The Onnadian Champion, Tuanday, Februnty 20, 2007 - A9 ORT "1MUSTANG MESSENGER"1 Megan Cheema Harbi Naît Courtney CouIambe MILTON DISTRICT 8ION SCIGOL Jusi tîvo weeks into, the nesv semester. and lite at Milton District couldn't be busier. There is lots to look torward to, so get ready Mustangs for a fun-filled Fehruary up ahead. To start il ail off. in just a few short days MD's seniors ivill be dinîng and dancing in style at the much-anticipated Semi- FormnaI, or as sve'd like to cati it. .. .Red Carpet Night. Friday Fehruary 23rd is sure tu be a night to remember. With exclustve catering froto Matt's Rtbhouse. and Z 1(03 as the DJ, this event promtses to be uinforgettable. In case you haven't bought your ticket yet. don't svorry they are still heîng sold! Tomorrosv is the last day tickets ivill be sold for $30 periods three and tour. no tickets svîll be sold at the door. so tl is imperative that you buy yours ASAP! Also. retuember that your invitation is your Semi-Formal ticket. so don't for'et to bring it along on the 23rd! In other excîting news. auditions for the school play ace ltnally over and the cast list has heen posted! 20 very deserving people have heen cast to play parts tn MD's upcoming theatre production. Last year's play svas a buge success, and ibis year's will ivithout a douht also exceed eveeyone's expeciations. MD has always done a great joh of makîng scbool seem. .. .well. .. .a lot more than just school. MD is yet again adding a new addition t0 the school environment that is completely un-academically related. A new part of the school ivebsite called Student Corner is noir officially up and runnitig. If you are înterested in having your art, poetry. baud photos. or music posted check oui detaîls in the ComTech room. Although we love t svhen school is al tun and games. there is stîl some important news to he shaeed. especially f'or the Grads. Just a remînder that ihere are many scholarsbîp deadline dates that are fast-appeoaching, so he sure to vtsit Students Services and pick up an application or twvu. Along svith scholarshîp applications it is also important to he thînking about your 40 hours of commuîîity involvement required for graduation. It you have not compleird thîs. The Canadian Federation of University Women is havîng uts 34îh Annual Book Sale ai the Milton MaIl on March 30th and 3lst and is need of volunteers. Volunteers are needed to help sort hooks, as well as durîng the sale. If you are interested, go îo Studeni Services ASAP to sîgn Up. Well Mustangs. another week of school is up ahead. so in the meantîme keep husy and have fun! 11 "DBATEINE DRURY" Ashley Carlisle Michelle Staples Stephen Jackson Ea.C. DRURT 910H SCGOUL ~We'rc stîli kîckîng the sniis oui iiotiur hoots front that snow day. (Our backs are alsîî sure frîîm sbiivelliiîg so nîuch damn ) WC certainiy couldait thînk of a hetter way iii celebrair the Valeatînes day than geîtîîîg the day oif of sehiiol and nsîng our spare tiior to sleep in. hang oui wiîh friends, avoîd svîthsîanding honesvork. and go îobogganting... or notliing ai aill Sieve chose the latter. Wr ail enjoyed ibis long ciscrdue day (il înaytîeîî in the snuîss We hîîpe for îîîaay mosre iii the filare. The Valentiiies Day ce ichrations ai suhool coiiienced on the tolliiwing day. where itîany flowers. heurt shaped boxes filled ssith goodies. ,ad Valentine cards were secnt floatig dîîsn the hall. Everyone receîved bis or ber caady grains ssith gic. Loise is truly in the air bere ai Drury. althongh nîli for the teachers, svbî actually expecied the sîndents iii complete ibeir bonewiirk dîîrîîg the snoss day ..We lîke ii eal] it iiugh lisse. Speakiag oii îîugh love. bîsîb the girls volley bail icaîsi and ue ssrestlers sh lised no îîîercy to ibeir îîppoîaeîîîs titis week. The volicybali ieam ctaîmed ibird oîîti of oughly 20) schools ai the tournamnîct lasi Friday. wbile u wrestlers bad ibeir finai une-up before GHAC oit lriday and Saiurday. (bld itiedat inners îîîcluded Bîîhhy Fillinan. Duncaîn Mofit, Joîrdanî Stepto. and Kevin lwasa-Madge. This niakes lssasaga-Madge's i1 th gold niedal of the season. Jusi une more wîn cviii gise bimi the record for the mîlsi gold wîns in a season hy a Drury