Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 21, 2006 OPINION1 Honourji Most people apprucîaîc a lîttle rccognitîon for ibuir contributions, but unfortu- natef>' we can aIl bu somne- wbat negligent in giving ot. As Mions ccîmmuniîy newspaper, weru proud to bu able to oflur ibu 2006 Ontario.Junior Citizen of tbe Yuar Awards so we can ruc- ognize tbe ouisîanding ufforts and aubiesumuents oîf ycung people - rîgbî buru on ibuse pages. Pluasu belp us b>' nomi- naîîng a young person agud 6 îo 17 wbcis ins'olvcd in commcit service; bas pur- fcrmud auts tof' broisnî, is coniributing ici tic connct- nu>' wbile living wîtb limita- titons; or is a good kid w'bc sbows a commitmcent ici make lifu beiter for oiburs, possibly doing tbings not expected of somneocuis or ber agu. ig youth t (Co-ordinatcd by the OSntarioî Comrnnt> Newspapers Association (OCNA) and supporiud financial>' by Tcmnbec Iu. and TD Canada Trust, tbis programn recoginzs ail young people noinînated. Fach nornincu recuives a cer- tificate of recognition froin ieur community nuwspaper. Up to 1 2 noininces and one group fromn across the province arc ihen ubosun as the final recipienis to reccive 2006 Ontario junior C itizen of tbhe\'uar Awards during a spuciai curcuon>'in March 2007. Nominations will bc .îccuptud uritil Novumibur 30. Further information about the awards programn is as ailablu on-line ai (click on the Awards link), or by cailing the OC NA ai (905) 639- 8720, cxi. 235. Readers Write Send youi letters to iltoned@haltnnsearch. oem or &op them off at 875 Main St. E It'II be a busy and exciting Paws for Thought support four years for new council was much appreciated ZbMe anaban <cb~ampion Mi o riri iiyN , spp rSiio' 186 875 Main St. E. Miton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editoriai Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karon Mico-li Production Manager Ihm Colos Circulation Manager CharlCno Hall Office Manager Tort Casas The Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Fniday ai 875 Main St E., Miton, Ont, 19T 3Z3, is a division of Metroland Media Group Weot - Group Publisher tan Oliver Adveriing s ai opion teîo oînditioî 'th1e eeiof a typographi <ai or tai poirtio heo 550, oqn spaie oiiîpîod b5<te e oneoocaî 100< iîgeihoî ciii a reasonabIpoaieo r sioignature, cil îoi bouharged fo, but the balancb oftheadortrîioo tocil Ii5opaid for ai the appiciable rate The piNiihsho ,ete o igchtI o caioegooivesrnsor berl iolno CCAB Audited DEAR EDITOR: 1 would liku to congraiulaiu (Gord Krantz on bis successfol bid to again bu tbc may'or of Milton. Finru aiirnpressud by bis dudica- lion îo fulfili bis rolu of office f'or as long as bu bas, and to sif bhave ibe dusîre to rin again and continute to survu. To mue, it sbows a ruai lovu for tbu town of Milton. i'd lîku îto îbank tbu 3,363 Mlionians- 28.57 pur cunt of tbu lîgîblu voturs -wbo sbowud con- fîduncu in mu and gasu mu hibuiîvotu. i'd uspeccaliy lîku ici tbank ibosu ibat buelpe uciccring ni> canpaign. 