Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Apr 2007, p. 25

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juà Alie h -rote ssionals GREG J. LAWRENCE B. Sc., D. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST Ê? LiSA MERRILL D. CH. R ff 550 Ontario St. S., Unit 205, Milton, Ontario, L9T 5E4 (905) 878-6479 1lA Princesa Anne Dr.,Georgetowfl, Ontario Greg J. Lawreuc (905) 702-1611 B. Sc., D. Ch. Membr of the Oniarlo Society of ChrOIt alld The Ontario ai/9 ol/ f Che.pdit Announcement To ail our new and existing customers I would like to inform you of a couple of changes to the clinic. First ni al[ I would like to welcome an associate to my practice: Lisa Merrili D.Ch. Lisa has joined both my Georgetown and Milton Clinics. We have moved to a new location: Unit #205, 550 Ontario St. South (plaza with Pizz Hut) (905)878-6479 Please note our telephone number has not changed. We wiU be offering more hours at this location and more services in the near future. Please drop by for any inquiries you may have. Greg Lawrence *The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, APri1 10, 2007, A25 I ohaeany questions these "Ask The Prof essionals' c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 WVtat duesione need ti/look forendecidingisn whrre iisn0sforiraditiana/ sYoga c/asies? !u fiue tradition fu iiia lise.lin. uu,osai i , us se"acduug a,î a ies/cy moire iio fita phyasalfi n - lui c i 1 l*i -h~l uice c usualos thin s uic carui dus lu fore uirccciincsasc casuioasu,uss.uPuicIY etc hrare oalto al'lc ia/sas/.lsauusu descuýs/iou'S/s' suIi/cusand aisiies, in .îs:eipeto/ sus lies/adifiossiiyoga tieishiucdunsu/u.ii mc sic- esing ai drasii, is scse li i/se scuiber of isisuss iad5a/sc fori suga disse /sasuusds sas/sa 'ptsoer., *'hot" 'ylufaaais.'/ ec.c miaris/ s/îus/ luus sisuyiioheiihysica 1/scie is agreai daisofuusiarings iin i/se "nols/s" of/ yoga -sissi/sief. magazuins, uacrchasdisc. bis/y liesouui. rcrusmscd scac/srs.supscalcstudios, etc. sus thedsscsssras In where to siody and i/555 m/sn tsu dy /sscomes madd/ed. sîniascd. 1recccsyiy/adithe sppstrgiii/ isiady % iihisycacs hnem/ siussi toToonis /rom ta/y secy year anduiakss/siime onthematîandmwaîsbiîfhermîîrkîi rcmuded memwhyt1praiuce and hy/1snach ..ssmp/y becaac/1lveii. Therc is n nagr steg/ad persoa quie iraiconnes onheoroi t onseseif. Yoga is no "flas/s".and markeig Ilis compassioinand ndersading. Yoga sso cusmpesîuîos.mwii/snef ocs/ir oiheisyoga isufe.I s vaibrantsands'aerchasfngg ilîfeeds y05ours /lanld /c1e/0p aaress ofdeiai/ andthe iiplicit> ifivingc musdfa//y. Yoga is airassedesce if seo, shorsî ail i/sa se knuum. heliuo ma/se i/se musc/d a beuici place, per/saps a happuer place yoga is casc and fisse. Our praiuce and uaceachers needto em/sraceial. ho, maidoes one/look formwhen deiding on /sere to go for ayogas/ass? Wmlcs/samness. wecome spcecmpssione and undersiandifrfaims/se teacher se order se begis oar oms persosai /oomney fromt a place fisas is csas/y ucbre wcare measIio bc ..ndutaiteaber ti/s555e//irained, cspsrieced. and stiiiec to your persooas555and yoar josmeyau/lbe a fabulosone. Wishing you a wouderfusî day and a tîfetimie fi/led with /ov'e, /aughter and happiness. f>m Shanti - Pouce ta yan!. Wendy Samaut, FOYT R, ls the ovuer and principal teacher of inner Sanction; Milton's onlyful-imn yoga ntudijo, specialiing in tradional yogic teachings; offering cias, worksaps andI retreals year-round. Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM e t)octor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizza Itut Plaza) Debb/e Hawkins Phone (905/ 875-6888/ B. Sc., OVM Fax /90>5) 875-6853 HAPP,'YffLATIT bI$1W I know that tht> lettet t', fot in tîme foi E5istes bu/ I wanted to remind everyone of the fact that ehocolate i/s poisoflous to our pets. For the nsonth following Easter we treat maiîy dogs for chocolate foxucity. Kids leave their Ea/ster bunnlies on the coffee table or hidden, and invariably the family pet sniffs it out and consumes. Chocolate contains a compound that for our pets is toxie f0 the brain and heart. If consumed in sufftcient quantifies (and that is flot often alot) it can cause cardiac arrhythmias, seizures and sometimes death. If you arc aware that your pet has ingehted chocolate, cal your veterinarian immediately. There are treatments we can initiate f0, minimize the absorption and, hence, improve the outcome. I hope that you had a happy and safe Easter!! PS. Piease remember f0 cail your Veteritiarian soion, f0 prepare your dog for the Heartworm Season. I must say that with snow on the ground as I write this note, (in the far north reaches of Moffat), il us bard to believe that mosquitocis will soon be xvith uis. 311 Commercial St. Suite 109, Milton Yrenne 905-875-3345 www.hearsay.Ca Oliveira Are there any funding sources availahie for assisting with the cosI of hearing aids? The Os/aris M suis/r> o ii e/h and Lonîg Terni (are, Assis/ie Diese Prograni /ADP/ ms/i pay ap iii a maximuo $ 5/X/ iîmards s/se sosi of lise hearisg aid sic us /5 a maximuofsss $100() isr i/se cosi ofi mus hearing asis Prssssded ysse havse cîsserage s e.c. a sa/id beau/s card) yu quali/ sic A/IP fasîdssg sicr leasing a'sds lisce cvery ihrce years. T/se Assis/is e îles ces Proerasi msi aissi pay op ils a masxisum of $/135//sii/se css su an FM5 sysiesi. Yssu may aiso hase shîrd par/y issrasce sisserage frosse a carreai sor pressîsas emplsoyer. Ssme is srasce p/ans dis suser i/se cîs i sf hearsîsg instrumiens, m/si/e si//ers ssay cîsser on/y a prarmai cisi sic eimborse the patient for a ses amosit Yssa shou/d a/mays c/sec/s ms/h yoar parica/ar israsce p/as to sec if you hase coserage for hearief asds. There are a/sa beseits asai/abie iii qua/îfied Veicrass m/so hase sersed sn t/se Canadian Forces. Veicrans Affairs Canada is a naionsal programt ac.cessible to scierons in esc/s province asd serrisory. Yoa may ksom is more commonly as 'DVA" m/sic/s s t/se Depatmesi of Vetersas Affases. T/se Workp/ace Safety and tnsuace Board iWSIB/, prestoas/y ksows as t/se Workers Compensaion Board. is s prosîncîs//y governed agency t/sas prosides coverage ta indisîduals mhosc /searisg /oss bas becs ai les pari/y caased by workplace noise. Your /scarssg aida cou/d bei/se besi issesimesi yoa make for yoarse/f Gond communication is fundamesisi to a/il sur pesons1 re/atsosships. T/se sariety of /scarisg insirument.s assi/able mskes t sery /îke/y s/sas you msi be a/s/e te fimd geod /seartsg aida in a comforisb/e pnice range. tlisa/se a gmid ides te investigate w/set/ser you are e/sgt/s/e for sarsous fundsnp sources to be/p finance i/se cosi of yonr /seartsg aida. tf yoa hase fasi/ser qaesions regsrdsng /asdîsg sources or yoar hesrsng statas speak to one of out Aadîe/ssgssts ai i/se HcarSsy Speech & Hearng Ceaire (905)/875-3345. ~!Halton His Speech Centre "Yo sur CtMarngKleSlpe pehnug Pate > rs..." LgaW Nothie Cnte,21 Geph St. ïsuite 5. Georgtw (905) 873-8400 -www.haltonspeech, com Q: Over the pasi winter and spring my pre-school age son has had numerous ear infections. A friend to/d me that my chi/d is ai risk for hearing and speech and language difJ/cuties. ('an you exp/arn ho' tiîs might happen and what rani1 do? Aý Middleca Infsectin, otiiisimedia) are a îsisios ailmeni of carv chi/dhssd, Ofi/is media sý tire inflammaiono utihe middle ec. usui/y in a,,5515assîsssxsh ilosd huildp cin ysssptoss, frequsicy adswvriy of ii nssscsos.ry froin chiId iss/ssd Hssmcser, onecommon sOfactosr/for il cilsdres woue 'ruece otitis media us a fissssais hsarisg iss T/se middle car hisses 3simili bies that sibrase and sesd signais so i/se isser car m/ses ssssd mases str/se the car dram (a ibis msembrane separating