Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 2007, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 12, 2007-A7 A&P move leaves town wuthout 'Area roads in horrible shape, ~à ~ '~ îvb ee à î d4 DEAR EDITOR: Lt pains rue to say il, but Murray Townsend's comments about the grocery store situation in Milton may bave inadvertent- lv bit tbe nail ou tbe bead. Vs'eu i rst moved bere 13 y ears ago. 1 was a new mother witb a busband wbo commuted to Toronto. Because we oniy bad o1W car and i rareiy feit lîkec get- tîug up eariy enougb îo drop biru off at tbe GO station. i spent miosi of rny, weekdavs witbouî a vebicle. i-appily our bouse on Commercial Street was wiîbin easy walkîng dis- tance of everytng 1 needed - the post office, bank, drugstore, Harrs Stationary, several parks and, most imporiantiy a fully- stocked grocery store. Today, Qualiîy Greens is gone, tbe A&P bas moved out to the far edge of îown and Loblaws xviii soon be moving as weil. Tbe soutb end of town stîli bas FoodPort and LaRose, but boîb are considerably fartber tban i care to walk Àrit arru- loads of groceries. if ibis trend continues, tbe uirne xviii corne wben no one xviii bc able to lîve iu Milton witbout drîvîng. Tbe Milton Transit sysieru is iinprovsng, but is su11l iocused inainiy on geîting people to and frorn the Co sta- titou, not tbe grocery store. And wben people bave wo drive to get food, tbey tend wo drive to get everytbing, especialiy wben al tbe otber stores forrn a ring around town ratber iban are sit- uaîed in tbe centrai core. Tbis is tbe kînd of town plan- ning tbat's kîliing tbe pianet and rnaking us ahl fat. us not jusi tbe location of the bousiug deveiop- ments or the Wai Mari. aitbougb botb contuibute to tbe probleru. No, uts tbe exodus of groccry stores to the outskirts of town ibat wili ulimateiy turn Milton itt yet another subur- ban wasteiand. i can't tell ),ou what the solu- tion is, or even if one is possil ai this late date. i do know that council shouid have moved heaven and cartb to cîther heip Quaity Greens stay in business or ensure îî was repiaced witb another grocery store. As ot stands, there arc soine beautiful boutique stores and mrry wonderfui restaurants in downtown Milton, but not a groeery store to draw local peo- pie tbere on a daiiy basis. i fear that ibe downtown core xviii become - at besi a quaint and ioveiy, place to brîng tbe rel- atîves wben tbey visit. Ai worsi iî xviii become a gbost town. JENNIFER SMITH COMMERCIAL STREET Town's forced qrowth must be curbed DEAR EDITOR: Canadians as a wbole now view our ens-roumental situa- titou - botb in tbe worid and Canada - as an even greater conceru tban our beaitb care and our future econornie pic- turc. Our federal govermusent bas acknowtedged ibis number one citizens' conceru and bas now muade environtriental improve- ment a top priority Ws\ bave ais environruentai improvemnt opportunitv rigbî bere in Milton now by curbîng over-zeaious groth. î Tbis in tomn would reduce the quanttty of cars usîng aiready? cboked bîgbways and productng tonnes of pollution. and aiso reduce uew developrnents frorn beîng iocated ovet prnme ecosystcms and farmiland. We don't need any more forced growtb bere in Milton, wbîcb xviii clearivý cause tbe need for more developînieni ai lfwe incleeci we need tutelli forced growîb. be iînked to tinprovenient. tuai desirtictiot ment. uts tinte to b iy, proactive. 1 Transit service in older part of Milton eses WEST on page A6 station and left. its obvious that Route 2 is a longer route and bas a requirement for addîîîonai service thats not beiug accounted for. hi seerus to me tisai tise bus serv ice is accommodating tise new developineni. wbie tgnoring tise needs of oid Milton. Since ini ny view tise new resîdenîs of Miltons are not as keen on usiug public transît, wouid it not make more sense t0 provtde additionai service - at leasi during rush bours - to tise areas of tise uown ubat truiy, nced it? i iselieve tisat Rouie 2 can use two buses run- nîng tbe route at rush lbour. Thb becorne unhearable. and tise se dotng notising to beip uiders. Tb and tbe supervisors seemn utsv. iisvolved in soiviug tise intter. Milton aiso îsceds a way7 of co su supervisors to get siatus ou fine. Rigisi now Oakvilic tIrans auy calis for status ou Milton bours \Ve need betier servicea Milton. Thsis ttecds to bc