The Canadian Champion, Tuesday January 23, 2007 - 23 Slled & Skilled & Sae Hl Sales HeIp Sales Heip léhia td[ý eep fieHl fieHSpc epAes l & Ageetts &Agents ..ic!!5!ol Hel.M j!!eclhHel!. Ofic Hlt rl enIaa nentoal oue high-tech com- F/T POSITION FOR A v ~pany ocatedin Georgetown sIlokingfor an~ RAIEMREIG I Diesel Knievel experienced PFATVEMRKNG leC u ýP, e . r 1PFRSO io OP uppori * Top pvadact We'ii koop yac bceyi. Phono Anthony torsa cantidentiai conversation 905-877-0149I Or lax resume ta: 905-877-4557 Irrigation Distributor in Miltas fias 2 poci- tions avoulable. mîttîng ta, mark long week dapa. -Inventory/Warehouse Person Some eepenience mîlfi insentony contrai a7na software. D river/Warehouse Persan Fax: 905-878-4501 or email: Expenienced Duct Cieaning Technician Wated Muet have a minimum ot 6 maniha experierce euth truck mvunted doct cicavnan equipmevt. Muet ho an oaperrevced driver ot standard transmission cube sans cîth a vaid driver's tîcenco cr0 otean abstract Must Se avaitabie Mon, uay to Saturday. Proterabie local ta Mitrn Georgetoen or Octan. Campetîrîve cages nias commission appartunOiies ana tait boetîlts. Position avaticeto îmmodîateiy Cuit Homo Herses lnc. 905-702-9300 RINTERMEDIATE ACCOULNTANT Nata Amerîca Canstruction is a Govora Contractar, spociaiizing iv lange municipal con- struction praiecta acrasa Canada. We anc look- ina for an Intermodiato Accauntant at sur seau anfie in Morrîsfon, Ontario tîvat Sauth of Guelph). This us a tantastin opattunity ta de- selon vas1 accauntîva sius ana combine yaur eperîenco ana edocatian white marinini a ai_ root supor roie ta nhe Cantratier Responsibilities -Pertsrm GL accaunit anatyirvs and recancitiations -Propane hank recancitiatians -Alscaîe costs ta jobs -Fixe assot maintenance Minimum Required Qualifications: - Min. 3rd leset CGA or erruivaloat, and a business or accounung dîpioma - Min. t year accaunrîng or otfice experience - rofiaient computer akîlîs înciudîng MO Excel at an întenmedîate osail -Strsng analytica and probtemn saivîsa statua -Strong interpersonal ana communication akîlîs, botfi wrînten and vevbal *AbIe ta meet tîgfit deadlînes and praduce qualîty worfi *Muet Se a team player and have a positive attitude -Keen attention ta detai -Jonas accountîng sftware or construction espertence an asset NA C s lînown for the wap WO treat our people. We oPter compettîve wagea, excellent benehts, and a dynamic worinen veironment. Send nesame ta RECRUITER Fao. 519-821t-tt1 Ilr Please maclade job tille in email subteot tino GUAR-DTAN The succovssul candidiate wiii have several years esperience in an A/R or A/P rote in a manulactur- îng and distribution campsny. Strong organizationol skîlls, excellent wrîtten and orat command ai the Engtîsh language are necessary Floency in a second language such as French or Spanioh woutd be an asset. Send your resomeand caser letter, in confidence ta: E VÂE Dîna Detigiannia Presîdent Taylor Moaing and Storage, est. 1959, currenta trac a position open in the raie ai: Rating! Receivables Clerk This 'safultai time entry Ieoei position in tturtîngton,Monday ta Friday 35 heurs per week. The idea candidate fias eitfier erperience or han an educationial background rn administnative worls.inclsding basic bookkeeping. The otarting rate ot payai $12.00 to $13.50 per hast dependîng on esperience. Benelîts are aaaitable ahier the tiret 6 monthe emptoyment. Please send att resmes to the attention ai Rick Taylor: las (905)632-8130 email Nicholson and Cates Limited (Burlington location) We are hîrîng for an ovtry level Accounting / Administrative positian thut iv porioct for a rocent coliege ,Accoclting or Business Admfvîstratîvn) graduato. Dattes include: lnasicing Receiving