Wrestler. So don't screls up. Kevîn. Our swîni teani ai su shossed oft ibeir sirîîkes ai ilseir sîsîni itîcet ibis pasi Tnesday i McMaster Unaiversity. Our junior girl's relay tram made the finals tor GHAC. ait iiiîpressive feai tor one teamn. Gond luck ai GHAC! Anîd wsbî kiosvs mtore about su îîîîîîîîng bhau Ccci our esieeied sssimiiiers'? The school REACH icaîin of couîrse' Thbe RLACH teani dîînînaied ai ibeir tounaieni on Tbursday lasisseek nsiag ibeir skîlls of knosing tings bhai ino o ne cisc setciis to know They suon tî1 rsi place. proving L.C. Drnry bas boib brais s and braîn. Witb ail these sîcisîries bere ai Druî y. 55e tink iiis tîme ici celebrate. Our suggestion? Conie iii ur annual seiti fuirinat, cvbîcb takes place ibis year on Marcb 2nd. This year is sure iii be a shosispper svîîb tbe ibeine beîîîg -Old Hollyssood Glaiii.Tickets on sale tocs. so bc sure iii buy yours sooin (if' yu e nît îoo bmîîke froîîî Valentitie' s Day') Anîd sve canit fîîrgei îîîî Serîîîns Ahbout S utcess tclebraiîi usa Tbumsday eveîîîng, sîhere siîîdenis beme are Dmnmy iseme gîveit coîngratulations tfor their efforts hîsîh acadeiitically anîd as titi/ens iof our proîîd scbiiîl. No ut ie're oîff toe more fotn in the sauts Sce yîîu nexi cseek! (Assuîîîîng sse can stîli malte it to scbîiuit ibmîugh the saisi banks.) PREP*AR FO THE ROAj AHEAj Next Course: March 12, 13, 14, 15 April 3 (4Weeks) March Break Tues. & Thurs. Evenings 9:3Oam to 4:lSpm 6:OOpm to 9:15pm 905.875.0480 v YOUNG DRIVERS MOappoved begini driver eduaaion course provideri 11 ""TUE ROYAL REPORT" En fet hernglan Lindsay Johnsan Juia RiddeiI Embracing divemsîty and individualiîy is very important 10 Bishop Reding, both as one uf Milton's high sehoots and a failh communily. During Mutticultural month ai BR, students are having the opportuniîy l rm mure about great leaders of différent rares and cultures. Daring the announcements each morning, a new influential person is revealed lu the school. and bis ne her accomplisbments ia Peacekerpiag and Faithi are bigblighîed. Posters of these great peuple and their missions are visible in the hallways as wel. lu encourage stadents lu learn sîîmetbîag îîes, and help celebrate diversity in ur school. As a tribale lu diversîty ta a faîtb community, Bisbop Reding invites everyone tu attend au Evening of Multicutturat Celebraîton. On Thursday Marcb t. 200l7. our sehool is privileged lu play hust toi Dr. Christopher Spence. an accomplisbed educatue and cummnity adsîîcate whose motîvatitînal programs continue to inspire chîldeen and aduits atike. Dr. Speace is recognied for outstaading contributions lu education and community adsocacy. He is the winaer of several awards, îacludiag an outstandîug Alumut award front Simon Fraser University, and the Canadian Black Achievement Award for pruiessional Achîrvement and Community Leadersbip. Dm. Spence is botb a successful filmmaker and auîbor, and bis motivationat speeches are rensswned. He is currenîly tbe Director of Education for the Hamilton-Wenîworth District Sehool Board. Dr. Spence isili be addressiug tbe audience in a motîsational speech on the theme -What tl means lu be dîfferent and betng your best.- lu ligbî tif thîs theine. students itl prescrat expressions of their tiss culture and îndîsîdnalîîy. These wiil taclude readîags of poelry and prtose, art prescutatitiac. and dance. There witl also be musical peirormances by the contcert band, choir. and seirtd sticalisîs. The evenîng begins ai 7:(l0pnî, and admission is only $2.00. Ail proceeds xviii be donated lu Developîneat and Peace. Bishop Rcding is very proud lu preserit Ibis evening, and il could nul be possible without donations fromt a number of local contribusîrs. Many îbanks go lu Brunello Restaurant, La Rose bakery. Pasqualino's Café and Bistco. and Main Street Donuts, wbo isili be pros ding the refreshmenîs for the esening. Thaaks also lu Mr. Alfano and Ms. Carnana. the musical co-coordinators for the evening. Ms. Marsalek. the dance co-coordinator and mosî especialty. Mrs. Lee. by whose efforts. Ibis celebration could nul be possible. Your lusîde Sources hope that everyone will juin Bishop Reding ia celebrating ur diversity on Ibis much auticipaîrd evening.