addres N 'Time Capsules' are gems of infor- mation extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications in otuier to provide a window into Miltons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes provided to place thse situa- tion in context. April 1909 i-lton's good roads are said to be in tise worst of condition now, the mud being huis deep in many places This faci is likely îo be used as an argument by the supporters of tise good roada bylaw in reply to tise dep- utation of anîi-good roads men who will appear ai county councit. Mansewood: Tise Scotch Block football association has re-orgamized for the coming season and elected tise following officers: Hon. President, Reeve J. McGibbon, President, Rev. J.R. Watts; Capiain, G." Dobson; Managing Commiîtee, G. McNab, C. Robertson, N. McCallum; Secretary-Treasurer, WE Winlaw. On Tuesday afiernoon at tise bigbways, more meeting of tise county counicil the ndmore cars. court room was crowded witis tisose do need growtb. interested in tise good roads ques- gent growtb, not tion, tise greai majoriiy opponents of Growtb needs to tise county system and tise issue of environental debentures. Messrs. WA. McCartney, not to tbe even- Alex Porter, Wm. Agnew, Paul n four environ- Campbsell, John D. McGregor, R.E. Hall, Richard Graham, John e envirsunentai- Wrigglesworts, John B. McGregor, jas. Aitkens, Thos. Moore, jas. Little, BOB BEVETTE jas. Maison and Peter McDuffe MILTON addressed tise council in support of tise big petition for tise repeat of tise good roads bylaw andi against tise la cki ng issue of debentures and H.W Cook, Brownridge spoke in favour of tise cwaiii uies hsave counîy sysieru and in support of tise rvice provider is bylaw. e drivers are rude Tise speakers did not atways con- iling to becoine fine themseives îo tise points ai issue and some of tise opponients of tise .ntacttng tbe tran- bylaw devoteti a large pari of tiseir a particular bus time tO, discussing Mr. Cook. Tise îî doesn't answer proceedings were hively ai times and Taissit fines afier interruptions frequent, particutariy t tbe wvest end of wisen Mr. Cook isat the floor. Ltte sed, and soon. or notising was said in the councit IAURICE RIVAS about tise bylaw or tise issue of MILTON Time ï Capsules debentures after the departure of thse deputation. No instructions were given for the preparation of a debenture bylaw and as tise council wilt fot be meeting agamn until June l5tis it does flot seem tikely that any debeastures will be issued ibis year. lt may be expect- ed that more or tess work wiil be done on tise country system of good roads and that injune a bylaw will be passed to tev a rate to cover tise expenditure. Possibty it may flot be as large as that of last year, one mill on the dollar, but it may be tisai noth- ing tess witl answer. There bas been pleniy of excite- ment here during tise past week over tise boring operations by tise Halton Oul & Gas Co. Last week, owing tc a strong smell of coal oit froin tise well, wisicli had reacised a deptis of over 1,100 feet, tisere was a demand for sisares at te office of tise company here and a number of tisem were solti. On Monday evening fresis interest was created wisen one of tise boring experts brougisi to town a mixture of earth and crude oit taken from tise well. Tise oil was dark in color and tise odor was enougis to, satisfy anyone. Tise expert said he had neyer seen better indications and a flow of oul migisi be struck any day. Preparations bave been made to take care of it wisen il comes. Mansewood: Last week's isigis wind did considerable damage arount here. Among tisose wiso losi their barn roofs are Robert Stark, Sr., Robert StarkJir., Wm. Allen and Alex MacNabb. James Murray and Wm. Stark cacs isad their windmills blown over. This material is assembled on behalf of the Milton Histori cal Society by Jim Dilîs, who can be rcached at jdills@î Here's your opportunity to save lives. Milton Blood Donor Clinic Milton Sports Centre 605 Santa Maria BIvd. Thursday, January 18, 2007 i :3Opm - 8:OOpm Call 1 888 2 DONATE 150 Main St. E., Milton (ICROSS FROM CISC> 905-875 0313 frmr nomto rt oka ponmn. bodevcsc 4w 4)JIaIo> BaUtj S4s4 &&Iýat Sllo T"ýéM&ues-Fni 9-6, Sait 9-4 *PERMS *COLGUR *CUT for more information or to book an appointment. E [î il

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