Order entry Basic accoasting tanks and recsscitiation's Tihe successivi candidate muai nave saper or Ex- coi and math skulis mtat wiii ho testodi, ce dotai orîevted and ovîoy prvbiem solvrng. Tihis vs o great stanl in a growivq. campary. Please emtail resumne and salary expectationa foi: ILaalsing for office iîoip Permanent part-timo. 24 30 irvurs pcr week Flexible daytîmo hours Biook- kopîng rocoptian 'and varîvas ather office dunies. IKnamiodgeofa simpiy accaot vori an auvet Must ho campvtvr liteiato Fac rosumo ta 905-873-3993 Mtt-tasring, onorgotic, praiessiana indîvîdua required for front desk receptiis Reqaovting an indîvîduai who thrises an Seing paoi vf a ream and iv reudy ta semoe sur cvmmunîty Camputor siitt a must Hvurs vt aporatîvo Mondaya, Wednesduys, Frîdays. Piease submit resme and caver tiltler to: Milton Canadian Champion P.O. Bsx 31 A, Milton, ON 19T 3Z3 LE.GAL ASSIIANLC1.ERK REAL ESTATh Solo practîtîsser reqaîres ecperîenced reai estate assîslant/cork to handie reat estato transactions trorm bogînnîng lv end. Must fie crganîzed, able to work indepeedently and hase good workîsg knswtedg eI ofiec- tronîc registration and teranet, Osstandng communication skîlte are essectial. Please submit resumne in confidence ta: Loren D. Greenwaod 152 Main Street East, Milton, L9T 1iN6 T: 905-693-0336 F: 905-693-1304 E-malt: REETINS 1 e ASISAN This position ciii asciel cith HR actîsîlîca ta support af a production maucactur- îng ennironment. Quaified candidates should ba abie ta elfectisely: l nteract cith othere *Applp their aceertiseneca -Echîbît a positive attitude -Coordinate tueke to geltinge dyne *Handie sida rangeaif uctîsîtice ai a tîme -Work sitfi Windows bused programos Responcîbilities ciii include, but are sotl imîted ta: *Anser phone -Baco ap the paprol tunicion -Front door reception Admînuetrale sarîsus OR uctisities - Plan and impiameni social tunictuans Pleace apply February 91h. 2007 and inclade salary eepecitans io: Humnas Resources Departiment GUARDIAN FIBERGLASS 300 Main Street, Erin, Ontario NOB 1iTO Fac: 519-833-9749 Emal: annalittle@bp.-guadian.csm ho tetephane catis pieuse. Only fisse selecied lot an interview ciii Se contacied. accscntant's ottice, asng Smpy Accnng. Part-time, tlexe elurs. and a. gava matning knamlodge ai Coti Drue Version t12 Microsoft Pubtisher, INDesîgn ond Interniet Applications. The succeeflu candidate mut ho a strong team pioyer, a multi-taker wîth ecptiona customer sermîce akîtte. Reception re- liet Os paot af thie posîiio theretore reception ee- petience preterred bat est neceesony. Il you posee the above clls and quaifiîcations pieuse torward pour remume ta eusane@remoe or tas: 905-333-36t6 W1 Accaunts Receivable/Admin. Assistant A gnowîng compuny in the field of Veterînuary sup- pies nequires c seIlfmotîsated indîvîdua sfio demt- onstrates initiative, dîpiomacy and slrong indepen- dent wonk akilis for their office in Wuterdewv. Reqslrements: -Accounts Receivabie -Account collections *Proceeeîng ordere/returne -lnventony covtroi Qualifications: -Srnacccunting/bookkeepinig backgnound :Excel%?nt knowiedge ci AccpactSîmpy Accoant- îvg, Microsofh Otîce Suite and ACT!2000 -Excellent wrîtten and verbal communication skîiis in Engliofi (French an asset) -Excellet orgunzotiona abiîtîec *Strong ebiity ta manuge prîanîtîee, muititack und sars independenty -A hîgh energy und flexible persanaity ta ta udaptable ta change and growth Repiy iv confidence, mîth suiury epectatîavv, ta Jennifer Fsx at: Idesida es Iie Sale In eoreton i lokin to mtîutod, evorgetîc vn-1 diiul wit \î a cmuian hOtuls iv ateas aif notaîor. Carontly wv tiave oppvitunitiou to jin oui Humiltsn/Bcnlington teuse as a icli-tîme commîssîoned.. SALES