Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Mar 2007, p. 22

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22 - The Cunudian Champion, Tuaaduy March 27, 2007 Gérl Hep GéérlHep GénraHelp GnrlHlep to Général HencfrsriHeil riHi rsH - ~~ - - - sJ~~~WaZ~t~~ -bd Ie 1IIIIîaPe Ir1-fl-fM i rtRrIsPlFea- -- - - eapove ianadusa, ors wdaeoseni for espenie ne tr ot Sleriothe cound orchcksfs l be r condact înldng. credît cia and ahe veiiatrio th jiOreanion an workem haistoryivnt relo Caas a Woerenlcass ladouet in mîcoroaceo amt crd dprution.W are everitypoing es a cothe impremestnd/arste acray reuction ultr ulcns ig se dieted or te esam robes sholvîng itehnqus, 55hgo aicmt kl and oterLanMaacu inq ecnque. o Wopuers u14.00Miosft sen ad Whord. sthfts t sft oation Oncu bseftsrog raa ilde deiintaecipng ad rri s elh speingY mccut lifhae, acidenta ig eah av dsilityiarae and air w andPthe h a 100%tmatchfon theefiato and of employmgscotiae Ge Appt byad e aî o l leadger.iacopo@emaio. mtca deeop a nu..ou mroeet/at Iaiaookang for and AUTO DETAILER Poiential arivancemeni liîkuy. Cali Terry for an intervew ai: 905-877-7818 Housekeeper / and Facilities (Janitorial) Fuil-Time Seasnal Eaperience preturned, but wili rrain. Laaking for mature, energetic. indupunduent perna ta wark in a higir puced, leam ariented envîrnment. Pieuse contact: Marks Marshall Faclittea Manage Rattl«ess Point Golf Club 5407 Régional Road 25 Miltion, Ontario L9T 2x5 Teleéptona: (906> 878-222 est. 2031 Fax: (905) 693-9629 PT poston avaiiable, ieading ta poasible PT for an energetic, dependabie peraon ta clean oar cea- tomera homes. Daytime trours Monrtay.-Frîday. Transportation pnavrded, drivera licenae eaaentil Cali Mary 905-877-3443. 1 HATNCUNR N Hiring for 2007 Season! Grouanda Keeplng Crew *Parit-Time Bar Staff I Appty in Persan with resume aller i pm * Hutton Country Inn 9196 Sixth Lina, Milton Dependuble fuli-time seasal/cstnaction type mark. Nos-smaker $l3îloun. Own transportation rnquired. Usîi train Fao reaume ti: 905-877-9272 Or phone und ieuve message: 905-677-»669 Naw hinng tar ail poaitiana. ECE, Asasitnt and Baa Drnver Pleane formard reaames la imioodyareinc@hoima Icom Aenioin Tino-_ I Very flexible haurs, for amal store /off ice Cailto dareaý 35K to 80K EARNINGSI! Faut g ramth han spenud a position for a profus-inlslsascae f o'aecflrmne and have salua expérience iv farnilau, tuai esialu,I ivuarancu, automolive, or any siher suies uapo- sure, cail me. Ask for Terry 905-877-7818e Our buay inaa ance brskerause a eopandinq and Inah ng for dynamic, enthan al c people ta lin our team. if yoa aue iaokvg far an eacitng casae au an rua rance proteson al me mant io heur t or yaa. CSRS -experienced CSR, iniereated in providing our cantamern wilb Peace of Mind in the insu- rance coverage. RIBO lcevaed, experience with Signasa e waaid be an anaut RECEPTIONIST I DATA ENTRY CLERK - As the tirat peruon wîth whom mumberso0f the general public make contact, the Receptianînt ruprenenta aur tirm. vie are iaoking for a prateaaioeal, par- nonabie individauel widh a pleaaant téléphone man- net. PRODUCER - Loobing for un individuel ailh a boak af business ta loin aur team. WiIi bu reapan- sîbie tar marketing and aeling inuraticu prodacto. Prospecta and makus contact widh potentiel clients. #f you are inferesfed ln Iainlng aur teamt, plusse forwnd, your reaum taIthe affetn ot enyDaSItva 16-1375 Southdown Rood,Bo 1053, Ufssissauga, Ontario LSJ 2Zt or Iral fa Ail enquiries wll Ire treefed ln confidence.o **_ _ _ _ Adecco Oakville is urgently recruiting for these jobs. Light packaging Assemnbly lin. packaging Display packaging " Immédiote openings: doys, ollernoons & nights " Shift premium applicoble " Relibl tonpoti soMey shes griG oltendrce & punct"aiiy mquimed To appiy coul 905.842.5173 Adeco OaacviNle 700 Dorvai Drive. suife 1111 - ll odecco.cci Opportunht.en Aaialable lmnaedaftia' We are currrnti lilrinq staff fao- tire Bstirgon and Oakvilie ns-ea for ait shifts. .Ligirt anrd Heaey Labourer $9.50-$10.50 .Certifîed Fortiuift Operaars $13-$14 .Order Pickers/Packers $10-$11 . Machine Operator Positions $1,0-$13 * Ausembiers $10-411 Must have vour own retiable transpaitation Cuit us at 905.637.3575 or drop by the branch and asti for Vanessa, Kimboniey or Kanhian 1lîleuse h. inq ini ynirie.sonpAiti n 2 saipeilsoii5 iefetetices* 89 Brnsto. *ù ([ritim m il n rait V lew) -r randstad ansdc Total Tech Pool and Spa An indusfry leader since 1990 nvires applîcanlo 10 aoir oar Award Wînnîvg Team Service Assistants/Seasonal Open. maîntoîn, repoîr pools spas -ideol loi studonts Retail Assistants/Seasonal Traîvnrg proaîded. Must 8e reliabie, mal, presentable. Saperior