Ali6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 10, 2007 I~v Selocted Food Items Regular priCed products only. Sale ends April 14, 2007 For The Firsi R *IV A 50 Customers... Book By Brad King OR. Lorna Vandorbaogbol Sauda pr1 4t i I.PM When Mark Ysseldyk bought his f irst Vitamin Store in February 2004, he neyer realized that if would become a family attair. But 3 years and 3 stores later, hîs brother Mafthew and father Dick couldn't resist getting involved in a vital and growing enterprise, and ioined the group when they bought Multon's Paradise Natural Foods, turning if info the 5f h Vitamin Store. The sawdust has been tlying ever since, as Matt puts his talents in construction and renovation f0 work making necessary changes to the facilify. The store's original staff has chosen f0 put up with the pandemo- nium, and has stayed on to continue to offer heiptul, knowledgeable service. So Kate, Vaîl, Dianna and Eric's friendly faces will continue f0 greef you when you visit the store. Being part of a group of stores has many advan- tages: buying as a group allows The Vitamin Stores f0 offer competitive prices, quick response f0 cus- tomer requirements and access f0 more product lines. Staff at ail five stores can take advantage of the cumulative knowledge of the oCher staff members; if we don't know the answer, we can easily find ouf for you. On-going staff training is available f0 make sure that ail our employees know about the latest develop- ments. We mainfain close relafionships with local Progressive IThe Vitamin Store qor;euitk starLç here Saturday April l4th, 2007a 9:30 arn te 5:00 Pm Stores are 1000/ Canadian and locally owned. The four other stores are locafed in Burlington (2), Dundas and Waterdowfl. As a complement to our other services, we are very pleased to welcome Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Lara Armstrong. Dr. Armstronlg will be taking appoint- ments on Mondays from 1-8 p.m. The Milton Vitamin Store caters to the needs of peo- ple with a taste for heaithier alternatives in their food choices with natural dairy and eggs from NutriSpring Farms, glufen-f ree products f rom Glutino and El Peto, and much more. We also carr natural body care and environmentally-frieldly cleaning products. The nutritional supplements are, for the most part, Canadian manufactured and conform to Canada's GMP (good manufacturing practice) standards and new safety regulations from Health Canada's Nutritional Products Advisory department. We carry such popular lines as Flora, Genuine Health (greens+), Lorna Vanderhaeghe, Natural Factors, Progressive; and homeopathics from Boiron and Heel. Meet Naturopathic Doctor Lara Armstrong!f Q&A & blood pressure reading '( 1:00 pm-6:O0 Pm) 500 Laurier Ave., Milton 0 905m878u3080 (Jusi North of Hwy 25 & Bronte Road) -Heel 1= FnBOIRON I ê c Q 4 I'i I 5M wwwtIevitamiflStorecaflada ýom 1 .1