22 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday January 23, 2007 __1 CaaasE prir aa ~ mHil Pn ~ ~Hal pna ~ Hep 1 -ULO-V Building Supply Yard ICER I requrresI*.,,: Fll lime City f RESPONSIBILmES stry leve psit ionî Bank econilîsion [eu~ 'ýew f L. WHS Topli wsilwithu exelen baenýefîDsace Processing and payment of vendor invoîces *..., ' I PElLJ4 igi Sales tax remittance I Heavy lifting involved. Drivers must Own transportation recommeddFrlf o Paoîl prcsingtr reod provide current drivers license with Please fax resume ta: 905-878-9010 *laefx ,sm e U dainisttven or eors Ieuie boom truck esperience an asset. fnChiNoa t9087081r OtherA amitrative 1f asfeuiedW provide a rompeifive sterting Atn Chn 1Nogalfooilide rAsk About.. nxîda v &_ recuuiîe 2 uîr'k on Lkis. opI , c Ls.125.OOÀ 10adiîb<sof twiî Here is four oppsrtunity 10 particîpate in the explosive grawtlh of a software companty Adlîb continues 10 increase its market share as a levuiung developer of document conversion and publîvhrng software than envoles the advvncement of document management processes. AAlib products are sold irterrationally I0 SMO and Fortune 500 comparies o ire. in a broad mia of markrets, încludîng consultirg, phormoceutîcal. manufacturîng, legal. healthcore. government. eau- cation, ana lînarcial services. Ao ce continue lu grow. our philosophy ciii re main Ithe same creation of inrovatîve software solutions crich erabie out CAO- tomerv to capitalize on thne value af their documents. To accomplîsh thîs. cx are expondîng sur team of fighly ombîtiaus, inquisîtîve. and adaptable prolessîonav witn a passion for technoiogy. Wx are currently /nîrîng for - MANAGER - DIRECT SALES *DIRECT SALES REPRESENTATIVE STRATEGIC PARTNER MANAGER *WEB / e-MARKETING SPECIALISI - MARKETING COORDINATOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Ail positions require the following: -Proven Obility in the job specilie areas of expertise. -Solid relatiorship builder, motîvator, pro-active. cog/niltive and forcart /nnktng -Prolessional conduct cîth a Fig/n level of intxgrity and interpersoal sius -Eotremely high eniergy ana stamîna wîth otrong lime management ana organîzational sius *Abiliry ta conk ellxcrively ander pressure - emorstrated wrîSter and verbal communication skillo Compersation suIt 0e commersurote wîth eaperîence, Are you interested in joining an eociting and grawing business? Do you poasess the abone qualifications? Send yoar reoume to hr@adtibsottware.com, For more information about the positions tisted above. niait aur website at www.adlibsottware.com. ~CI>e (tZnaldbtaal~LD0Drt5Pe0s Ii rieesmivr mm I. * * *Mn 3years experience FIlîTîme _ GTA R7oute BACK UP DRIVERS Clean Abstract j Needed lot upcoming 2007 W nter Seasoni OZ License plus 1t-year eaperience requited.ClMio CaIl Jim 905-877-1307 956928 Stock lrIIruohf3ottlt is lookios, l'or Positive. ('caring Sciioxîl Bus dr*ive'S. (Jiart lwuie lxn itînto St.Iv-11ît-loome puarnts anci tnties. (J Lienîce iiiiaoiiuiot 1 yeat FRI,,h TR.,1INI/%tG 2741 l'h îinoutth D)R. I ualt.