The Canadien Champion. Tuesday April 24, 2007 - 17 * * à * * s : *Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169- roi eRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classitied@miltoncanadialchamlpiolcom e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 a, HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ai classified ads aso appear on *evcs7075 Fr CIRCULATION cail: 905-818-5947 ~Ad submission by mail or in persan: The Canadian Champion, 555 lndustrial rýeSide ttoor, 2nid Floor, Milton, ON L9T 5El Doadlines: Mon., 1i ar -for Tues. publication, Thurs, il a.m., for Fni publication. Special Feature & Holiday deadlines may vay. IPayment: We accept cash, chseque, lnterac. Visa, MasterCard. Amenican Express Ali ads çtaced are non-ratundable and no credit witt bo issued. Busions accoont s car be opened with an apprnned credit application aoailabl e from pour Sales Consultant. CHECK YDUR AU THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS ro esore the information is correct, Contact yoor Soles Consultant within 24-Hoors if an error appoaro. Art errari n a Fni publication must be reparted no later than Mon. .11 a.m. Houses For Sale lent Foi jRent~ ~ ~eu v e Fiisr Reli flalsor Rent 1paarRee &11 Fatsr Rel orRn MILTON 3-bedroum vil- MILTON tuas and ACTON 3-bedraam, GEORGETOWN 1f GEORGETOWN 3 bardl lage hume. Super ta- *LNEE country location. $850month plus bedronm apariment. roam townhome. cation iras McDowell COR Available îmmediateiy. utllties. 1 bedroom Spaciaus and brîght, avaîlable April lSth S a & Po Crescent. Open House i PRMNS Large 2-bedrooom, $500/monO plus ideai foi proressional sr ,300lmonth plus for Saturday, Aprîl 28 rpm- 12BotSret fîrsi floor of bouse, utîliries. Georgetown t- personlcouple. Quier urîlîries. Firorîlastîrefer- 4pm. 90h-864 605h oth ilo Basement, big yard. bedroomn $700lmonth courr, contrai air, own ences. c redit check. No ISH1FV ___________ We are 00W parking, $t,aSOlnrih + plus hydro. Cai 51rs iaundry/parking, oery smokingipets. Mariha OPEN HOUSE accepting utîlities 'Same bouse 1- 853-5080 / 519-8h3- dlean. No pets/smok- SumPiers 905 877- Sait & Sun 2-4pm applications for: bedroom on second- 5352. ins Credif check, 5r6h. 3-bdrm condo town- floor. $790 aIl iau Sa 75/month plus blouse, r1 1/2 bath- 1 bedrooml apt's sîoe, No pers pre- ACTON Lakesîde area. utîlîries Aoaîlahle JuIy OAKVILLE- 2,3&4 bed- roomo, fînîshed base- For mare information ferred, references se- t-bedroom in quiet resi- rsr. 905 877-433r. room townhouses ment, A/C. h appi, 318 and/or ta make an guîred. 95878-2737 dontiai neighbourhood. avoulable îmmedîately Laurier Ave., Unit #4t. appointment, ShSOlmonth includes GEORGETOWN 1- rarough July Itr 4 appli- Milton, $2490 .lae al MILTON large 1 & 2- utîlîties. Fnîdgei bedruom baisement ances, Hopedale Mai FS.B.O. Cati. 5- 9007857 bdrm apartments, sroae/parkîng tNon- apartment. Verg spa- area. Lakeshore Manage- 878 uiling anaers avaîlabie May r st. smokers. 905-703- ciaus. brîght, wîth own ment 905-876-3336 î A+r Burlîngton home, 4 enr en Fram $880/mth + Park- 0168/519-853-8423. Laundry, parking, sapas-u .P 8 ,10 bdrms, 2 car garage, huge 1_________ ing. Cali 4re 723- ate entrance. No smak- Roomo Fora MILTON 2-bedroom s~~emi, large master, medîately. $Bs0/ont hipsi i Ama kice.2dforlaandry apartment, avaîlatole I3OWNTOWN MILTON large yard, 4-appli- includes utîlîties. Colt LARGE ruom, new car- (- hff mR.S. A 2nd O mcht f loor omeitl. rvtnces, aimple parking. Grog 416-625-3668. peting, country home, ruam:O. ta w mah fatnt mmacely Prîamte MîîsdeTwe nu pets. $g0lmonth ___________ Shared kîtchen and o feKfi $48900 eaoeuc of utenanc e Ngot 82 Miliside Drive. plus utîlîties. Asaîlable GEORGETOW caun- boram Moe re cai905-331-2870. fetrcieqitbul-&OGTW u- ahom aep cotSmoking. Gladys Cran- ing. Spaciaus brîght 3223 ls.Ci 1-5- y opartment far en L erd $401Gep m1K h1 905A HE SEMI-DETACHED home, fard, Remae 905-878- clean 1t&2 bedroome 3223. _______ newly renunaed base' ie 95 4 0 905-__________________ 3 bed. 4 btbrm, inisbed 77.unîts wîth laundry AVAILABLE NOWt mest wa k-out Al inclu a 854________0359_________ bsmf.Vîew af ware bythe facility and Thsoewntll