A16 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 2, 2007 SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail sleblanc@haltoflsearch.com __________________Haydar earns respect from his AHL peers ..but will the Nlf-L give him another shot? GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION \TAKING AIM: Mitons Darren Haydar lires a shot on net during Sunday's American Hockey League skills competition ait the Ricoh Coliseum in Toronto. The nexi nigni Haydar scored a goal in the ail-star game the latest hughlight in hus best professional season that nas him on pace to break the AHL single-season points record. Haydar and his Chicago Wolves teammates wîll be playing four games locally next week -Feb. 5 and 10 in Toronto and Feb. 7 and 9 in Hamilton, where he'li face another Miltonian, ion Gleed, Who was recently recalled by the Bulldogs. Discounted tickets can 6e purchased in a special Milton section for the Hamilton games by calling Andrew Staios ai (905) 546-8182. By Herb Garbuitt CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Ih looked as îhough Darren Haydar had jusi written a storybook ending. Wiîh just 8:45 to play tin Mondays American Hockey League Ail-Star Ciassic in Toronto, the Milton native redirectcd a pass fromn Martin St. Pierre hy Marek Schwarz to give Canada a 6-5 iead. hi would have heen a fiîîing end given that H-aydar was the only player from ttc (.reaier Toronto Area plavîng in the annu- ai minor-league showcase anti had as inariv as 100 Irterîcs antI family on lîand ai the Ritoli ( oltseunm to tlîeer flmr ow lnstea,ttl tok tiOs t 15 "If he weî secotîts fot- the Plariet( -.\ teatî to tic the and 200 g.îtîîe. \vIich tl ssoitlt he'd be in everiutaýlîs, xtin 7- on Rvati (aliliaris goal wîîhi no que ilirc secondts to playv..... Ot course, il Havclar WADE nUl atîc stotvhook entigs scti and-trihand. lie prtihahly w ,otldiiît have e eri heen play- îîîg tri tht garne. Eveti thougli the NI lýs tracktîown on ohstructioin lias opened the dtîor for many smaller plavers, the 5- ftîot-9, I 70-pound winger remains, ii the AHL despîte putîing rip mindhoggIing numbers with the Chicago Wolves. \\tth 89 points lt 49 garnes, ttaydar is ou pace to obliterate the Afil- single- season record ( 138) ant Iclacs 'St. Pierre bv 22 points lii the AII . sot îîg race. Hîs ý,0- assîsîs ,îltîîe w oulci i ,nk Iitm loitthu tri the leagtte. -\tici carller ibis seat lie tîllîccl points tri 3Q corisecîtuive games, anl AhIl retord andtIe uic th lorigesi sîreak, iii pi otessiotial hockey Itîstors, tradinîg otîIy the lîkes of WVayne C.reizky and Manio Lemieux. Alîhough Havdar's C.hitago team- mate Breit Sterling already lost one fine- mate when Jason Krog was recailed ear - M lier this year, he's not sure why he hasn't lost another. "I'm one of those guys who thinks he should be up (in the NHL). Hopefully, he's going to get a shot soion. 1 don't know what more he can prove. Hopefully he gels a shot and l'Il be root- ing him on." Sterling, who was the ail-star game MVP wtth two goals and an assist for the victortous PlanetUSA, said Haydar has played a big part in his league-leading 39-goal rookie season. "He's an unhelievable player - bis vision, he tan shoot the puck, which is somnething you don't always sec oui of a pass- esix foot er. ike he is. H-aving a gos like that -w îîh s ou pounds, es crs garne m iakes fle the NIEL, eas\ \\heri youite cisi the I-Il.., strig out." tion.L" Bridgeport aIl-star ........ goalte 'sVade Drihiele- IELEWICZ wtcz cari relate to Havdar's plight. In four pro seasons, hes played nine NI-L games. despite some gaudy numbers. suth as a 1.38 average and .946 save percentage tin 33 AHL games in 2004. -What hes done in this league is icredible," said the 28-year-old New York Islander farmhancl. "But hes lîke mie. \Ve're smaller guvs, uniassumirig. vie dori t look lîke hockey players. its a toughi hatile. c just rieed the opporîsil nuty. If lie w ere six-foot and 200 pourids, he c hetin the NH, rio question.- Alter Mondas s game. Has dat look- soie luîne to dist uss lits futture, makting iî to the Hockes Hall of Faine, ant i le oin the toat ii the .AHL. Arid corisiderting lits current place in tie oane. s tiot surpristîîg that on Sundav Hlaydar scîlI be clieerîng for an offerisive star to prove himselî on lus sports bîggest stage. -see AHL on page Al18