B8 - Thu Canadian Champion, Friday, January 26, 2007 1116H SCHQQL PORT *RPR FO THE ROAp AHEjD Next Course: February 3, 10, 17, 24 March 12, 13, 14, 15 9:3Oam to 4:l5pm 9:3Oam to 4:15pm www.youngdriverscom 905.875.0480 YOUNG DRIVERS 'M1USTANG MESSENGmER" Meogan Cheema Harbi Naft Courtney Coulombe MILTON DISTRICT Rion SCIGOL Hopefully everyone bad an amaziug Christmas, a kiekin' New Years, and have already mauaged to gel rigbi back mbt the swing of sebool life! The Messenger is finally back and ii's already lime for the lasi edilion of the semestr! Takiug a walkiug down the halls, aIl you ser are puffy-eyed studenîs desperalely lrying 10 gel ihose summalive projecîs in wbile îrying 10 sîudy for ibose exams. Wiib mn-clans exama îaking place îoday and lomorrow, followed by formaI exams Tburnday îhrough Monday. studeun are counîing dowu the dayn before il's alI over. lu ibe mean lime, if you bavenit already, gel your beads into ibose books! Tbankfully, 10 relieve sonne of the stress, sîndenis bave ions 10 look forward toi in Februacy! Firstîy, the S.A.A. han orgaied a trip to ser the Toronto Raplors in action ai the Air Canada Centre on February 14th. Wbai a treal il would be t0 go see a basketbaîl game wiib sonne friends on Valeuline's Day? If you're interesird, be sure toi pick up a permission foi-m fromn the office and bring youi- foi-ms in money ASAP because sealiug is limiied! If you ranit make il 10 the Raptors gaine, wby nol check out our own Junior Mustangs baille il oui in the playoffs? The boys bave bren practiciug bard, and ibeir bard work aIl season han landed thbm in tbe playoffs. Nicely doue, boys! I donit want toi gel foc, abead of ourselves, but il's neyer toc, early 10 gel pumped for the annual Semi-Fommal! Tbis mucb aulicipaird eveni is sel 10 tale place on Februa-y 23rd, wbicb is jusi about a montb away. Tbe studenis are aîready a huz planning outfitu and dates and tbe wbole sbebang. Driails and tickets wiIl be avaîlabîr very sbortly afler tbe exam break, Il is sure 10 be one of the bigbîigbls of the year! As thne year passes tbe mid-way point, if's ulready lime for the grade eigbis from our feeder scbools 10 siari making tbe transition mbt bigb sebool, Lasi Tbui-sday rveuing, tbe sebool opened ils doors 10 the parents and studenis wbo wilI be attendiiig MD nexi year. Il was a greal way 10 make the parents and studenîn aware of ail the annaziug experieuces sud courses MD bas 10 offer. The eveniug was made succensful by au excellent turnoul from the parents and the bard work of the staff iuvolved. Ai MID we try the very brut 10 make ibis transition as umooib as posaible, aid Ihere wili be many moi-e visits ix the near future as we welcome tbe newcomern. Iu the meautime, make sure not 10 cram. 100o hard! Take lots of breaks, gel sonne weII-desei-ved nleep, and remembr ibat il wiII br over soon. Have an awenome break, aid we shall ser you ou tbe fl ip aide! Ashley Carlisle Mîchelle Staples Stephen Jackson E.C. BRUTY HIGEn SCUGOL Untortunatety. we have very ltile in the way of uews to report to ur dedîcaîrd readers. These last few weeks have bren preiîy rough on att of us here ai Drury. We've heem bomburded wiib summalive asnignimrnis, reports, semînurs. essays. presentalions. unit lents. and readings, aIl due before the end of semestr and ur final exuminalions. (ERLACK!) Att of thm studeats are in mayhrm trying to gel att of ibis complele, plus live up lu, ibeir commîlmreuls (heh, sncb as wrîlîng ibis column...) Well, att of us, save the wrestlers, who gel 10 party il up in Ottawa ai tbm Canadian Internaional Festival. (We're nul bitter, houent> The wresilers now have a fanlustie start lu tbrir year. Alun Moffai, Kevin lwasa-Madge and Michael McCletand won gold. and Moffai was alsu named the tournament's Mont outsianding remster. lu Tborutd, Marcus Green won gold. bninging mure glory 10, the Drury Wresiling tradition. Great job, boys! Qtier tban Ihat, tbere's praciicatty noibing mrse lu say. su we tbuughi we'd cake ibis opportuuiiy 10, presenit yoa witb: THE PETITION TO ALLEVIATE THE STRESS AND OVERALI. CRUMMINESS 0F THE CURSE THAT IS FINAL EXAMINATIONS (Ii was originalty goîug lu be "The pelîtion lu revoke the addition of final exuminulions to the schoot curriculum", bai then wr realtî'ed it woutdn't fly wnith tFr schoot hourd.i The foilowîng arr our fautasy deniands: Exauns arr postponed untît Aprît. 