Credible road trip for atoms SOMCi Il\\ ýIx %\ 1 i o L 1 \ \11Os 1 1 Iihcu hciic loaci tip. hui thcx sure oHfcrcd Tri (ois suppcr- crusi soute stifi coililipi(ii I cing Illc top icaillii- n sirec i uc \\iiiIIIIxk l. iii- 'slicc! xii mxoIox' iig Lce ý ans~d a1 iii i ci el i 0h aiigux'IlIc \l oiidaxcxcii Milo hut a icIII Ill ptiîs'i. iii xii i Iiac il ii stictciI ini \i i l xii b il â li 'cti île ltoi a ý3 l il aici suri ici dei îg a paîtir oliird pci ud goals io tic formidable cies Jacoh Quinin anid hien Preisuer cach hiad a goal and an assisi, wiih Rourkc i erguison rouudiug out ihce scoriug anxd Sain Robson coutruhuîung ixxo helpers. Connor Flallyhurion was hetween the pipes. The tic broke a ihree-game Iosing skîid for the Winierhawks. who losi 3-1 and 2-10 to he Oakx'ille Rangers and Stoney Creek \Varrîors respec- tivelv last weekend. Both games werc esseialx' one-goal decisions. wih th, Rangers cemeuhing iheir wiu with an enxpiy uciiecr Saturday. Adan)i \\'iisoii xas ihie loue ttarksinan in thiat hard-hiiting affaîr, xxhile Jusutin Broxx'ti scored agattîi 8tottcx t. reek. Milîtont nearx cx cned îiîgs up xxii h tc extra aitieku i n the fitnal mxinutue iif pxlay. I laIllbuitoit atxd Niteliolas I liîliiati sîxîi (lic iagc xxiii ix ci Ilxecii Noxx 8-18 I, tlic 5,5 itîins (i ose x)li i î'iulat 'c:tsixi 11xl1x IxIt1iixx t xx ai NI îtîît 'iîît .cixti-c agtî iî GI aiic litii i,, p.0 xiii 1) ItkîxI iii txxluI lot xii Intrigue itîtîx Moi iecti roadIi p It Ititi lus \Vticri iix ks tox1xlcd ite Shanixrocks 5-3, deslxite lxxsittg siartung goalte Pat Fitlialrtck li a fîigliîiîg eiecicn nîîdway îhrîxugh ihe îttghî and heîîîg shorîhauded for seven mntes as a resuli. Milton tniinized the dam- age .rottx titis - gîvting rip jusi ixît goal - and gol a sîxlîd per- formxance oui of inmpromptu replacemîeni Michael fiarînga. Michael McClelland îallted tixce andl Richard Mitk had a goal and ixxo assitss Alsti scol îng xx'erc Dîllan Ixaraîcîs aid Ry atx Raniîat. Threc days eau lier in 1lluuutorougx, th lic ttrxaxxks spoiîed thxc Sahres a 2-0 lcad hefîxt sltuxg-shiîiîtg Ixîsi ihetî for a liige 8-3 vit ory. rNixitîik led xxîiîh ilrce gîtaIsý !txxtIýiIa isxîttiiixjl wli Raiiiîii, i\tteit cxx 13oix'jii Juîstin Gii> and Ntck Witlliamns. I he hîtck 10 lxack xxxns lied lic AI hantattis iii Q1 13-2 lîcadl tng luito lxi iitght s îîîp) to iA iidgets edged ioo licti (iil inî (i'xxgci0iX i I i ix iti aý tIthc piie AA Siittdgcis Icl -1-2 io iti, Rtts dtoppittg tictit n I 1 3 ilii Igue plax.> taic Miltonx sutgc sx'Mikc Pix ipull fls icami xxitîhîti a goal xx îîih an unasý,stcd_ ,horthauded taîll> hcfore the hists sealed the dcal wiih au ettpty netier. Luc Hartwîck recorded the visiiors' other goal -midway îhrough ihe second perîîîd with help frorn Wade Mcûinnis and ran Hunmer. luîey DeAthe wxas sieady heîween the puipes, hut his evenîng counierpari was red hot and iurned hack 'a nuinher oîf quality scortng chances. The loss snapped a modesi îxx -game unheaien sîreak tior the AA uxdc.s xho hase thîce gaines lif in the icgular seasuxu and xxîill louik iii gel hack in the xxiii coluilin ixrnurrixx ai Milion Spoxrts (. entre againsi the is 7:30 l1 ux The Canadian Champion Friday January 12 2007 - Ai 5 I Januarv In ail furniture ordersI For ail your childlren's furniture needs from infant to aduit. of oe 0 Fine Children's Furniture Linen and Decor 2111 Dunwin Dr., Mississauga 905.828.2525 faiang Dundxs Street West (2 blocks west of Erîn Mills Pkv«) L:--