A10 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 12, 2007 /r- IE 1~- yo.uf i%'rt C~1~k G CANCUN SAMANA DR PUERTO PLATA PUNTA C Saoea c Clu Bai Pmcp MMO W« RIu la s898 s75a7 s597 s»9 TaeesO273 neTessa$28 raree$284 Taxacs$28 1 week ah-Inlue jwka-nlusive va eieo al-Inclusmv 1 woek ail-In Janl 18,2007 Jan 182 2007 Jan 18, 2007 Jan 21, 2 JAMAICA HOLGUIN HUATULCO SANTA Lt RIu Negril Paawu a Bris"~ am Oc s1068 $1328 Bs788B $ 7 resue $266 aT&X 9210 Taxes 9287 Tua. $21 1 weMl aIl-incluslvo 1 oBole al-nclusIve osel ail-inclusIv 1---el ai Un Jan 22, 2007 Jan 20, 2007 Jan 22, 2007 F005 1,8,15,2 Prohibited weapon, drugs ýCf Wfl* 7 "U-.A C*4»#A1 ' goai 'Ilawu,È %, mà% àa " t. Ë aà u& so. 30 o I l e Il 0ouleI 16 Martin St, Milton Tel: <905) 878-2886/1-800-267-8728 a. muoe moe Select AAA Seef " Fresh grain fed - air chilled poultry" Police seozed drugs and a swotcbblade alter a driver was pulled over for allegedly leaving the scene of an accident. Just before noon, a Chevrolet pock-up truck was involved in a minor collision witb anotber vehicle in the area of t.awson Road and N a ssagawceya/E sq u e si n g Townline. The dniver allegedly leit tbe scenc after speaking wotb the other driver. Marijuana and a switchblade were discovered in the vebocle. A 23-year-old Havelock man was cbarged with possession of a prohibited weapon, possession of a controllecl substance, laoling to remnaon ai the scene of an acci- dent and hreach of probation. Trio breaks into sehiiol Police airc carefully stuclyeng vodeco octage En cîscertain the odentoties of three suspects on a school break-in December 29. A secunitv vadece shoews that two males and a lernale entered Sam Sherratt Public Scbool on Launier Avenue ai about 1 ar. i bey smashed open a win- dow to gain access, went into the office and rummaged ohrough a desk, but notbing was taken. The damage oo the build- ing os estomated ao $450. The two omales are described PoliceBlotter as baving slom buolds. One was wcaring a mid-obogh-lengob winoer jacket witb a fur-loned bood. Underneatb it lie was wearing a white shirt with an embl.em on the front. The other maIe wore a simi- lar jacket woobh a bood and possi- bly a white toque. The female bas a petit build and was wearing a dark- coloured bomber ]acket woob a fur-lined bood. Home broken into A borne on Martin Street was broken ino Tuesday night. Police saod unknown sus- pects lorced their way onto tbe bo~use ssbtle its occupants werc away sasmetirne bctween 6a and 10 p.rn A Play-Station2, sîeco and CI)s \vere stolen. Thbe value nI tbe stolen prop- erty os estimated at $300. Chocolate bars swiped Tbirteen C.aramilk bars were among the items stolen overnigbt Friday from Dance Element on Main Street. Unkooown suspects smashed the Iront glass to gain access, police said, and entered the maon office area wbere tbey pnied open a cabinet. Taken was a small amount of cash, a black gym hag wneth the words 'Dance Element', the chocolate bars and sonne chips. Dry cleaner broken into A dry cleaner on Main Street was broken into overnoght last Fniday