(5L611 5R5 1A' 'A I ( X R K 1-PIRIXN l I()OM,ý-IN( 1-800-822-3732 905-829-2040 -At lest 3 yearso f related esperience -At test College diploma un Accsunting -Self otarter and quick learner -Proticient in Eocel and Word -Experierce in Business Vision ant asset -Excellent organzational and communication skills E-mail resue ta hr0 mmetra.c Project Manager Position Manages ail facets aI the prolects încluding review îng specilucationos, budgets. limeltames, unique de- lîverables, crîtical mileotores and resources. Espe- rience managîng prsjects un automotive and or aerospace us prefferred. Please respond via fax ai 905 878 2817 vilage and company benetits. Patente Building Supplies Lfd. 7449 Trafalgar Road/Auburn Road (south of 401), H-ornby j a (905) 875-0279 BULK SHIPPER/RECEIVER Responsîble for lilling oti bilts af lading, castoms papers, lsading/anloading balk liquid tankers, and innentory control. No lorkîlit reqsîred. Psy rate af $16.25 per hour. B LEN DE R/OP ERATO R Measure and log ingredients according lv formu- las, machine setap and test linished prodoct Ion qaality. Psy rate of $1 7.80 per hoar. Ability lv work osertime, weekendo and shifts. Excellent compensation plus benetrîs, Fao: 905-873-1190 $15 -$25 /yen claso. Reqaured part-lime Ion lunch Four and aller schvol programos un the George- tuolnMiltoni ares. We are lvvking for aulgoing indîvîduals cho have esperience workîng wîth chîl- dren, Must nove vwn cor Fax reamne, 905-526-0700 Emai oamiltoostoffsuperviavr@madscience.vn ca Permanent HeIp Fuli-Time Must be eoperîenced with gava relerences Coul 905-873-1899 8:00 am -4:30 pmu Or 905-873-8501 4:30 pm - 9:00 pmr Ytoung vexer ut new Miton based business sxeks energeric. retiabie and responsrie inivuala for immedase fll rime empioymeni. Ouries unclia utomotîve aoîrng, ruot Froo01 inn axa customer relarions, Opportanîry to grow wîrhîn an exranaîng franchise. Piease emtaut reaume toi: carinnahnedetailsffyatoo.ca or detiver in persan to. 88 Ontario St. N., Unit #3, Milton j We are tooking for key people to I eupand our FINANCIAL SERVICES IBUSINESS in this ares. Experience flot necessary; wie wilt train. FUILL-TIME BUYER/RECEIVER for Campbellville Parm Outres inctude placîng orders; obtaînisg beot pnîces, trackisg P.O.us, managing in- ventories; sther dulies as assîgned. 7am - 4pm, Mon-Pni, One year espenrence in simitar note. comfortable and kol- edgeabte wsrking in a farm envîlrmment. lnterested candidates can contact Rebecca by phone: 905-878-9375 or fax: 905-878-7897 ISolaycommensurate wth epeenceI IMikealer 7NIpmI 90-70273 DIVE IEDE I ZLIE Fraser Direct Transportation Fao an immedîste luli-time openîng Ion local short haut, Bondable, minimum 5-years drîvîng esperience with dlean ab- stract, TOC cerl, slraîght truck and/or fonkîrît an asset. Able tlft 501b. Speak, read, write Englisîr. Relerences required. Please send/drop lemume to: 124 Guelph Street Adtos, ON L7J 2M2 or Emal: humanresources@Iraserdirect.ca No pOone catis please. INeeded Ior Milton *location. 2 houso WELCOME WAGON reqaures avîgaing, community-minded people Ian Part-Tise Commiovraned Poaitions, Computer sCuils andS netuabie vehucte a must. E-mal reslume ta: idouglas@ welcomnewagon.ca.1 GARDE CETR M RHNIS Energetic, creafive plant aovers with retail experience needed ta work in busy locations. Part-lime hours nom with Fuil-Time hours in Spring. AIR QUALITY TECHNICIANS - Complele Co. Training S 14.95hr/$2500month ta start -Paid o. Vacations -Fulîtime bouts, ns loy-oIt s -Professional & friendly work envirosment - Full Benel ils You Ofler: *Willingness to learn - Positive attitude *Presentable appearance -Punctuality *Good wsrk ethic Ai Air Conditioning & Healing SAE EARMN e-RDI e-O Immediate fullItlime position, reporting to operalions manager. Position neqoines a mature indivîdual, euth strong organizational skills. MS proficiency ana good telephone monneriom. Responsibilîties include customer & soles quote 10110w upo, recors eeepîng and generatrng management reports. Comprehenaive benefit package. Fax resume. 