AlO0 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprit 10, 2007 Company fined for violating health and safety act tîtr. O .I1ato a 1 *u'u' ' id ý I \ c that resultetl in serions injuries to atl employce. On July 15, 2005, an Exel Canada work- STANDARD ADVANCETRAC* W/ROtL STAUIY ONMIOL P3AUDI JACK INFORMAION DISPLAY FRONT GRILLE AVAIALSE FOG LAAIPS a AMT LAMS -TNDR TIRE PRESSIME Escapes opOMma hitellgent 41*0 Symtmm lis afly on amd aliais wlg IR amemtca4l monlItors talcuo am a*m urimque imlrlmlon as nond.d ta 9Ws yeu maxlnmm Ill TIIaud, te Emoapea standa -w aaxNIy mmahilu Jak Y- 0- pig 10 Vaoir purmmal M3 playelar lo &0m wM" la' Mani SYSItbm SIAMI Sat011111t1 Radi la aima avamllabtm. AM 6 abaenm standard. TiM iaI fron abbu ay km oi Pamo Sat.t SystmV am MoW jolamod hy Iron-»ea aIde a~tg MWd un. Smd-ommt akmaga et Mr Safmt CanalmO Systmo. Ip HORRY, THE lEST SELLINO COMPACT SUV IN CANADA US WAUTINO % FOR YOU AT YODS LOCAL FORD STORE: US1E BIJYERS READ iTE 15CM. COPY: OfferVaiîO in Ontario only tLease a oeai 2008 Foîd tscape XLI END 14 loi otty $269/$299/$323/$345 lier mnoitIlatter deiiaery atlowaiicc ot $100)0 Jedutedý bSeo Oni 111 oiLI PaUý rote et 4 K wtt0 a clewe paymeit ot $3299/$2000/$1000/$001r eroovalent trade-in and a048 morîb iease toril Ford Creoit ta quallied retaîl lesoees ai approved ci1011 Total clase oliugation s $16,211/$16.352/$16 004i016 ,60 Optroinl buryoui i $11,234,58, Seme conditions and mîleage restrictions of il000 0 ovî 48 moiths apply. A eharge ol 12 cents per kmt over rmleage restictions apples, plus appilcable 10xe1 Frot mottis tiaymeit and $0 secuniy deposit irou i **Oi i toose 10 purdliail a 2008 tscape lexcluding llytiiî0î 5100191 tom moto $22.999 witli 0.0% Xlii putchase tîtatarng for a maximum of 36 mortfistIo quaiied relai1 costomeis, or approacd ciedti from Ford Credit. Eig- $20,000 pordlase ticnpced aîl1OT/ paîchasl APR lot 36 meili moottily paymeot is $555.55 costl of brrowtig is $00 orFAR ot 0.0% and total lI e iepaid is $20,000, Down paymeil or priclase tiiaooong offîrs mal 011140 ted liaseO iii approseo credît Ai Ofters eXCILe Iteigit <$1,250). Iioese, îîsuîanc, registration, FSO. administration tees aod ail applicable taxes. tte Secity Deei ai ail 2007/2008 Ford vehicies (exciOding lie 200712008 Ford ShlIy 50 500, Ford st, Ecor ah t' Cutaways aid Otripped liassi Ford F Series Cliasst. C abs Fio Mediumo Trucks aid LG6F effective Ottril 3, 2007 Littil .loly 3 2007 Seturito Deposil may lie requîred by Ford Credît based or costomer credît feron aid conditins tBased or Ctoadiafi Veliiele Mttalciorers Association stabstcOi sales report Setembet 2006 010vs il Imal il1 Vehicles 1t 2008 Ford Escape LîmîllO tifth LîmîllO Chirome appearooce package tuffîtg at morp $33.084 aXfer $1000 011101y aliowaice dedîCtOd) Dealer may sel or liase tor lest, LîmiX Urne effets Offert malt be cancilld at ar ite wîthoat notice. Sonne conrditions may apply 10 the Gradoatu Recogiion Program, See Dealer for dtils Ontario FOX F30 Box 2000, Oaltîlle, Ontario