The Canadien Champion, Friday, January 12, 2007 - B9 *a 1ne ew Year iïth a Healthy New Body Forget the gymn, meal cards and pis or potions in order to lose those extra holiday pounds. The sure way to lose weight dramatically and permanently is with SureSlim. For a one-time fee, we can reprogram your metabolismn so you'II begin to lose pounds and inches immediately. Cali today and let SureSlimn design a customized weight-Ioss programn for you.A @ Michelle tost 110 pounds and her Type 2 Diabetes is under controll* ] q SureSlim Oakville 237 Trafalgar Road (Irafalgar Ridge Plaza) 905-257-1102 0 oakie@sMureca SureSIim Mississauga 3M35 Argentia Road (Soutliwest corner of Hwy. 401 and Winston Churchill, in the Supercentre by Starbucks) 90-28&M94 @ *Ine1iiirli i rei jitc mnv, %im