the ssier car frontihsereeraisad set/sesessses insmoion. Hssmever. whes a chi/d has calais media the flasd bud p sn i/se miîddle car miii ofien presesi t/se eardram trois s s/ratiig scsrmai/y. This mvi/i presesi gonmd sousd signais irssm reacbssg the laser car asd sa/sseqsesiiy i/se brais. T/sas, i/se c/sud msi espeiesse a hearing /isss thati s mosi offest semporaey. Howeser, if a s/sud esperiesces recarng bouts oif 055515 media. permanent damage ssay be dionc ii the smaii bosses, eardram sor h earssg serve. whîch may mssit sn or casse perssases/ hearisg /oss. Il s îhereforr important se be amare sof the sigss and sympioms of otîtîs media. A gssd source for ibis informaions s ysar fams/y physicias. Hearsng /oss dae /o oeilis media may cause speechs and/sr /asgaage prob/ems. A c/sud icaras speech and /asgaage dese/spmesi fromn /earisg and /isseieng ici os/ser pesple sa/k sn /ss essîrosmesi. Hsmever, if a c/si/dis basîsg diffica/iy beacing durng ithe stages of deve/spmeni ihen me may ser a de/ay in tbe deve/opmesi osf bis speech or /asgaage because be is soi gasossg i/se fa/i adsaniages of t/se /angaage-ns/s espenesnces arsusd huim If a c/sud dues roi dese/op enisicai precorsor speech and isagage ski//s, i/ses me may sec a domino effectin s//e de/ay of bis csmmuniscaion ski//s. If yos are coscemed i/sas yoar c/sud may hase catisîs media litis important soscontact yoar fami/y hea/ib cace professiosnalismmedsaie/y. If your c/sud bas /sad samersas ssîdd/e ear isfecions il may be secessary to casa/s mis/s as audîo/ogsst us esa/sate yoar c/sid's hearssg asd a speech-/angaage patho/ogisi iii assess your chsid's speech and iasgaage dese/opminest and prosîde suggesiions/recommesdaios as secessary. 17-12 Wilson Drive, Milton, Ontario i/,Ai O 1 N C/ MM i N/1'iY 19 j REIIABILITAT ION 905 876 1515 1 ans a runuer, and tuai sommer 1 nti/ced that 1 could net inerease my mileage without bas/up s sariety tif dilfergeut problemrs in mny knee, b/p and tow back. Nttw that the spriug has arrived, ia there anything that physiotherapy eau do for me te hclp me increase my mileage, or dît 1 juat have te live w/tb beiug a short distance refluer? This is a cîssîîisi sîsispiasil ssiti/s llsiîers i/sas iry ts i sease iheir oit/cage. They are titrse rouiisg 5-/s/sssî buSils>n iiriher distansce asd ihey stars to get ea/ber (sec pais. hsp ansi iuuî /sck passa. s as/s/c pais. Physsotherapy cas be/p. Asa/yzisg sosmesîses mosaenscot passera aiid figsrîag osut mhere /hisgs hase pose mrsssg is w/sas me do besi. W/ses yoa are sryîsg ils iscrease yoar mî/eage. there is a greai deai of mear and sear os yoas bsody, and il s scry importants for shsngs trs be a/igsed proper/y, and for your mscles 0 wors ii a /sa/anced masses. If ose musc/e as tp/si and ose meak, il cas a/ses hem yous kc cap îrsc/ss, and casse pain asysshere in t/se /omes essresssty. If your fees are f/as, ynn iasay seed costora made usrt/sotiss te a/tom your /0o/ and sokie to be betier a/îgsed t0 ease pressure and sîrsîs est ssy joint gossg ap i/se /eg. A /eg /esg/s differesce may a/so affct t/se lomes body as yoa add on misse miles. A fs/it ycars ago osto yoar pe/vis may hase ibroa is ui s/ighi/y, and nom you are noticîsg il whes ranstsg. A/it of these things may be fine duning regua daî/y actîsities, and cvn short distance raasîsg. bai as yoa sacresse the ms/es, ysor body seeds i ci he orkssg cssmp/eie/y in unisse and may sseed some fine îsîsssg un ssder /15 ss/crate i/se i screased distances. ['sers some//sssg as simsple as speedias more isse os yssur sireishes i m/sic/s we ssfîes ignsore) svs// be cof adî/ed hese/sit If yîsa are esperleiicisg siloie oîf ihese prîs/siss ushy sîsi let physsîs//esapisi ai i/se Hausse Csssssmaîssy Re/sa/ssiiaîos Centîre assess >550 sud be/p yîsa achiese yosîr gisais1 1 -

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