Champio.,,nCountry The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 26, 2006 - A9 Yates named Honorary Mayor of Campbellville By Robin Downton-Poirier SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION ~oining the previous 24 *recipients, Harry Yates ~was bestowed the titie of Hc !irary Mayor of Campbellville during an officiai reception held recently ai the former location of Vincents Art & Antiques on Main Street in Carnpbellville. Yates said its a great privilege to be named ibis year's recipient and loves heing a pari of thc community 'It is a great privilege 10 be named Honorary Mayor of Camphellville," said Yaîes. "Ouring the 17 years that joycc and 1 have lived in Campbellville, we have cnjoyed getting to know the people of the area and becoming involved in the community actwlities." The tradition of having an honorary rnayor in Campbellvif le bcgani in 1982 as a way 10 recognize re-sidents who have contrihnted to the conîmunity, said Glenn (,oldstraw, former chair of the Camphellville Santa Claus Parade Commîtîce. Comînittee members select the recîpient in late November prior to the parade so the hon- ourary mayor can ride on a float in the procession, he added. "The tille of mayor is for con- tributions to the community, in whatever role or coînhinations of activities tbe individual has rnade, usnally over inany years. Work with kîds, service organi- zations, church involvement, etc., are aIl part of the mix," saîd Goldstraw 1 The. parade commitîc makes ils annuaf choice to refleet that type of service and, of course, we arc not ahove recrniting ibis type of person for the parade committee." Yates, already a meinher of the parade commitc, r-noved to Carnphellville in 1989 after liv- ing in England, South Amecrica and Toronto. \Vhile looking for a retirentent borne i the couin iry Yates and bis wife, Joyce, -feli in love with the heatv of- the Niagara Lscarpment. I bey have both beeni involved in inany initiatives over the y'ears încludîng heing long-standing members of the Nassagaweya Commnnity Consultation Committee (NCCC) and the Campbellville Beautification Comîinittee. "In these bappy retirement years, we have heen interested in varions community activities sncb as the (Camphellville) Beantification Commitîc and jean Woods' Annual Roadside tLleanup. Tbis is where I firsi met Mike West," said Yates. "Later, I was pnivîleged to work with Mike wben be chaired the Nassagaweya Coîmnunîy Consultation Comomitîc. My involvement with the Camphellville Santa Clans Parade Coinittee bas been more recent though. Our retirement in Carnphellville bas proved to be a great and happy highlighî i0 onr fixes and the involvement wîîh village activi- tics bias been most rewarding.- Altbougb the honorarx, mayor bas nio 'official' dunes, Yates road in ihe Campbellville Santa Clans Parade last week. GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION Honorary Mayor of Campbelivvrfe Harry Yates shows his 'chain of office' with 'keys ta the town' Kr We believe.. in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. .1 : : ith gratituide LA VV and warm _ - wishes ENSAtEEBR7H for hppy I A anOECHNEdR EUN TPy! prosperousTONMAL FINAL ailSLE 900f811 FINat Entire In-Store Stocki Entire In-Store Stockl! NEW LOOK PAWERNS PATTERNS Individually priced. Individually priced. $1.99e«. 1/2 M.S.R. Price Dec.27-31 only. Not valid with any other discounts.. Dec.27-31 only, Not valid with any other discounts. % ýffl1W1U-ffle1 ý'I 1 ffer valid Dec.27-31/06, excl. promotional merchandise & special purchaseis. [=e7ils în-ýstýore. 547 Main St. E. MILTON 878@0931