The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 29, 2006-A7 Let's ensure it's a safe New Year's Halton mav fnrmn union with DEAR EDITOR: Let's ail conti ibute to making thîs a safe and happy New Years. Recentlv the O PP stopped and charged a maie driver driv- ing the wrong way on Hwy 400. His car had houles ol alcohol on the seat and floor. If youre trav- eling ai 110 km/h and a vehicle coming ai you is traveling 110 km, thais an impact speed of 220 km/h. Whats wrTong wiih ibis pîcture? Are the intense efforts of leg- isiators, police and the commu- niîy gaining ground on impaired drivers? Or are the drinking drivers turning the whole cam- paign mbt a show of booze logic, guile and slippery driving techniques? While we certainly feel and hope the efforts arent wasted, 1 îbink comînon sense tells us that as long as theres booze (drugs), wheeis and engines combincd, impaired driving will exisi. li's the frequency thats still in question. With 20 ycars of- invoivemeni witb anti-drinking and drivîng groups, 1 dont sec Comments about MP tough to swallow from MALBOEUF'S on page A6 îhrougb. Do you, Mr. Maîhueul? Il you bave any hopes of winnîng tise nod tu mun as tise Conservative candidate in tise nexi Icci crai clection - now theres an undersiatement lets make ibis a litile test of your eliitiliiy shahl wc? Spccificaily, how ariluill could you expIain bow you dîdn'î reaily mnean tisai people should he punisbed when iheir elecîed representative mere- ly stands up for convictions nul luîîy in accord wiîh bis partys leader! And whiic you're atiti, since you're ohs iousiv making 'infrastructure' your personai big cleal, how about explaîning bow youc fasourite loriTi of îî miglisihe a galiuw nis every prison, if not in tise public scquare? Isve heen a lleiong Liserai, but 1 helieve Turner bas stocl up for himiself and for Halion i a very big svay. Thle utnly question tisai remains is wbcîiser Fi-laton 4ill stand up) for him in tise nexi eleciion. i wili. Hes a man wîîh inîegnîty and courage. Tbats exactîx wbtt we need in Ottawa nov, and, I helieve, a forerrinnet of a welcome future trend in C anadian politics. RICHARD HODGINS HOLLY AVENUE Town Hall parking lot should be available at night DEAR EDITOR: 1 bave a point lu make about parking in îown. On tise wesî sîde of Hugis Street, wherc il meets wiih Mary Street, tiscre is a parking lot. Now lu tise besi ut my knowl- edge, ibis lot is for ai Icasi some of our political and Town of Milton workers. I have had tise pleasure ut being a resident ut Milton for about a year and a hall, and dur- ing ibis ime I bave found iîîîo be a great place to live. Also durîng ibis ime, I bave parked in ibis lot. On Deccmber 4 ai 2 a.m. I was îickeîed for $40 for being in violation of byiaw 12-81 Section 2. Now I dont dispute tise fine. Across use sîrcet there is now a parking lot where. you cao park for 24 bours. fiowever, uts unpaved and ful ut poîholes. Now our friends across tise sîreci in conîrol ufthtie tax dol- lar-mainîained paved parking lot would raîher bave a loi cmpiy ai nigisitisan lcitishe tax payîng car owners bave use ut tise lot. Wby? Well, uts une way 10 keep us in our place. DAN WILLE1TE MILTON --ý%ww uubJ @&mnIe 303v u Peel for joint House of Refuge an ending to the problem untîl ibere's no toieratîce of alcohol when driving a vehîcie. Tbis is working iii Europe. If youre sioppcdi a spot check or an ollicer even smeils alcohol on our hrcaîh, the vehiicle is compounded and the driver loses his driving privîleges for a six-monîh period for the fîrsi ollence not involi'ng another vebicle. Whaî ever bappencd to names beîng puhlîshcd in our local paper for persons caught driving wbile împaircd? ht was donc îwo ycars ago witb somc advcrsc reactons, like "Shame on you for prinîing tise namcs and addrcsscs of the impaired.' Wcil, if shame is what it takcs lu save lives, then shamc it sbould be. I for one dont wanî a knock on my door ai 3 in the morning to go idcntify my son or daughitcr who was involvcd in a fatal accidcnt. I do know that if my name was going lu bc printed in tbe local paper for drînking whiic iinpaircd, I would takc a taxi or use the "Tise Heart of tise Stranger,' a vivid story of New York sîreet urchins, la one of tise latest publica- tions of tise Fleming H. Reveil Co. transit. Canadians for Safe and Sober driving - as weli as other sîmi- lar organizalion., - are uiily as good as the~ common sense val- ues îhey and their memhersbips tmandate. Thcy musi îackle the primary ili, as ils the common sense deficiencies of our world, or in