B8 The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 2, 2007 Ready Machinery & Equipment (Canada> mnc. aiostiqg, filolg, Milllwrlgt & SpocilIuzd Tranpotationi 8090 Lawson Rd., Milton ON L9t 5C4 905-875-1990 e Fax 905-875-1995 www.readynoachlnssy.cm CORRECT TIMES FOR SATURDAY MORNING DROP-INS Rise'n Shine 1O:OOam 1il is prgraîîi i striesseg, dance ad riyms for hîidîvi6 mniiiii 3 ycars ofi ag. Chidren must C v.îînpanied by an idulis crgiver. Fainfl'e Storime II:fIlIam RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL SERVICES Last Saturday Morning Drop-ins - March 3 "STRAIIT FORWAR PRICINO" 905-878-0287 IIIIIII& 251 NIIWIq kai. Mi #4, MRa. U LgT R25 *ý Founfldot ion #Milton Lions Club WOODBIF T. N ET Welcome You to * s the sott organic matersal that fis the cavities of the lo bottes - Boue Massues produces. resd buoo dells thes"rsoxygen whmite blood cellis thai fight îiection *piateleis that help stop bleedina * The best teatmenttfrApasic Aeîa istoreplae the diseasediauesesth a heaithy masrow "match" tsum a HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) * Aiiogesuc * ysigeneis Marv Gsaits *Matched Sîblimos * Autologus Matched Unreieted Donos (MUD) * Apiasic Astemia * Fansounîs Anemia* * Swachman-Diamossd Diease Ewingnas Sarcuma * Myodlyspiasia * Hurlers Syndrome * Asote Non-Lymphobiestic tganuiocyticl Leoisemoa * Acute Lysuphobiastîs Leukernia <ALL) * Acute Monocyic Leukemia (AMOI * Avale Psomyiocytic Leukemia <APL) * Otronîs Myeiogenus Leukemia (CIVL) * Cancer ofthe Testis Donor JInforrnatiori If Iyou arebetwee theages of17 - 50and arein god helth you can bea dot5Or B one marow type s not deermined byyour bcodusrnips. * Yu r chances of beng a match rangesi from onn 4.000 to onin 750.000 dependng o youehicbakgrounsd 6 hantigenae neede tinake a peinct match * Foaoiii3g a3iinfration session twoviaiiofibioadrawn - on vrasui is ested frHLA-typiig. the ohrvial is lested for the last two antîgen matches by OF/DNA typtng If iyouar amach, 6% o rivvisirnarrow im3 coiiactd fro he hipauner gnau asîesthic: the boea marro takenes r epieisvia in a w weks We are pleased to invite you to the exclusively private Woodbine Club, where peuple ut distinction meet distinctive peuple. Locaied ou the tourth fluor of Woodtiue. Corne and enjoy four & a hait heurs ut Lise Harness Racivg. There wil) be persoual assistance fromn Woodbîne Representatîves to expiais betting & racing pruprarnus For your diniop pleasure an iscredîble sumptu- sus buffet wl) be available frua 12:30 p.M. tUl 3:00 p.m. Your entertaiement wili cueulut ut tour and a hait hours ut lise harvesu raciog, wîth a wunderful pasioramîic slow ut seaue ut North Amnerica's tînesi horse racing. Tickets are available ai the coSi of $75.00 per person. Deidre onrd Frierod5 Fotindotion 360 Satok Ores.. Milton, Ontario. Canada L9T 3P5 Tel: 905-878-3401 Fax: 905-693-0743 Webeite: www.deidrebmt.ca Emaîl: doidre.iriendu.foundaiion@spmpaiico.ca Charitable No: 88-2e2-8699-RR0001 420 Main St. E., Milton 878-1848 WE GUARANTE YOUR SATISFACI1ON! One Cail Serv'ice For AU Your Neede! M SI Contracting With inttrtst rates at an histonc Iow and the ctst of htmes ever increasing, renovabons to your home is the best icvstment you cat make. Let us brig our dreains to fe; Additions, basements, Gahrooms & general repairs. e RESIDENTIAL e COMMERCIAL e INDUSTRIAL Com PAIR PGSAVAD 90&878-4328 Coul 416-534159 .scotrctig@on.aibm.com lmproving your quality of life. earing oss is the 3rd most prevalent chronic disability among older aduts Hand is superseded only by arthritis and hypertension. There has been great advancements In hearing aid technology and statistics show that 80%/ of clients are satisfied with their hearing aids when appropriately counseled. It is critical to identify and treat speech, language and hearing disorders as early as possible as these impact social, emotional and cognitive development. 311 Commercial St., Suite 109, Milton Tel: (905) 875-3345 www.hearsay.ca To Promote and Strengthen: -"one Marrow Research -Commnunity *warenass *Family and Patient Support offr (4