BIS - The Caniadian Champion, Friday, January 26, 2007 Event aids Chamber's scholarship fund from BRUINS on page B2 blat, he' remarkcd of goalie Mike 1(82 posi-season play and jttihaps as a resuit - weni on to have a veîy short-iived carel. 1 sti!l think if bc'd hiad lime to develop he could have hadi a lot of success. We shouldini have rushed him'" mens basehali team in the 1960s anti \' wv,tl i h tlli cvclit, tii iattI ix a st1andout harntssý îacting tran- Illil c 1m xl - hd c .1o ic or- his litth ycar was beloved Argonaut iinehacker Mike O'Shea, while Don Knocker' Joyce -whotn older Miliontans xviii knoxv lini the six-tinie pirosvincial champion f anîphellviile Domenic Manchisi invites you to Kennedy Ford in Oakville for ail your new and used vehicle needs! Corne deal wfth a family name that Milon residents have trusted for over 20 pears. Cail Domenic at 905.845.1646 ext. 141 or ernail: UNE W LINE LM CAMESCAE 3 1000 jackpots $~1000 Jackpots JIn Vour Book 4 In Your Book 12:30 pm, 4 pm, 7 pm 1 amn Saturday &Sunday 10 Pm sessions 2295,BâthdMord Rut, M"osssa Hottim 90511-7W8 î j wu i *1 GumtDelights For Ali Of Vour Entertain n~~ Fresh Burgers, Chicken Wings, Gourmet Meatballs expoie~E OSARS 905i-286-9250 J '/ Hours: Mon. Frit 1Oam-7pm, Sat. 1Oam-5pm, Sun. Closed 2850 Argentia Road, Mîssissauga contributions to local spotsi anid otliit charities. Rounding out ibis year's celehriiy taxi were standout harness racîng driv- et- Mark MacDonald and up-and-tom- ing area goifer Jessîca Shiepiey The auciion portion ni tht night lea- tured some spiriedi hidding, with a Boston i3ruins wteketîc package letch- ing $2,800 iromn iwo citiltient hockey ethtîsiasts. Public speaking course starting The Miitn Saivaticin Army is look- ing lor residents nterested in taking an 11 iweek ptublic speaking course. The session, calied the Chrîstopher Leadership Course of Canada, doesn't have a date set yet because about naine more participants are needied to offer it. Those wbo attend xviii ieamn how to deai witb nervousness, organîze and delîver professionai presentations, read effectiveiy and introduce and îbank a speaker, among other things. The ccîst for tbe course is $160, which incincies Il ihree-hour sessions thatîIl ite presenîted one ex ecnîng a week. The amcmunt is tax deductîble as tuttion. i-or mîore informatiomn vist wxvNwtheIumen coin. [o regîster eall tht Saivation Armny ai (905) 875-1022. HeIp curb spread of illness: Region tncouraging residents to take sîeps to recluce tht spreaci ol iliness. Haittîn M'edicai (tîlicer o! lilath Dr. Botb Nosal said dcîring ibis trne o y'ear, the hecalth cieparti-nent cdtetî secs an increasc i the numbers ol respirators anci gasitro-intes- tinal ilinesses. Accordtng t(i 1 laitn, therc arc sex tral Ihings otît can cIoi Io help tlle situation. I h1cx tocliî - Staytng home anti avîîîiîng conîtact wit others \,\-lin II.Il possible, sitepl ni a separ att room Ironi o>thtrs. C hildrc'n -especialiy those ni cla care anti foocd han- cilers xvith naucisa, votnititig ot citai tlia ,houlci stay borne l'tr 48 hcurs alter sytrptonis hast stoppecl . Seeing a iamiiy cioctor il îlittss ptcrsists, or becottîts worse or caling le-iehealth ai 1-866-797-0000 Io speak witb a registered nurse " Coughîng int a sleeve or tissue " Cleaning and disinlecting ail contaminated surfaces and lrequeniiy-touched surfaces lîke doorknohs, faucet taps and toiet handies - Avoidîng visîts to iong-term tare homes, hospitals and retîrement residences * Wasbîng ones hands frequentiy with soap and water and using aieohoi-basedi bandi mb when soap and water aren't availabie - Avoîdîng contact wîtb those wbo are ilI as much as possible - Receîving the Ru shot, whîcb tan be arranged by caill îng a physician or visiiing the Regions lree lin immuniza- lion clînie Tuesday at the Halton Regionai Centre, 1151 Bronîtr. Rd., (iakviit. No appoiniment us necessary For more inlonrnation contact Halion Region ai (905) 825-6000 or visit WEE PLAY Is-a parent and chlld participation program set in a mini-gym atmosphere. Our specialized developmental equlpment and educational a 1 programming offer opportunities for your child to develop motor coordination, I j flexibility and agility. Because the building of a chlld's self Image, cognitive development and social awareness are so important, wst Invite» yo»u t» =comu ancd shakri wl1th um. JOIN NOW à o AND START YOUR PROGRAM ANYTIME! pJ901 "Animal Crackers"' Ages 2-3 pears Wednesdays 6:30 to 7:30 pm S "My Body and Me" Ages 18-24 months Fridays 10:30 il 30 arn DROP-OFF PROGRAMS NOW AVAILABLE TUESDAYS & THURSDAYSI For Infonmaion on our programs or to register on-line please visit us ait or caU (905) 878-7771 Remember, you cas start at any time for our programs. -11