30 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday February 13, 2007 ComnHl ae ep Mspla'Dna Mdclputer 1Computer Ofc l C1 Office HeinOtceHI Retait Sales He p ReSuHlp ental Hopttental IHA TOrJ GRAPHIC ARTISI Haillon Media Group, publisher of weekly newspapers is looking for an experienced Graphic Artisi ta design advertisements for our varions print projecis. Qualificaions *saccessfutly demonstrate creative abilities in ladesiga, Photoshop, tilustrator andi Quark *Good understanding of preparing files for print -Excellent typiag skilts, with an attention to detail -Ablty towork as an iniegrat niember of a marketing teani *Work with mninala supervison -Ab t ty to work ta tight deadtines Please sent resurne to a J ll @haltoa earch.coni. Quote job # 4965 in aubject fitne. Offe Hep e* 1 ffic elp Juninr Grnphic Denigner requireti fnr a fant grnw- ing cnmpany. The nocceanfal applicant mnnt be familiar with Illantratar, Phntnnhnp, la Denign and Qnark Exprenn on a Mac platfnrm. They munt alan have the abîlity ta wnrk in a fant paceti, team- nrienfed envîronmeot with multiple renpnnibîlîtien, Prnnt reading akilîn are an annet. Salary range ns $25,000 - $27,000 depending an enperience. Pleaae nendi ynnr rename by fa tai 519-853-8979 Oaily thana eha require an interview wiii be cantactej. Candidate nhnald have Bnnk keeping backgronnd inclodîng payrnll enperience anti nnderntanding of Simply Accnnnting nattate. Or email ta: info@hugnmark.com Th e 1 a re l anafrR/A lk iag tnt n a o pnnt ravetining prting brs-acaen &a dirmai pieen Canti cdiating iret moraileveîn Rel- qoir, et nilintd& woking exlnaetig tAdabe & cmuensis &ea Pntanh ce tetisan adetaî and abil nwta as pacedn evr aretih Pstiot deaisea.M n , ave an f g a vehct tain Pit deatseng fa oui ro rs & darect mat peeadmcointinvidirtaeactmet. Re anWelt tan k n fasta interent, bat nt wth netecteti for an intetview witt be cantacteti THE INVIDIATA TEAM. RE/MAX Abanînane Realty Cnrp. Brakerage. DUNDEE REALTY neeka pein. PT 7 s ADMIN. ASSISTANT/ PRO P ERTY U ADMINISTRATOR for Bulirîglon office. A/X bout... Opparlanily far advacementl Slrang cammunicatior ili arganîzalîna skill.l dundeerealty.com pIS~ Ema hrenitg copn reuies 905.878.2341 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT & CEO i le ý .11..» requIies a Uyna ii arile . s eli cii-i p î- idùna Enecatîve Annistant ta provide profennianat and canfidantiat support la the Prenident & CEO, Boarti of Directora and anacative staff teana. The individuat an ara neekîng la wett-organizeti and datait orienled, enjoya morking in a fant-paceti enviroament anti demnntraten a bigb tiegree of initiative anti cnmmon nenne an weti an the abitity 10 prnbtem-notve and make tieciniona iatiepenienty. The Enecalive Assistant witt confitientty interact witb staff, votanteera anti commanity patfinera aI ait tavela la a profeanionat manner. An a key focua aI tim rote, the Enecative Assistant witi poanean the enceplionat abilty 10 compile information from varloan sources inIa dean concise diocuments, take/prepare minutes of meetings, coordinate anti enecale the planning of an ananat genierat meeting anti other fanctiona, white prioritizing anti managing att other job-relaleti tanka. Techaicat akitta reqaîreti maclade adivanceti akitala in te ase ot MS Office applications. Weil tievetopeti interpernonat anti communication akitta la crilicat. This la an excellent opportanity for an indivitivat aîtb format business office atiministration training atong witb Ibree 10 f ive yearn adinistrative enperience at a senior tevet anti wbo ta characterîzeti an efficient, accarate anti melîcatoas n t Ieir aork. This ta a failtime position; the YMCA offera a comprebennîve compensation package inctntiîng groap beat benefîla an aet an other incenliven. If yav are intereatet int thin position, pleane forwarti your caver leBer anti rename by Febraary 17, 2007 10: Ursala Vrktjan Generat Manager ot Humn Renoarcen YMCA of Hamitton/Burtîngton IV 79 James Street SoathbNW Hamilton, ON L8P 2Z1I\1 Emait: arnuaa rktîan@ymca.ca We tbank att applicanla for Ibeir interent, bowever, onty Ibone invîteti for a pernonat interview witt be contacteti. F-uil lime and Part lime Sales Associates Milton store Looking for applîcanta wîlb nome previova sates enperîence that are entbaaiaatic anti avaitabte tiayn, or eveninga anti aeekenin. lnterested candidates should bring their resumne tai: 1290 Steeles A ve. E., or cati: 905-875-41f83 and ask for JIulie -'-AfitfA g, 0PL'e C tigo O ~Sales Help ~ Sales Hep~ lp Sales Help ýa rcîda rl. If you are interestet int a carser in sales wilth a progressive Ford dsatership, then as are tnterestsd te you. 2 PRE-OWNED SALES CONSULTANTS