LOt 5[4 Il b iiitti tl li: S t)Ii i \& .tsi.g ilic im i îo replenîsh stocek when iî i'ollîded wîll a steel pot irapping the wîîrker heîweeni t post and the machine. Tht worker suixiainetl L i ti lu>1< i n a hs' ti il ti k an 11,11 t l'el hiadn'î iioveýsiigaiec-l i fît emîpli esi titi entes iiisr nsit' th wiuîker liad tht ets CANADAS BESI SELLINO COMPACT SUV1 IUSI 001 SETIER. f ii'u pleaîfd guifi> to failing to take the recasiiiablt' t)rît ataii of hetking the quali- lict lii if fît c wiîker io iperate a lift truck. Nominations accepted for honour roli I-AAC recognizes leadership mn promoting skilled tirades J usi hecause you're donc school docsn'i mean ytu tan't he on the hon- our roll. And if your tornpanty demonsîraies leadership in promoting sktUled irades, yoiu iniglt fitîd otirsell ont it. o1 f Int \prtl 27, the Haltor Appt enîttesop CO u oini If SAC 3 t, .itepiiip nomtinattionloihî its 200(> 1 orient Roîll. \vtfsvill bci prcsntel. ai flic f111 S I fitottil Roi1llti'toa, SksIN 1 tionm 7:30 tîî I0 a. n ai tht u iigut oC i eîîntttioiti 1120 lut loth Di, fThe tiist for the breakfast is S W0 pet. pet son or S240 foi- a table of t'igbt. f he us anis xx l t ognt:eC si li aftotî totopantes tin two catcgorics - 50 or f ewer empltyees and 51 or mnore emplIoyes. Seleeîed complantes denaonsîrate excellente lit promonn skîlled irades, developfng recrttmcni strategies ihai ecoturage youth to tentier tue trades, pri din elutattoa and training opporionîttes with ot xrihout appren- lices antI ext elltng in the sktlletf trades. HAAC is a tiiinimuiy effort affiliai- cd wfth the I fltoni lndustry F-tlucation Countil to lfosiet growtb td the sktilled urades in Ilaiton. For more information or to pie reg- istet for the breakfast. caîl Marilyn fi sb ai «)05) 63-2575, e\i. I0. or e-mail lter at mfuish@0buet un ti.a, Noinination lot mis andt crt tet a arc ts tiI thî mifne lmt WAL-MART CORRECTION NOTICE [Lite ti tirtun)tantes freeind mir tiontrol, the Children's Light Up Sandals ais ertisetf in uîîît tcurent f1lle (ending Aprîl 7rh) may flot be available in ail stores. \Vo apouîiîgze forr amit- itttii t niflt titis Inet haile tîtUseu. FLOW-lUROIUH CENRE CONSOLE INTRODUCING THE NEW 2008 FORD ESCAPE. 2008 FORD ESCAPE XLT lotroductor 2A ,,,26fr$PRMNH/89w*484, PE OT/8MONTHS LEASE WtTH $3,299 DOWN PAYMENT OREQUIVALENT TRADE. FREtGHT $1,250. $0 SECURITY DEPOSiTr 2008 FORD ESCAPE STARTINC FROM 36 MTH20 ECP 122,999*wf 0.0%»O ON1 WAL-MART CORRECTION NOTICE flue to i iuiîi ib hori iiidit Nintendo Wii 1- 5224o) and iou Nintendo I)STM4 Lite (=~59,1050) aulî'ritl ilIo tIlt (. iirtett tlimer (e\piiiil April 7th) w il1 îî i le .îî'.iillif'le. No rilin hekviii Ire iýsued. Pleue tcontact N intenufuý dli wit ay ,n ont tro abouit pmnlila. t i,iiibility at 1-800-255-3700. \X/e aploligue (<r ufî illfl allt tftiî era hate .aused. AVAIIAML 51*11 SATIELLITIE RADI STANDARDO SAMEYce~ SIDE CIIRTAIN SYSE STANDARD PERSONAL /~ SAEYSSEMu EAATI FRIEOMY SENT FIII Ci AR LEM -EDL STANDARD AuS ROBUST STAMC Emf UmSOniL M $331m",