1I bulvtu iat Milton is a town witb poiuntial, ,andf ils nmy boc u ti uscr erffort is madu to takc ads'antagu cfIle uoppori nt> ici contincu to kuup Miltomn a gruat placueiii lise aîîd sso k. Sts maku sureu ibat ss ucapitalizu on th bu xperiencîes of uirber tossos iit base uri gnuibrocigbibuhegross th ibat Milton is now cxpurîuncîng and fuai n ssa bawsas donc i igbî,ancl asoi ait>mis- an uxpancîcc gruunibeli along tfhu rail fines, fi- examplu? Lui's miaku sure we bavu trails ibai arc iruls connucted. And fuis maku sure tbu design of our roads accommi-odatu cyclisis,, botb in iossn ancd on tbe nural roacis. A w idening of tfhe rutral roads would makc it saler fcor tbe farmurs moving înacbincr>' as well. i berus more to planning iban just duiurînining ss b,îaiacas arc rusiduntial andc s btIlch arc îndcisîrial.Luts proidtsîl dulil ttl,, sbat dunisitîs'iff-iiustng ss c aru loiking for, svbaît> tif îîoîcfnusîry' cr business in uacb aîua wu sbîîulhasu. And boss'ean wu bulffcr rusiduntial arcas fromn industrial onus? flow dco wc aitraci people icitbu downtown arua and kuupfit vibrant? Is tburu an>' wa>' iciaccommuîodate ibu arts centre into ibe doss nio\)sn aiea ratibur iban tsolaied oui ai Main Streut and Fbiimpson Rîacl? Wbai plans cI wu bavuelfoi addition- aI ruccreational faciliiius, givun tbu incruasc in population? V lai-ns l ibu sports centru bue expaiîdc, ancf wtll tbu nuss rinks bavu apprcipriteaius.ting to alluîw lioi vtwtng of ibe gaintes? Wh at atctions are butng taken wttb tbu Rugion aînd Province to unsuru ibai bucaltb cace srvices keups paic wiib ticdc? tLts not Icrgut abouct scfîools as sselAncd wbat are tbu plans to unscîre ibai road infrastruc titie is n placc- o fît-n niceofîclfoi 'mm'b bt o I buse airecis soimu of' ibe mati> aruas I îbink wîlf ruquiru caruful atten- tion, and I wîll bu looking for opporici- nîtîus to gui invcîlvud and providu assis- tance wburuvur possible. Once again, congratulations Mayor Krantz on p'ur wÀin. fitwill bu a bus>' and uxcîîîng four yuars. GERRY MARSH MAYORAL CANDIDATE DEAR EDITOR: Tbe Paws for Tbougbî event, beld October 1 ai St. Paul's Uni ted Cburcb, was a buge success. We werc able to raise over $2000 for focal animal sbelters and find bomes for two dogs and ibree kittens. Tbe event also raised awareness in our community on tbe needs of tbe shelters. In addition îo ibhe money raised ai tbe event, Miltonians contribuîed various animal- related items ibat were badi y needed. Tbis event was made possible by Tbe Cbampion's media coverage and by local businesses ibat dug deep into ibeir alrcady depleîed donation budgets and provid- cd some amazing items for our silunt auction. i would also fike to, îbank Pet Valu, Global Pet Foods, Rens and Ruffins for ibeir conîinued support. Thesu locations will continue ici take your donations fromn now untîl Cbnistmas. If ycîu are interested in donaîing, but flot sure wbat to donate, the parîicipaîing stores will bave a lisi of mucb-needed items. CATHY PRENTER Oriano Commuo i5 Ona NowspapersAssociation Newspapers Association SSburaanNeospapers ci Acier, <a Haliii Halhcare (~Y/~4y JingleBeol Furid ~ JUST PAWS U W V Best of Iuck to new cou ncil OF MLO TV AUCTION DEAR EDITOR: 1 i cal ',os "-\ifcî ce oit cîîtîctl. i bocgh disappointud in ibhefulcticin reuclts, i accupi tbu ducîsion of Milton voturs and wîsb tbe ncw councîl al tbe busi as ibu> facete i any cballenges abead. Tbeir îask won't bu easyfbut i know ibu>' svil doi tbu busiibcy can. I wculcl liku to taLc tbis opportunit>' to îbank al ibosu wbo supportcd mu in ibis lection, as wuli as ail of ibose wbo parîicipaîed in ibis election. RICK MALBOEUF, CANDIDATE WARDS 2 AND 4 REGIONAL COUNCIL Showease Milton ,mi Awards MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE 1 Ili MMII

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