The Canadian Champion, Friday March 09, 2007 - 27 Skilte Dat Slritled &1 -ni ae ilDat Prxssn Dataial Preeain Data rociesing c e m ofc epIsd ae Tcheia ep ical He caHt Dat oe soptr* optrOfieHI fic eplsdeSI ts IPARTICIPATION HOUSE IIINSIDE SALES Esperienced smali engine mechunic raquired immedi ately. Pease raply wi1h aesume np parson to0 ADAMS RENTALL INC. 334 Guelph Street Georgetown, ON OR Fax lu: 905-877-0159 Attantion: Human Resourcas Department Licensed Mechanic and LcneTalrMechanmc Send resume ta: Fax: 905-857-9864 Cali: 905-857-3500 ~maihl: a e kc~ Attention: Jahn ASHLLEADER Exoetlent p rlfl WHITEHALL Custom home.baîlder seeks an outstanding Site Supervisor ta join the team. Reaponsibîlîties include the suc- cesaful arganîzation and management of the site, implementation of the scope ut work, creating take offa, quality csnirnl, safety, scheduling trades and day ta day planning ta meet deadlines. Min. 8 yrs expenience in reuidential construction, 5 as a super- visor Carpentry esperience an assaI. Team build- ing, planning & communication akilîs are essential. Send reume* tai: BRAKE Long established PRESS Paemng Company Re- Req'd for Amada *acmn Brake Presses. R ita Open Over-Time. *Bobeat Opeiltor Top Pay. *Bulldozer Operator Unless you kssow Good pay wiih lots af proFarnnnt ~ houas DpOrOT A Y!Cati Fax resume: 905-842-4141 905-336-0272 Computer Cm* NtaPrcesm Dat Prcessinfi ITTECHNICIAN A auccesuful candidate wili be able ta cammunîcate well with uoems, diagnose and aulne problema qaickly and efficiently and make xolid recommanda- fions ta customers. The candidate will need ta have 3 yeam 'practical esperience and a university/ collage degrea in computer science or equivalent. Please reupond in canfidence ta: Auxiiium Technolo>gies trc. 3185 Dundas St.W., Oakvlte, ON, IBM 4J4 Emait: Fax: 905-827-3744 Findisg a grcat joh was _cclassificd section ls attil ittook. Pihone 905-878-2341 or emil: classitied@ miisoncasadianchampioo.coin, 1IAsÀk Us AI Here is your opporturuty to pacticipate in the explosive growth of a software company. Adlib continues tri increase its market share as a learfing clevelîsperof document conversion and publisbing software that enables the advancement of document management processes. Adlîb products are sold internationally to SME and Fortune 500 companies alike, in a broad miv of markets, rncluding consulting, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, legal, healthcare, government, educatron, and f inancial services. As we continue to grow, our philosophy will remain the same -creatron of innovative software solutions whîch enable our customers to capitalize on the value of their documents. To accomplîsh this, we are expavdîng our team of highly ambitînus, inquisitive, and adaptable professionals with a passion for technology. We are currently hîrrvg for: e M R ETN eORIAO Ail positions requise the foliowing. " Proven ability in the job upecific areas of expertise. " Solid relationsbip builder, motivator, pro-active, cognitive and formard-thinking " Profeusional conduct with a bigb levai of integrity and interpersonal skills " Eotremely high energy and stamina witb strong time management and organizational ukilis " Ability to work effectively under pressure " Demonutraled written and verbal communication ukilis Compensation wilI be commensurate wîth experiesce. Are yoa interested in joining an evciting and growing business? Do you posseus the aboya qualifications? Send your resume to For more information about the positions lîsted aboya, visit our websute uit OfieHl Oc ii fieHl SRUKER IOSPIN111 ADMINISTRATIVE/SALES ASSISTANT Bruker BioSpin Ltd. a manufacturer 0f quality analyrtical instruments has an immediate opening for as administrative/sales assistant for maternity leave contract. T ha ideaf candidate must be proficient in Word, Excel and PowerPoinf. In addition, he/she should bu self-motivated, flexible, wiiiing to lenen, organized, and hava excellent neritten and verbal communication skitlu. Duttes wll includle: *Generate quotations *Organize conterances and seminaru *Asslut sn foliow-up 0f open customer accounts *Perform mass mailings *Fulfili oCher reiafed duties as required Candidates who h If thesa requiremeofs are inviled lu apply hy latter, fax bo: Bruker BioSpin Ltd. 555 Steelas Avenue East Milton, Ontario L9T 1Y6 Afils: Mr. Alan Hume Fax: (905) 876-4421 Applications submitted through agents cull be rejected saut ofhsnd. eu - - .0t ra - -ir lEtü~lnabîau (EJj in Ad Submissîons Receîved bv: Fax: 905-876-2364 Tel: 905-878-2341 Email: CIasSified@miltonCanadianChampion.Com For your convanianca me accapt: VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, INTERAC, CASH, CHEQUE, L /Àl J cvntered services for adurtu with lrrg termi physîcal diahîlîties COORDINATOR. HUMAN RESOURCES Reportîng lv the Dîrector of Operaliono, the Coordinator of Maman Ressarces wîll ha re- sponisîhle for the administration and management oI Humon Resources lEmployea Services) îoclud- îng cnmp. & banafls a0ndt