A18 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 2, 2007 AHI sniper handies rapid-fire queries COUPON HOLDERS!. Coupons wiII be expiring March 1, 2007 tram HAYDAR on page Al16 Yolu've plavcd in a nunîher of al-star games ai gaine. nicmuî y? fl d prohahly'have to say my rookie year (in the AHL), just heing younger and flot really knowing what to take out of it. It was with a lot of great players. Jason Spezza was in that gamne. I think I m probably the only one who played in that game that's flot playmng in the NHL. There were a lot of great players and its the future of the NHL. Does that ever make you wonder whether you will get that opportunity? Oh defimitely Thats what 1 strîve for. Thats what keeps me pushing to he the hest player I cati he. My ultimate goal is to make it to the National Hockey League. With your scoring streak this year, you now have a stick in the Hockey Hall of Fame. What's it like to have something in the Hall? Its a team accomplishment. Lt just shows the great players 1 played wtth this year and our team, how good our team is. What does it mean to, you personally? I think its going to, mean more as we go along 4 and in the summer when 1 get a chance to, sit hack and think about it. Right now, its one of those things, it'sjust part of the season and pant of my job. What player do you see in the AHL that deserves a chance in the NHL? At somne point, if not now, I'd have to say Curtis Murphy Hes heen the Eddie Shore winner - best defenceman iu the league. Hes a great player. Its just one of those things. Hes battling the same thing I am - bis size. lt'sjust une of those things, 1 can't explain. If you were 10 get called up tomorrow, what wouldn't you miss about the AHL? Ah, just the long road tnips, the type of travel. Its what everyone points to as heing tougher in the American League. i 3iWhat do you do onthose trips to entertain yoursel' Watch DVDs, read books and occasionally play GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION SIGNING IN: Darren Haydar signs autographs for somne young fans at the AHL skills comrpetition in Toronto. poker. What's the best movie you've seen lately? Best movie I seen. I liked Da Vinci Code. Whatfs the bcst city to visit? Toronto. What does Milton have that Chicago doesn't? Friends and famiîy WThat are the must-see, must-do things in Chicago? lid have t0 say Navy Pier. Its a great attraction. And just the overaîl nightlife. Here are some Chicago either/ors: Deep dish or thin crust? Deep dish. Cubs or White Sox? Oh, I'd say Cubs. Oprah or Jerry Springer? Neither. (Iaughs) I think Americas choice is Oprah. Bears or Colts? Ive gone with the Colts everywhere else 50 I'm going to siay with Colts. Is that going tol get you in trouble ini Chicago? No, no, no. I did it on a TV interview in Chicago. I think I'm already in trouble on that one. I like hoth teams. They're both great. Defence wins championships but I'd like to see Peyton Maniie win a Sun)er Bowl. 544 BayMiud St., 170 IJkoview Or., Barri, ON Orbngvlls, ON <705) 792-900 519) 940-3977 O MITCHELL'S MAYTAG MITCHEIXS MAYTAG THE MAYTAG STORE 11E MAYTAG STORE CLEARANCE CENTRE CLEARANC CENTRfE ilwy 401 & HMy 24 408 Bryne Or, Milton Crossroads Mail Co.ty Rd 108., Cmrds N BriO James 8.1w Pau'kway IL 401 Orauvisle ON Cmpde N BpiO (905) 884-1298 <519) 940-8192 <519) 858-9797 <705) 726-1000 a