peuple "renegutiate" and beai fbeir traumas rather than relive tbem. Witb apprupriate guidance wifb the bodys instinctive "tdft sense," individuais are able f0 accesu their uwn built- n immunity f0 trauma, aiîowing the igbîy aroused survivai energies to be safeIy and graduaIly discbarged. Wben these energies are discbarged, peuple frequentIy experience a dramatic reduction in or disappearance ut their traumafic symptomu. Sume aisu experience beaiing un mucb deeper leveis, what lu otten described as an "awakening" f0 feelings ut empuwermenf and cunnection with the world. lips for dealîng wlth trauma: Firsf, and toremusf, tivd satety. Once yuu are safe, the mosf useful fhing yuu con do lu jusf observe chats happening in yuur body withoul judgmenf, jusf wafching aud understanding thaf yuur body bas the (ouate ability fo regain ifs hlap(p f Vor .i lt io 44.'"..l ,64<4'4 n our body; stumach gurgling: hreatbing deepiy; crying or augbing. These are good, if meanu fbat you are discbarging some ut this the energy and cuming back infu balance. If aiso lu very important f0 sfay 'gruunded.' If you are feeling disuriented, confused, upsef and n disheliet, it on a chair, feel yuur feet ou the ground, press ou yuur fhigbs, teel yuur bebind on the seat, and your back supported by the chair; look around you. lips for belpl.g your chlidren deal with trauma: If trauma happens to your chiidren, again first and foremout find safefy. Once you are aIl safe, and just as an airline attendant would instrucf aduits to put their oxygen mask on prior to heiping a child, if is important that you puy attention and calm your internai stafe. Once YOU are more settied, you are better able f0 heip your child. You wiii want to puy attention f0 your child's bodily responses and reactions and validate these by not trying to stop tbem. For example, if your cbiid s trembiing, shaking or crying, let that happen. Support these reactions witb your words or touch. For euampie, put a hand on your chiid's shouider or back and use reassuring words such as "that's o.k .... it's ok tu cry .feel angry ... shake .... just let it happen". Atter your childus physicai response bas settied, validate his or ber emotionai response. Let your child know tbat wbatever be or she lu feeling is o.k., and tbat you wiil stay close by and are availabie tu listen. Resisf the femptafion f0 "taik your chiid out" ut fear, sadness, anger, shame or distract hlm or ber. Your cbiid needs to be given permission f0 feel what he or sbe is feeling. lu clusing, as humans we are extremeiy resilient and bave been able lu recuperate trom the must borrendous tragedies. Furtbermore we base the ability f0 let ourseives he fransformed hy the process ut healinq sur traumas. Trauma is a tact ut lite, but if doesn't bave lu be a lite sentence. and healing for user 20 years and bas advanced clinical training in several mudalities inciuding Gestalt Tberapy, Somatic Experiencing Trauma Heaiing, non-violent communication, Transpersonal Tberapy. As a Iung-time educator, Donna also offers seminars and worksbops un beaîing for the general public and beaifb professionaîs. For more information contact Donna af: or cal 905-302-9481. f ,~9pp~CIç~rQl www.clearsolu~ ç - J7 - - - a ý L âudkk"-- - qqw7""qS4,11-ý

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