training & develvpment. Reqairements: HR certification ana relatait de- gres/dîptoma; 5 yearo progressive HR esperrence plus management eoperîeoce workîng wîth union- ized sodit nnunronîzed emplnyeea. Computer okilis includîng opreadoheets and data manage- ment Cnmpetitrvs compensation package. uOasi: H-R-ES(bp>#137 03 07 tas: 905-333-8711 For more delsîlo pleuoe vîsit aur wehorte aI: North-Wast Mississaga msnufactsring and distribution company is looking for a perma- nent, parf-time: Accountant We are looking for a professional, detailed, and team player. The ideal candidate will have 2 to 3 yeats exparience in Receivables, Payables, and General Ledger, as weIl as reconciliations, GST, invuicing, and csllec- tions. la addition, intarmediate Word, Excel and Outlook is required. This posîtion is 25 bouts a week, includes benefits, and may Iead tu foul time in the future. Please submit ysur resame and salary expectations to: Administrative Assistant, FuIt/PrtTlm Industrîi Diesel Praducta ha bes supptying the construction and landscapîsg industries cith spare parts sînca 1987. We require a gesealint ta assuat ut their office & warehouae situated at Dixie and the 407. Dulies ciii include genemil administration, basic accosnling, shipping and mailing lust compilation. Applicants must bu fluent in Engtîsh, Computer fier- aIe in Word and Excal and have knocledge af Ba- sic accounting - hîgh achool levai. Fluency in French ii beax adventage. We are prepsred la consider applicants cho eauld tike la cark morninga onty to accommodats parents with chîtdren saffnding ochool or relired individuals cho ns langer cîoh ta work s fuit day. E-mail your reaume In etricteet confidence to Na tlephane catis pieuse Marketing Coordinator Seeking a Marketing coordinator uih n entrepre- sauriai spirit ta cark cuir CNLA's HorfProteci insu- rance progrumo. The posiin ci cark wihh fe program brokeas ta graw plan participation cdh a focas an establîahing and impiementing a national merketingladvertising plan. Starsing salary range: $35,000 - $45,000 per yesr plus bunefits. For moe snf0 please oea the fait jab dascription ut ideal Graphies, a fuit service printrng and design company ru- aires ana riencad MuaI bu delsit-arienit- ed, flesible, & cuotom- er focuai. Eoperî- ence cilh offset prînt- îng, satîd computer akîllo, cao-do atitude sanîri. Email reume ta: solatiansth Fax 416 352-5380. No phase caltas pieuse Içolectorsl F letor P/T I$117.78- $12.78 lhrI j + Bonuses & jt eeifs QEW & Erîn Mil Is Fax: 905e55-0603 iout. i workopo CANAD' 2341 ýs I u.nq tor 1101 r \ , _ vaieri, dlail nrîented, iL i. superîenced roside l Eperience l sales persan. Esperi- an assef lance in accauntu jWill trai1 receivahis on assaI. Enin Milîs & QEW Sabmii resames by Fus resîme: March 116th: 905-855-0603 Ener-Gard Fax: (905)336-1507 E-Mail:* admin@ vspa, ~ ene 1 opaeyu ad isnp~ Sales Heip SlsHl S Georgetown Volkswagen Has an openîni forsa __ Must haoe a valid drivers license and ha able to drive s manual transmission asperience preferred but cîlling to train the right candidate, Please tas resamne and drivers abstract attention Tas Vaelkner, Service Advisor required. Iease tas ts Tom Brown Fas: 905-873-1914 URBAN WILDLIFE SALES/ SERVICE POSITION ~- Humans Wildlrfe Conirol, Canada's lrest urban cildîlfa contraI company is fitring for asales and service pauition. Duties include selling at our servicas snd performing the hamane removal & exclusion af urban wildlite tram buildings. Mast NOT ba afraid af heights. Ladder, attic & roof cork sre reqaired. Please respond ta: required to join our team Fuli-Time for GoalLise Solutions, Buriington. Candi- dates must ha bilingua, posseas min. 3 yru customer service exparience and hava strong communication skilis. Key Account Representatives must aise possess min. 3 yrs expurience in sales and have strong presentation skiiis. Media Group Ltd. The Oakville Beaver, a division of Haiton Media Group, la ueeking a: Print & Distribution Sales Representative The quaiified candidate miii be a moti- vated, independent, self-starter mith the ability to mork in a tast-paced, dead-iine focused environmrit. You wili possesa excellant veritteni and verbal communica- tion akilis. Print Sales experience an as- set. In this role, you miii ha cusiomer tocused and miii buiid strong retationuhipu with neve and axiuting clianta by ensuring ihai thaîr needo are met. You miii ha goal- srianted and capable of meeting monthly largetu. If you mouid like to work for a leader in the media induutry Ihia opportunity may ha the right ose for you. A reliabie vehi- cia and insurance os requirad. If interested please forward your re- sume, no lter than March 21 st, 2007: Fax: (905) 632-0308 We apprecrale tIre inlereal of ai applicanla however oaly Ihase oetecled for as interview ii ha coalacled. No phase caltas or agevcîea please. Book your Reruitment ad today & receive 28 weeks on Workopolis for only $1250 7 to place an ad call 905.878.2341 Il 'n ý _ __ . - - 1 ý- - - - - ---" __ __ -