2009. Att exums mnuni take place beîween the houes ut lpm and 3pm ou Tuesdays and Wedumsdays. nu exceptions. Att examinaiions witt bc open book tests, and teuchers wîlt ho attîîwed tu answer any questions students ask. Att stadeuis who, cornte te, the exum aid write their names on their tests wilt receive a minimum of 97%. 3 maidaiory breaks of 15 minutes wîtt ho unstituted, in wbich sîndeuts may gel up, chat wiîb eucb other, use the wasbrooms. or other such stress retievirig activilîrs. Fre snacikn and drinks will bie avaîtable throaghoui the examînaion period (paid for by adminintrationt. There witt also hoe a punch founiain instalîrd in every examinution monm. An it bas horu proven, classical munie betps students lu work holter. But who nerds plain old classîcal wheu yuu rati play Classie Rock! Good old rock manie front the 70s will bie pînyrd tbroagbuut the nehoul dariug exuminations wilb beuvy emphasis plced ou ACDC and Bob Murley. There witl ho ai optional interisnion, daring wbieb sîndeuts cati observe a free show put on by cancan dauceen. j words: FREE INTERNET ACCESS And, requesird by Lauren Grouud, une question ou mach exam witt hoe regardiug eiiber the videogame Kingdom Heurts 2 or Devil May Ci-y. Wr are nare tbene measares will bnlp lu vaslly impruve the final marks of att E. C. Drary Studenin and greaily redare ibeir stress levets duriug the meekn lu crnme. Nuw att we ueed in the signature of the principal, whirh we are nure we will have nu probtemt wiib ai aIt. "T15UEa ROYAL REPO aR" Erin Hefteringlon Lindsay .Iohnslon Julia Riddail DISUOP REDINO Rion1 SCIGOL1 With ihis betng thc second year that your Inside Sources have been writing the Royal Report, many topics have been discussed in detail. Sports, exams, clubs, holidays, field trips, extra special teachers, hard working students and exciting events have ail been covered in this column; however, one important thing has flot. This untouched topic is a huge part of our society, being both a major formi of communication and entertainment. lits messages define our socîety and daily bebaviour, and its content often causes great controversy. This subject stirs extreme emotions of either love or hate- thîs subjeet is films. Many of the films that are viewed by the general public are centered aroand mindless bloodshed or unrealistic views of romance. They expose the childeen of our society to violence that has been scientifically proven 10 make children more aggressive both in childhood and through adulthood. For a detailed explanalion of ibis issue, pIeuse see httpL//www,çQmmercialalert.org/huesmann.pd . Despite a plethora of study on the subject. many people stîll choose to ignore the trutb. It is easier tu live in ignorance than to admit the lrulh and therefore be forced t0 change one's behaviour. Il is very rare thai a film cani address humankind's tendency to ignore trutb in order to resisi change, while vtill beiug informative and entertaining. lu AI Gore's 'Me Inconvenient Truth. proof of human's negalîve impact upou the earth is artiîý;Xstaed with intelligence and passion. Mr. Gore eloquently discusses the current envîronrmenl crîsis of global wartning, and explains precise1k vhat each person cani do 10 fix ibis problemt. Mr. Gore mentions that a very effective puthway tu solve environmental issues is to eleci pîîliticians who cure about the enviroumeni. It seems tu ibis Inside Source that humankind is putting the profit of big businesses over the state 'V , ur very planet. which will eventually lead to the destruction oif iiuîsiankind. It is up 10 our generalion 10 stop burning fossil fue> reduce carbon dioxide emissions. and put strict restrictions on ~iVimpact ot îndustry on the earth. If any readers of the Royal Report havc not weu thîs powerful movie. consider il higbly recommended. Not ,,i y is il informative, but it conveys the message ibat one person cati ;-aýke aIl the difference. The idea that ibe actions of one person will i' i aiffect the eurth as a wbole is a common mîsconception wiib whicb tht' vriter sirongly disagrees. Each timie a person recycles, carpwds. onys energy efficient appliances. plants a lree. invesis in ciîniies that design fossil-fuel alternatives or pressures large companrtis io reduce their environmenial impact. be or shte is malcing a positive chenge that wîll shape our eaetb. As bunnans, wr no longer bave the lussis oif ignorance. If we would like our eri-l to bebrr for future sto-,crations, we muni stop preiending the problere does not c. idc stop projecting il upon oibers. lndividually, you and I are the e, t 'only hope.