this case dangerous free thînking individuals conîinuîng lu drink and drive, tlîat contin- ue to risk aIl our lîves. There's noîbing wrong with enijoying your personal tasie oh a liquid substance as long as ils legal and in moderaîjon. The problcmr stili exisîs ibat modera- lion can be flooded into obiiv- ion by even the mosi well- meaning socialite. So lets sîay safe and make ibis New Ycar a joyous une, and not a malter for crimmnal prose- cution or a trip 10 the hospital morgue. Cail police if you spot someone swerving or biîîîng the curh. The police will he waîîing lu respond. PAUL FOREMAN BRONTE STREET Why has Bellydance steadily gained popularity as the new fitness solution for husy women?gae "I The most important factor in sustaining an exercise program is the 'fun factor'; Bcllydancing cornes with great mnusic, exciting mnoves, noisy coin beits, and it's own special dress code. Ii youir Îoîîrney rhrouigh ciscovcrinig this clance foriii you wilI fii rnany i'ntercstin0 aspects CLASSES START WEEK OF JANUARY 9th Class Time 1 hr. Course length 12 weeks 3 LOCATIONS TO CHOOSE FROM 'Time Capsules' are gcms of infor- mation extractcd from past issues Of The Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Multons past. Explanatory comment la sometimes provided to place the situa- lion in context. Marcis 1909 (Brampton Conservator) Under the law Houses of Refuge are requireil in the different counlies of tise Province. An arrangement beîween two counfies can be made. The County of Haiton bas made a proposition for a union with tihe County of Peel. Sucis an arrangement la agreeabie. Tise County of Haiton will PSY $2 per week per inmate for ail persons sent by îhem. Tise cosi of maintenance of tise House of Refuge isere lasi year was oniy $1.21 per heail, whicis, by the way, is tise low- est in tise Province. Sucis an arrange- ment would necessitate tise enlarge- ment of tise building. This would give an opportunity for tise improve- ments tisai are very much needeil. WG. Reid, of Hamilton, sued PL. Robertson Co. of Milton for damages for wrongful dismissal andl for salaiy as Secretary of tise Company for some lime in ils early days. Tise case was trcd ai Hamilton winter assizes lasi week. Tise judge reserved his decision but said he would alhow noîising for damages ibougis ie migisi ailow something for salary T.C. Livingsîon la now occupying tise large stone residence near Livingsîon Park, whicis he bougisî Lasî year andl wbicis was formerly occupied by tise laie T.G. Matheson, County Crown Attorney Ils interior bas been remodeleil and greaîly improveil and iî is lghted tbrougis- oui by a siche gas plant. On Saturday evening it was invadeil by a party of tise young people of tise town, wiso presenteil Miss Livngston with a isower of isousekeeping utensils andl spent hours very pleasantly Time capsules Tise wnîter is Miss Ruddy, daugister of John Ruddy of Milton. She bas spent a number of years as a worker among the immigrant children of New York, principally with tise Italians and no one understands themn better than she. lier pets name is "Christain McLeod." Thse Christian City says of the book "The children of the streets, who crowd its doors, are faîthfully and vividly por- trayed and tise reader la drawn close to these litile people in sympatisy, witis the comedies and tise trageclies of their impoverished but eager young lîves. Even the indifferent must be touched by such a story. The big six-day-go-as-you-please- team race in Madison Square Gardens, New York, ended at 10 o'clock on Saturday night. The French pair, Cibot and Orphee, won, making 732.6 miles and dividing $1 ,500. The Indian pair, Davis and Metkus, made 719.5 miles and got second money, $1,000. Davis, or "Bill" Davis, as he la called in sport- ing circles, lives St Lowville, on the old Cleaver farm wiich he leased from las owner, Whitfieid Armstrong, a few months ago. He la the man who firsi îrained and brought oui Tom Longboat and he la about to take charge of the Onondaga again. He arrived in Milton yesterday moming and, after a short stay at the Hotel McGibbon lefi for home. He says Longboat la one of the most contrary of men and has become more unmanageable of laie than ever. It would be much better for hlm if he wouid go to Lowville for his trainsing, but he inalais on staying at Toronto. Davis, however, isopes that he and Tom Flanagan will get hlm into good shape and says ise can beat Sisrub or anyone else when fit. This material is assembled on behal of thte Mlton Hlatorical Society by Jim Dilis, who can be reached at