905-844-9722 Customer Service/OrderDresk i-. iSHO in Gennrqetomi is ntaauiire e worid daA.,.niancewn n q nnAeqJf[Cl mI1npplin tihe autnAoie r n in Antsry and] has n exln t o enA Aoment iînnpnnn,i,înn n:ld iane .ng,nCn, w) nals PnAernnrdr rnnidpoorqecica su ln Tnndi Aes Juies inals eoAiAniAI a iuunAnuiwit qi Emait ta: bka.hr@aympatico.ca or taa resume ta 1-905-668-9630 S JOANNE FABRICS INC. Located ait the 00W & Winstsn Churchill Has 2 immedîste openîrgs for. Order Picker General Warehouse HeIp ReachOrder Picker Candidate -licence preferrea. Candidates must have strorg urganizatioral ukîlîs, worx celi under pressure and meet olric dead- lises. Qualîlied indivîduafs cas lorward resume ta: hr@jffabrics.com W le Cave ummeduate speuargs for engergetîx members 10 loin the Team in our Production Gneeshouses Greenhouse Technician (1) Centîlied (ar wîiling ta ohîsuol Onowen Pesticide Saiety Course Supernîsory expenrence neqoîned Greenhouse Crewv (loi ddenenai plant maintenance - evynnience pinelenned Production Crew (10) Production lune piranting. boadin9 andio fladung of shrpments Ail positions reqaune same weekend shifts and own transortation Ina public transit acceoss Onein the exsiion for wch u are appiune ana seAn xxv: u esauye in MS O foArmai Io HRi Depailmeni Terra Greenheuses Corporate Series se FiSt Conessix on aer mRWater Aveu: ON [OR 2Ht Fax 905fl-ttagsîo e-mail H@Terrn55menhauees.com Wetmaxi aitapplicaxlshouiever , vnily trose selecxul voran interview cr11 be ccnaauea Sales Cîerk/Cashier Ren's PelsOepot Oakxitle location keepo grswîng and 10 hîring agan. Loskîng Ion enthusiastic, ener- getic persor in out te- tait store. Must have great customer set- vice okitîs and be able 10 wotk ceekends. Fax femumes toi Jen 905-257-4614 arasnai tenh@renopets.com CLEANER'S needed part-lime for medica and office building tocated in Burtînglon & Milton. Experience required. 416-809-4101 Fax: 519-856-1194 mlosiak@ sympatico.ca GENERAL LABOURER FOR MILTON& KING CITY Temporary pasitions 1ha1 could become fuli lime, requîtes Grade 12 , and own transortation, Fax Resume to: TEAM Aquatic Management Groap 519-383-8570 or Email: teamoffice @on.aibn.com Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! $10/hr. and up- $2500/ mth. No experuence needed. Under nec management. Al deportments open. Lîmîted positions. Ca I for interview. 1-866-413-1983 extl. 127 Part-Time Warehouse Workers -Ideal Ior students - Evenirg Fours -Oukoulle Location Forward Resume: bcameron@ logihedron.com GemIaHop Ag$26/r Enumerationl * No expertence Training proxîded To schedaied an Interview Cai 905-5j25-0187 2007 Expansion Local company bas 17 poitlions F/PT speninga in customer sales/service $16.85 base/appt Great tnt students, bomemakers & others Flexible achedoîna, conditions appy. 905-338-6618 ww.eamparttime.cm HEALTHYS Nutrition Stores requirea fulllpatt-time & management Supplemrent Advisors Fax fesume toi Dale: 905-913-1008 Emal înto@healthys.ca Sao&Spa elp SG HAIR DESIGN *EXPERIENCEO STYLIST ana *F-TASSISTANT APPRENTICE* Sîgning bonus, com- petitive cages ana emplie uncentives. Drop off reatame to: 550 Ontario Street, Unit #10, Mitton or E-mail: sg -hairdesigrf@ hotmail.com Get Paid To Learn A T rade Cati for information 905-407-4901 AMADA PROGRAMMER/ OPERATOR needed for turret punch] press Pega 367 Excellent opportunity for advancement Fax resumne f0: 905-3316739