- I The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 12, 2007 - BI ARTS New Milton rock band Topp Crime is on the rise By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF I s tw o stages have caught the svveai dropicîs ol suich aruis as the Rolling Stoncs, Elvis C ostello ani 12, w nain e jusi a kew. forontos lainous El Moiatnbo Tas crn is a liv cmiusic club that's been hosning top naines lor more than six decadles and bias been reieried tw lw media as "a launching pad for great local talent. Last 'iaiurday. Miltons ow n lopp Cimue 10ond themnsclves pei fornnng on one' of those vety stages. Fachi of ils litve y'oung band meinhers \vas quick to agree thîs was their iost inenunorable perforinanc - to date. bo add to the excitetrent, frteiuds and lans packed onto several buises io inake the trip to the Spadina Street svenue and show their support. "A lot of our frtends and lamilv caine oui and seuncd to have a great tuine,' said rbhtn guitarisi and singer Deick ( hampoux. 1(). Vesold oser 100 tiekets.- Topp Cnime co-beadiiccl the show with about 10 other groups. "i \vas the iirst uine i piaved outstde of Milton, so it wvas realis different.- saîd lb vear oid kes ,boar-disi Carl Steinhauser, adding. "I %vas fusi a loi of fun' In the audience w as a representatis e froin Sotw BM(, wvhich made the show a bit nerve sxracking. band incinhers admitted. Iopp Crime wvas foried about a year ago witb Derck, bassisi John Chaliîîor 111 and drummner Kevîn Marshall, botb 17. They reaiized tbey needed a iead guitarist and called upon Scott Campbell, 17, wbo readiiv accepted the post. 1 wanted to bc in a band," Scoît said. -1 lîke piayîng and writing music." But sometbing sîill wasn't quite nigbî. -We started writing some songs and playing shows, but we feit like we were înîssîng sometbmng,' Kevin saîd. Carl proved to bc the missing lînk, and joined the band a [ew monîbs ago. Since then, they've been performîng aroond town at venues înciudîng the Hardbali Cafe and flot Rods. John and Scott attend Milton Distnict High School while Kevîn and Carl are at Bisbop Reding. Dereks în bis second ROCKING ON: Topp Crime band members (from lef) Scott Campbell, Kevîn Marshall, Derek Champoux, John Challmnor 111 and Carl Steinhauser take a break from practising. The group bas been together as a foul band for just a few months, but have already secured some prime gîgs including one at Torontos famous El Mocambo Tavern. y'ear of coliege. The band recorded a demo CD ai the end of September, an experience Kevin said was "pretty cool." Tbey're current- iy wrîtîng more songs in hopes of makîng a fuil-iengtb CD. Topp Crime memnbers described their music as tradition- ai rock wiîh a biuesy and soinetimes acoustie and alternative feel. "i îhink we try to bave a lot of energy in eacb song,' C ar said. Wbat sets îbem apart from otber bigb scbooi bands is, weil, their talent, said Derek, wbose musical influences range from Led Zeppelin to the Beatles to the Tragicaliy Htp. "Everyone in the band is the best musician at their instru- ment F've ever seen," be samd. 'i can trust them - i know tbey il do an awesoîne job." Bass player John agreed. We,'iet a s'en' taienîed band, especially Carl - hes unhe- Ssee TUNES on page B3 J ~'Iil t'Z9LUI ;1 1B II Tuesday, January 23, 2007 * RattleSnake Point Golf Club Autographs: 6:00 pm * Dinner: 7:00 pm Tickets:$125 plus GST - Table of 8: $900 plus GST NY1-L HacWf F&a*sner M-(L HaZ~Uof 2005 flc4nem, Drver of the, Year Don't bA di-r.annnintpdl Pitirhîni vdtuar fig-kafc nimaI < er at 905-878-0581 PLATI NUM SPONSOR: GOLD SPONSORS: SILVER SPONSORS: «3 C r u'iip cas s jIJcaiin*wni. , mw"Lm CLU3LIN< WCc" 11,1 F Ri1EN D ARTHUR ELECTRîC INC. URBANTECH GRAPHIC DESIGN SPONSOR: D