The Canadian Chamrpion, Tuesday, April 10, 2007 - A21 Haydar named to AHL first-team al-star squad As if there was any doubt. Adding toi what's been one of the best individuai sbowîngs in recent American Hockey League history, 27-year-old Miltonian Darren Haydar was named a first-team ail-star Thursday. To say the ieast, bis selection was an obvious one - with the AHL veteran right winger sitting firmiy entrencbed atop the league scoring race with 39 goals and 77 assists in 70 games with the Chicago Wolves. About the only thing that kept him from making a serious run at the ali-time single-season point record - which stands at 138 - was a 10-day cali-up to the Atlanta Thrashers in February for the AHIs MVP award, expected to be announced sometime this week, Haydar deiivered his latest offensive outburst against his former Milwaukee Admirais Friday night. His 39th taliy of the season came just 21 seconds into the gamei, and from there hie heiped set up three other goals to edge the Admirais 5-4. The AHL scoring leader has gotten Darren Haydar the Grand Rapids Griffins that kept hîs now 44-24-3-6 Woives in position to snag top spot in the West Division away from the Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights, whom they'll face in the season finale Sunday With iess than a week remaining in the regular season, Haydar - who recorded at least one point in each of his first 39 games, the longest streak in AHL history - is poised to win the scoring race by at least 15 points. on the score-sheet in eight of nine games agamnst nis lormer team this season, recording three goals and 10 heipers aiong Price makes strides in rookie season from OH on page A20 onship on a 13-game wmnning streak and, once there, securing a second peri- od lead - and accepting such a high- stakes and narrow loss goes from tough to damn near impossible. "We certainly had the team to, do it," offered Prîce, whose perennial power- bouse squad reached the finals witb a wid 6-4 victory over North Dakota Fniday nigbt, during which seven goals were scored in the iast seven minutes. Whiie not exactiy focused on much beyond Samurday's defeat, Prices beart- break was tempered with at ieast a cer- tain degree of personal satisfaction - regarding the significant strides made during bis rookie season in Division 1.- Sitting out the first several weeks of the season, the former Milton IceHawk no douht questioned if and when be'd be able mo shake bis beaithy scratch sta- tus with the taient-laden cbampionship contenders. The answer to those internai queries began presenting itseif around late fait, wben Price finaiiy cracked the iineup. Once doing so, the young Eagie siowiy but surely began boosting bis stock - as part of a rather effective checking unit witb juniors Matt Greene and Pat (jannun. By tbe time tbe piayoffs roiied around, the Boston Coilege rookie had obviousiy proven bis value, seeing as an injury to bis ieft wrist and forearm - sustained in practice - didn't resuit in a quick return to the sidelines. Piaying witb a cast over the pasm kew weeks wasn't exactly an ideai situation, but the fact that Price was stili in tbe iineup at iess tban 100 per cent speaks volumes about the favourahie impres- sion he'd made on seasoned Eagies skipper Jerry York in a reiativeiy short peniod of time. l On BtOnO 4% * atCommercial 5trcet pWSfi ........ W8b78-1070 &atWd-Y Mk vmacount4rvmiIe . ada la-sm ',1 guess it does say something posi- ~ tive," suggested Price, wbos scbedule to have bis wrist re-examined today - ,,With the adrenaline of the playoffs, it - reaiiy oniy burt after the games, but lets just say l'm giad tbat (Saturday) was our iast one." So how were the Division 1 new- comer's nerves piaying in front of near- ly 20,000 fans this past weekend?- Obviousiy the crowd gets you going, but then every games intense once you get to the elimination round. And if you can't get up for the playoffs on your own you prohabiy sbouidn't be out there." \Vhîie stili iînmersed in champi- onship heartbreak, Price and the Eagies have pienty of cause for opimism. Boston Coilege loses just two regulars from this year's team, and bas 14 play- ers eligihie for 2008/09 play. CORRECT VOUA MWETABOUSM, LOSE WWIGHT PERMWANENTLy AND DRAMA1YCALLV sus eSIimO Revolutionizes Weight-Loss in Mississauga & Oaikville Great news for anyone traumatized by their weight and the unscientific diets, shakes and calorie-counting systems typically used to reduce it. Researchl has revealed that a major reason for weight gain la hormone imbalance. 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