This position offers a carser with: *Strong management auppot -Profeaaioa Training *Moatly bonua tavela *Healt anti Dental Plan *Opportanity ta grow wîth as *Company Car -Untimîteti Earaing Pofeatiat A ssrtous committmet ta excelitng in vsticts sales ta nscsssary. Submit your resume ta the attention of: Lazo Borota Fax: 905-844-4472 Email: lborota@oaklandtordltncoln.ca Oak-land Ford Ltncoln Sales Limited 570 Trafalgar Road, Oakvils, ON, L6J 3J2 Ne thank att apptîcanto la advance,hawever, anly thuya nelecteti for an interview wî0l be cantactei. Ftnd The Perlect Ftt Wtth A Corser At ,,,cn,.ccc.io JENNY CRAIG! Now Hiring In Burlinglon & Oakvills Immediate openinga la the aiea fnr WEIGHT LOSS CONSULTA NTS/ SALES & CUSTOMER SERVICE pnsitinsa. We aller atoull rangentf bene- fila ait tan an anti faat paceti envîrnment. *Pald Training -Advancsmet Oppty - Hsalth/Dental Insurance & mors! MuaI have salea ai cuatamer aervice enp anti ta able tai wnik anme nightaiwkntia For as îmmsdtate interview catI: 1-888-848-9675 Or apply otte: www.lennycri reaîjob.net Ref Media Code: BB PJob Ce e901OC EOE FORD LINCOLN Serving the Milton Cammunity for 40 yearo. AUTOMOTIVE SALES A great apporfunity for a carver-orîenfed indivîdual fa round out aur award wînning sales force. We are lookîog for someone Wilh an outgoîng personality. greaf communication and people sklts. We olfer: - Compreheosîve training -Excellent puy pion -Benafîl plan * Ou/standing productline FAIRVIEW NISSAN requires AUTOMOTIVE SALES PERSON For an interview contact Brian or Marc Cail 905-681-2162 Fax resume to: 905-333-6433 or email: sales @fairviewnissan.ca hÇ-a nàd 4 5g* L' JONES NEW YORK rACORo STORE JONES New York womens apparel ta currenly hîrîng failtime anti pari-lime SALES ASSOCIATES KEYHOLDER POSITION for oar Oakvitte location (290 North Service Rond, Oakvîtte) The idea candidate shoutti have the foitnaîng: Qualifications: *2 yeara of Refait Experience *Oalatanting Cantomer Service skilta *Abilty 10 mutti-fank *Abilty 10 aork an part of a team *Aaaiat la the imptementation of operationat ntrategîea anti directioans *Annîat ta tiriving salea anti increaaing our market awareaean Pisase forward your resume to bmotz@jny.com Jonen New York ta an eqoa/ appornonity employer, however we wtli onty contact those candidatean chouan for an interview I l iaDental Naturopathic Doctor (ND) Raquireti for large an- panting compiemen- taty bealtb ctinic la Hattan, P/T or F/T availabie immediatly. Emaîl reaume ta caniadianheathcentîea @hntmaîi.cam or fan to 905-637-7850 HEARTHSTONE an apsae vaniaros cantia requirea RPN (PT nîgbta & evenîngal Fan resme 905-333-9646, email: jvins@ hearthstone.ca RN Fat large eapandîng clînic in Hatton. P/T & F/T avaîlabte immediately. Emal renamne ta caniadianheatcentrea @hotmailcom or fan 10 905-637-7850. te l Resturn IVYARMS Requirea: Part lime ExCp. Servers Please cafi Miriam 0 905-876-4899 or drop off reaumne Fine Dining Jr. Sous Chef Motivated & Professional Full-Time Excellent Wagea 289-242-5720 G GEORGEMWN PART-TIME i FlUIL-TIME RETAIL SALES REPRESENTATIVES Fax iesun- to 905-877-7770 es"eC 1n ý Ca opp-itni e DYNAMIC - 1 EDUCATORS n Learning Group Tea orienteti aducalors requrreti for unique tvachîng opportunîly iv nai prînale schooi, speciai vaucutînn day ptngramn anti ivarnîng centre. initegratin smnaiî grnuv t t 1 O TA anti surrouting. B AB EdE C E kscaulc1 ca2gersrm Fan 905-877-9636 equre, din s4r coe,.te Two Positions Availatila 1. Foit-Time - 3 ta 4 timon/i1 enenîng 2. Maleînity - 5 tinyn / 1 enening Wie are tnaking for ootgoing, self matinate i adi- vidoata. Abeldent an annet. Pleane repty tai: Dr. BeaacheaneDr. OriolOr. Hatter Fax: 905-877-3917 Eden Hoane reqoirea a PSW anti/or Heatth Care Aid for casaa night shift anti a maternîty replace- ment poition. Yoa can fax your reaume la. 519-856-9171 or 519-856-1274 Ore-mailto: atimin@etienhooaecarehame.ca Or tn. abrauwer@edenhnaaecarehone.ca EdnHoue Cars Facility R.R. 2 - 5016Wellington Cnunty Rat 29 GuelphON N1H6H8 Oniy thase îeceivng an internview ii e cantacled. aaa.eienhuecarehome.ca Zada xence a rsFena Or ema[rp3.mdcaparais Caii877-305-9551 ext. 4 Fmî u anresourcsLvirstaiffca Fx 1-905-477-1956 M tel Resturant M lReturnt FAil Staff Positions Rsquired Barataff -Waitataff - Buaeîa - Batbacka Kîtchen - Coatchec Security Ple ct atlI95-702-7677 Montiay - Fritiay 9:00am - 5:OOpm SERVERS, BUS PERSONS anti DISHWASHERS Reqoireti immediatey. Full-Ume anti ParI-time I Pleaneanppty ta pannan with reaume fai: 154 Guelph Street, Gsorgetown Opptnities HMavyouheWths nsu IECE'S +ECA'SI ewd ml ehwu mU 0/T 12-ý6pEmECE claaffedo IKinder teacherl whAmeswwhaelamplssuoi uppy Teachers -ax«« E-n laura@cogeco.net