The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 26, 2007 - A5 I SchooI board trustee's proposed -ý1 1code of ethics idea sent for review rie n sao 289-242-3648 By îim Whîtnel SPECiAL TO THE CHAMPION Halton District Scbool Board Trustee Peggy Russell was disappointcd tbat ber attempt to retain a professional to belp the board develop a code of ethics was referred bo one of the board's sub- commîttees at a meeting Iasî week. The Burlington representative pro- posed using the serv ices of' York Ui nversity ethicist Susan Dimocl, to work witb trustees and senior adminîs- trators on an ethical code that wouId bc used as a framework for aIl decision- making at the board. However, a 6-5 vote sent tbe idea to the policy bylaw and governance com- mittee for further review. Near tbe end of the almost four- hour board meeting, Russell expressed frustration wiîh the decision. "l was disappointed witb tbe referral of my motion -I was disappomnied wvitb the speed of tbe refet rai.' Sbe told lellow tnistees that mi order t0 "budld a team" more patience and courtesx' from them would he helpful and that 'il's a two-way street." Russell said the board is supposed îo deN elssp au eîhic., codc, Nbý ait ibi baid beginning discussion about an updated sîrategic planning process, she believed Dimock could be brougbî in near the end of tbe talks 10 gîve ber analysis and recommendations. "We are going to be making a lot of importaint decisions. We're going to be rnaking decisions on budgets and (sîu- dent) accommodation. 1 stmuggle 10 put a prîce tag on etbics," sbe said. Education Director Wayne Joudrie guessed ibat the services of somieone wîtb Dîmock's qualifications would cosl about $1,200 to $1.500 per day. Trustees want more choice Some trustees bad trouble witb tbe poiential cosi of an etbicîst and wbetber Dimock wocîld be tbe only cboîce. "Tbere are etbicists and ibere are etbîcists. lu my training different eîbi- cists mccl different needs. 1 am nol comfortabîe wiîbi tbe choice," saîd Burlingion Iiustee Jennifer Hlusko. adding sbe wasn't impressed wiîh Dimock wben listening to a preseilta- lion sbe made to tbe board. Wbile nol against tbe idea of utiliz- ing aui et Iîci-,, I Ilusko said, " v ould not support a recommendation dictai- ing a (specîfie) bire." Russell relented somewbat. "Wboever tbis board decîdes (on using) is fine hy me. If it's not tbîs ethi- cist, tbat's fine, so long as we do it. " Board chair Gillian Tuck Kutarna said tbe facilitator the board will use in ils sîrategie planning îalks bas said be wiIl toucb on ethîcal issues, but tbe exîcut is unknown. Russell based ber rationale for usîng an eîbicist on ber experiences at the board. "lu the previous six years, decisions tbe board reached lef t me feeling com- promised as an indivîdual and as an elected public officiaI,' she said. "I believe il we as a board bad taken tbe opporlunity and lime 10 consider eleveloping a common framework for aIl decision-making (including eîbîcal, legal and financial) we may bave bad some dîllereni outcomes Certainly, we would bave improved tbe comfort level of trusîces sviîb tbe decision-making process,' sbe saîd in a report to tbe board. m .'....... .....11 United Dental Clinic www. uniteddentalclinic.comn 3300,undas St. E. Unit #1 -GakvIIIs, ON M J4Z2 Dundas (Hw 51 Blanqusamiento c: ~ 139 00 QEW Three Simple Steps That Wil Sav e You Thousands When You Buy a Home HALTON - If you're like most homebuyers, you have two primary considerations in mmnd when you start looking for a home. First, you want to find the home that perfectly meers your needs and desires, and second[y, you want ro purchase this home for the lowest possible price. When you anal e those successfül home buyers who have been aSbie to purchase the home they want for thousands of dollars below a seller's asking price, some common denominators emerge. While the negotiating skills of your agent are important, there are three additional k ey factors that must corne into play long before you ever submit an offer. This topic has been the subject of extensive analysis by industry experts, and a summary of their find- ings, and a specific step-by-step purchase plan for homebuyers, can be found in a new special report called "Homebuyers: How to Save Thousands of dollars When You Buy. This free report outlines the psychology of how a seller sets their asking price, and gives you 3 simple steps to follow, before you even set foot in a selers home, which could help you to successfully slash thousands of Dollars off the price of the home you want. To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREF copy of this report, cail 1-877- 617-1275 and enter ID #3014. You can caîl any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or visit us online at 'his reporti s couresv of Domenic Manchisi, Broke, PrudentsalTlass Ce'ntre Rcàir Brakeragt N'as intended ao saliri properies carreodav lisred for sale Cop.rightü2006,