Compenation 00E Apply by fax 905-827-7072 or email at M eqI-e AZ *UPRC ARVE Are you seeking an opportunity ta gnose with a progressive 3-PL Logistica Provider and have a minimum af 5-10 years expenience in Transportation Logistics? We require an individual who can co-ordinute pick-us with designated carriers, ha esperience warking for a third party iogistics company(s), is a routing speciaiist and is computer literate. Individuai must have excellent customer service skiils to liaise between the customen and the Logistics Provider. Pieuse forward your résume by e-mail (o ralphc@itn-ogistics.Ca or fax (0905&362-11101 LEGOAT PONTIAC BUICK CAILLAC LMD. Requirea thle ilowing: 1- Lube Technician 1 - Lot Attendent Vuid driversa Lic. Able ta drive Std. Company benetita, Great aorking environrment. Corne join our tearni Pieaae tax or e-mail reaume cleuriy indicate job type. Attention: Jim Rose Fax: 905-333-0170 E-mail: jrosa@leggatautogrUP.Com " Must be capable of dnîsrsg ITON " Maunual Transmisseo " Louding and ott louding sautoid " Muai be able ta suticy secure loud *Undersanding of MTO Raies & reguluan *Wiiiing ta train Use right cunidute Send your resumne to: Steepilack Services 1281 Speers Rd. Oakvilie Fax. 905-25-2801 AIDE-COMMIS La personne qualifiée offre une excellente laças au téléphone, peut taire et répondre aua appela en prenant des notes, doit également effectuer la saisie de donnéea, le classement de dossiers électroniques, les recherches et ta facturation. Le consentement au criblage de pré-emploi est exigé. Envoyez le CV par courriei à WHOLE F0005 MARKET- OAKVILLE We are lookîng for Team Members 10juoin us. Positions available ircludo: *Seafood Manager Inl Store Tramner *Kitches Manager Grocery and Nutrition Teurs Members Emal resames, Fan 905-849-8480, or drop off 301 Cornwall Rd. evced Fîancîi Mîanager iBookkeeyvi 111ris pusi- tion invalves ail fînancial aspects ai the camnpavy ivciading: A/tR, inveniary, and A/P management *Daily input and recanciliatian af data *Knowiudgu in toruigo uachange *Bank and cash flou management -Genurai iedger maintenance and preparalion of montly tinanciai statumunts The saccusatai appicant wili bu a take-contrai per- san with a tirm anderstandîng ut accsainting, with ut leaul 5 yuara of banda-on accaanting espuri- uncu. Warking knsmiudge of Microsoft Great Plains wilI bu an assut. Piease amatil your resuime and saiary expectetions to: Magie Lite Ltd. Emal: Experience Needed. Milion area. Cuit: 90"-78-1105 BURILINGTON Heavy Equip. Import Franchise Due ta enarmoun MeChaflic's Growthaweca entiy HeIper aeaexperience with maintenance and An encellent'& repaîr ot heuvy poftauble opportanrty construction eqaip- for he ightperon! ment. Apprentîce Fax in confidence Pieusoe fa p reaest Atn Fined Opa Mgr 905-842-0564me t 905-633-6841 958206 Ask UsAbo ut.. workoâp cui 905-878-234 jrepuirs, bouse claig&carpet Be apart of a bonuses. Must have oas transopriation. SHERIDAN Collegu Resideoce HEAD HUEKER -OSTIe Fali-time position 140 brmkh ati bunefita BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUILCTORS Needed immediallelyt eNa expernce nec. 00l brain! Mut bu persanable 1-877-622-3237 (Call: M- 12-5pm) Fired Aatlre Dance Studio tiamUtton Need a Job? Are you 16-24 yeare old? We can help Cal JOB CONNECT at Sheridan 905-878-4956 Aufn AtU 'fKOOSIO tisrf Io We are aeeking an experiencad peraan for aur ahipping/receiaingfinaide alea dept reapanrsbie for packing and ahipping ardera, aaaembling valvea, aitending phane calla and generai affice raatine, technically oriented & campater akilla an asset. Pleas aJ-al y r~esuii Tommy Bahama, in Dawntown Oakville, ia entertaining applicatiana far MANAGEMENT FI & PT SALES ASSOCIATES Tommy Bahama is a leader in high end menas and wamenas ialand and leiaare wear. Eaperience as reqaired, haweaer a paaaian far aelling, people and faahian as eqaally aa impartant. Resume ta agill@jayeacom no later than April 7, 2007 Sao&Spa Hep Shear Elegance Salan and Spa, Carli- nie reqaîrea fali-tîme Esthetician Campeitive seagea, flexible haara, paid W~~ yu.x Wad *ài rom akîn care training, great enviroament. &Wullu MW, bu a* Fax resume sfd 90&989-113118 or cali 905489-2151 itll88t$IIUlI S&dllied & kle& TecoilHein Tecilaical iielp OGeargetown Chrysier Jeep reqa rea a top anot technician ta adri ta aur busy service tuant Dieael qualifications a mast. *Top raes *Top aupport *Top prodaca Use'il keep yae buay! Phane Anifrony for a cofdentie converation 905477-0149 or fax réaame ta: 905-877-4557 s fabricatio and dam ng, asing steel, alumisnm Iarlc and verioaa composite materis. Muai be P OgnlsouÊtQm. or fîax:905-877

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