Police said the front window of Stopps Dry Cleaners on Main Street East was smiashed open hy unknown suspects who then grabbed a small amount of cash fromn the register. Business broken into A bair salon was broken mno overnight Friday. Police saod unknown sus- pects broke into Eclipse Hair Design con Main Strcet by forc- ing open the rear door. i bey then opcncd tbe cash regoster andI swoiped a si-all amurunt cef cash. Car vandalized A car parked on Wilson Drive was oargeted by vandals Sunday Police said that sometime hetween 2 and 10 p. m., unknown suspects sbot what were most likely pellets tbrough the rear window of a 1997 Ford van. The value of the damnage is estimated at $300.- Quality cuts of pork ____ Ask about our specialt Cuts and roasts o Let us help with your CATERING & SPECIAL EVENTS EXPERIENCE OSCAR'S 905-286-9250 I / Hauts: Mon. Fri. loam-7pm, Sat. lOam-5pmi, Sun. ClosRdIm 2850 Argentea Road, Mîssissauga t4 r4IYour Comploitef Bridai ______________Planning & Shopping Connectuon Jraa,a 20e5 & 2e-e 2007 Look for our red Hot Winter Clearance Flyer a-ý r in todlay's paper! tha'most Unique -engagement story contest chance te wfn 694 & Ever weddlrg bernda, da E provueded loy Barry's JewAelers Ltd. ene o~p nd ine 0wt orîelhvvd t bir'p n bde ,, te ce"n7 a ýi cime - o . dation5 7 Costly Home Seller Misiakes Free Report Visit. www.haltencostlyhomesellers.com SATU1RDAY JANARY 13 2-4 pm, 1054 Bowring Cr. $296 904 Verge Cabca Roavd LePige Meadoaiowne Reab, 905-878-8101 2-4 pin, 22 Adams Cd, Acti, $264.900 Marc BasOro - yJ. LePge Meadoalowne Reaui,. 905-988-1IO 2-4 pm, 1075 Cooper Norm & 1ert Lyon Hilson, ReMax Real Enraie Cenre 905-878-7777 2-4 pm, 334 McNabb Cruc. Norm & 7ent Lyni -irîson. ReMa Real Esiale Cencre 905-878-7777 MUIAY JNUARY 14 2-4 pmi, 1053 Wickso Way, $21000 Ncrm & Teri Lynr Hilson, ReMax Real Estare Centre 905-878-7777 2-4 pi, 517 Hawthorne Normn & len yrr BOn isor, ReMax Real EstaIe Centre 905-878-7777 2-4 pm, 1100 Cumming. $009,900 009091 Truria Royau LePuge Meadowtowne Reallto 905-878-8101 2-4 pm,'9115 Dublin Rife, $444900) Adina Nrsý Royal oRPage Meadoueliare Rec!ty 905-878-8101 2-4 pre, 1059 Gortear Way, M49,900 Caroie Budwcort Royal LePage Meadewlcwne Rea4 905-878-8101 2-4 pre, 1517 Marshall Cros., $474,900 rngrid Hoilirger. qcyul Leage Meadovrcwne Reai[y 905-878-8101 2-4 pil, 1090 Spiruoedaie tare, $45,900 Hurler Obee. Royal LeBage Rieadowwnre ReuIlty 905-878-8101 2-4 par, 1013 HoIdsworie, $49.900 Eva Gocdng, Royal LePage Mneadotone Realey, 9005878-8101 2-4 pro, 695, Eelwards Ave., $2711900 Mutirew Clapperton Royal LeRage Meaecwluwre Really. 905-878-8101r 2-4 pm. 7164 Guelph Lire, $499,900 8on ScouiIey RoH l ePàg.Re.0arceunan ReOr, 905-878 8101 1-4 pin, 647 Marley Croc. Sco9 n Prir rop ReMue Rea Estce Cenre 9058i 7171. 2-4 pan, 5484 Appieby Lire, Suriengter Aire Iuyoi. ReMax Real Errae Catra 905-9887777 2-4 pane, 442 Woodlaur Croc. $029.900 Gradir Crinoc. ReMua Real Escule Cenre 995 898, i77 2-4 pal 284 Rardoli Croc., $469.900 Wayn7e Cassonr ReMa Real Rurale Cenre 905-878-7777 0 coe