ASSOCIATE We are lsskîng for fiighip mstated, compettvo eales prolessîosais wfio have a successici track record in cissîng bmg-ticket commission sales. A thorough knsmledge ai sales ulong wîth a strong cuetomer service orientation are kep factors in our requiremente. Wîtfi our pomerul assortment of brand name producte, consistent udvertising support and anparuileted customer service, pou hune an earning potential in ecceas of $60,00D yeariy. We ulso oPter a comprehensve benelît plan. As a gromtfi orieneed company, me prosîde ongoîng, prolessiona training. tf pcu fee1 you cas contrîbue to car eacceec, pieuse submit pour resume to: Emal: jobs@ ~ ~ S kFax: 416-242-4260 The Oukrie Shopping Nes Oakilie Tody,a division of Metrotund Media Grosp, os eekîng us ENTRV LEVEL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK The quaiiîed candidate mii be a motîuutnd, mndc pendent, seti stsrter mita strang inlerpersana skîitls Yau wiii possesa ecellent written and verbal communicatian akîtis and Se lamîtror mîth Microsoft computer appicatians. in thîs taie, pou wiii 0e customer tacused & miii Sauta strang reîiîvvnshpa mîti nom & eîotîng cii enta Sp onaurrng Soat accaunta are kept up ta date. If interested please tas ysar resamne by te: Fax: 905-632-0951 Wo upprociato the intorout ai ail appicuota Sawover aniy thase aalected for an intemview wiut Se cantacted. No phone catis or agencrea piease, gK gîtf woKmis 'f "iff O Iporvana trauners, rocepuan. consaurîng ana membor- ahip saies You must be tut or un tire procava ai becoming ft. Earnunga Sased on commissions, ba- N po e vusos und service randered, up ta $40,000 avnaîip a____________ clasitîed@miltoncanad ianchamp ion. corn & Agents &_ Agent Hspital, CM Hsptl (TOYOTA GEORGETOWN Iusu~Mi , o I Entry Level position. Somne drisng aequirod 1 Rv juhr h t Fa euein confidence ao 3fIMM Mts ha tnaît Io u g Docksta der cattf<d 905-877-4619 j ~euamae M â aI Sales HIp É Medca Dental jjt e tt JOIN THE FAMtLY! NOW HIRING SALES R GS E ' ASSOCIATE(S). Muai Se avait dape, avenungs. seekende, suies eeperuence an assai. Pieuse uppty .,.,, ,, .- . Fred's Fsrshture and Home Decor Hulton Healîficare te a visai, groseing orgar 1881 Fairview St. or in sfiriving communîties in southfisernC cati 90546394131 teum-arientod, and aur programos and sera iN I tkl \al 905 87.24 ____Mesîcai, usit Medîcat, Dental Requîtes RNs 'PRNs tan nes Assartve Cammunîty Treaimeni Team (ACTTj in Hulton (bused iv Oak- ville). markîng mîlfi indîvîdoats mîlh seriaus monta itineas Qualificaioans. 4-h peara espenrence. cur- reni registration mîth Callegeofa Nurses ai Ontarioa apecîaiy iv mental heatf essenia, curren knami- edge af psycfiatrapîc medîcaions, psychoasocial rofiabîitutron, Mental Heuith Reiarm and Mental Heulfi Adt A fuit job description te asaitable on Apply ta: îobs@sumrii-fioaeîng ou a Or faoi: 905-333-6782 by Fehrsary 2nd, 2007 Dntario. Oar environmente are friendly and vices are espunding 10 meet the groseing sehere your unique ekille cas be ncrtured. Fuil-time and part-itime opportunities exiot ut our three hospitals located in Georgetosen, Milton and Oakviile. We are eeeking RNe seinf recent hoapisal esperience for many of our deparsmentsiprograme, inciuding in-patient medicine, ecrgery, mental heaith, and obesetnico. We are aiea seeking esperienced RNs ta work in our Intensive Cure Unira, Operuting Roome and Emergency Departmente. For more information, pieuse oend your resume ta 0cr RN Recauitment Host, Lucy Martins. E-mail: Fax: 905-338-4137. Lucy may aisa be reached by telephone att 905-338-4690, exil. 6385. For a full lioning of ail of our cureer opportunities, pieuse vîs5 oar seebsite. Halton flealthcare MMMMME iBEORCETOWN - MILTON - OAKVILLE