sove. $750/month. Cal owner.comn or colt 416- BACHELOR aparr- socia r onsie 905-877-7720 0 Shared soci31 Akn $1K eual roOensidt ee Bright spocîous, con AccommodationB y r G h Sfreet/5th Lise area. bedroomn on Gvelph Houe BURLINGTON Guelpnh eat o Oer oa Sre diso yN eUp 4 ppruies pets preferred, & evnig petsismakîng. Cai 00w MITNHegr Lre udes parking, privat ESTABLtSHED and ifiris- $850/mfh + heat. Cati 905-876-1249 416-570-6570. MLO 3-edroom Louse 2â rîlîtie SSOOimtren îng court reportingi di 905-875-1101 www.r/atSitce à-EDLO coetre don, s appliances. rown Cai Bob 905844-8033.iluIf Regron. Flexible ciosing. MILTON 1 bdrmn apr -ERO oanta large etee Prîce negatiable. Offers and b000 avoîl. nlewîy met onon Georgerown rand Acron. waer na u îîîres. - /li welcamne 905-847-1224 renosared. appt inci Georgeon. Newy Brighr 2-bed or a se- Asaiiahie îmmedîateiy. dowtOw $70 & decorated. Non-smok- ment opartment Separ- 80-5-18w JOB at home $487.68 $500îmth utîl inci erina Pets. From are iaandry r oom. lots 905_________ RGH Weekly. Assemble Prod- tstost teq'd 416-912- $790imunth. Coli 905- oh indoosiOutdoot star- BIH pcosDah ucts. Malo optr702-3301. age. $900lmonth evary- MILTON 3+2-bedroom roomîsi in eeecutioe Mail. r Compter 1592 _________ thîng încluded. No pets. bungalow. fînîshed semi. r rvom semî-en ww.TpooeiwcmCati 019-853-9743. basement. 2-baths. suite and other room wi www.teCoben372 Rim MILTON - Ose oh a 1-BEDROOM suites in 6-oppliances. large pri dsodhf nut write CHAo, 3726 Otai- kN. apelg ot îtsc bidn n DOWNTOWN George- vote yard. Schovis, Immaculote, single pro- deo S. #t6 Otow ON LrgeBALA fktcen Rocwo saîth go a s o, large t bedroom. transit, shopping veut- fessionol. non-smoker. 80N0 G75R1f51A0 Fîreploce & AIC. loun-frpoe trig u $785/lmonth plus hydro Sy. $r,590-imrh. Oerry/Thompsov Scos dry facilîies & dîsh- $675lmasth plus nlds api AvlbeJu 1t 64-2037 asher. 4-piece bath. utîlîties. Coli Elizabeth mioe pl vube Jn 5h 672303 Fa EscSeS ens/prkng No0 90587898r75____0857.__ Prîvofe entrance & Ooel. Johnson Asso- aneiukg Na 908587 p /ba1con itsRalo 0-7-smokingipets credît MILTON toanhouel ..-----~~------ ar i gi b i co y iots ealor 05877 ch ce fîrst/iosrirefet- MILTON 3-bedroom shared accommodation P E T lo v ers do h a t ou S aîtb e for q u iet lady . orosý c e c es A v3a l im m e losientco f a o l b e S O O m h ave Mut Menu of eet non0t smaînl ets c.dîateiy. Cali 900 877- car garage Avaîfohie clusive Pieuse cal Hoe e e P Sooimhutlîie mi ACTON t -bedroom 4427 May Or 400/mth +s 905-878-2296 Fod.Exluiv Tritry 95-78981 apartmevt. SOSOimont __________ urîlîries 905-875-3750 Support.& Training. r145 -plus hydro. fîrstiiast, G1,ETW 2Bei&ZUS:GrWan Franhiss Ia îves _L frîdgeisrove. Aoiable and 3-hedroom apant MLO -ero aptsmI at epsro httefml ment, awvu multîmeno ca ý3i[M vee??ô Lt.I!MLO -ero Bo a pil-e US:Gr an or187-6205 Mayr1s.No pets. Coul ments $75movrh, bungalow, close Io 16' Syua Boat 40e horwta tefm or87-6-C6 MILTON~ Heîghts 3- r59-853-4721 $920 monts andt schooîs. motre area 6 M larn motos announces the possîvg of Gary Wayne CUedroomesapartmest 5l 995/monts. Avaîlabie HW fluorsý udated Maie ubadmlrZueot ut bis home vs Sunday Aprîf 22, P Dreessiii a ndi 0s.t ofc CO bdom mmdaey Icue ice,$20+6 and troiter. The bout 2007 at the age oh 44 Lovng hushand - Deco -spoce, Appliavces. Asaîlohie May tstý heur lrbdiocabie. Park- utîlîties. 4tk-697-9226 has a sida consovle. liu and best frîend of Janîce (nee Arnold). REMOVE hoar cnîminal parking and smaii yard Frîdge OtoOO. auriies ing extra. Cail 950877- el oso trg eoe fhssnMceze Gr records Foot. We do Par- S2,000/mrP plus utîlîtiOs îvcladed No petsý 6563 îERO os space and is carpeted. o survîved by hîs parents Joel and Jessie doris and US Waîvers. d0 services Avoulable Pinot/lavrireferences se- o u vgod ctn Zuest and hîs brothers Brion lBefIy Ans) Dosf Se embarrasse4 t. Moy1 tst 900-854- qoired Coul 519-853- GEORGETOWN t 2 tir yard S900imoOth Aokîng $3800 CuadRnyIîsei Oo o v1wv 800-298-5520 1687 3877 and 3-bedsomr upartr Heat avd hydro eatra Noah 519-853-1817 Ale an andy Joasnn DAr son epl w m of __________ ments S795. mosth, Avoulable Now. Coui _________ rter an1w John (îa Arnold. mised MILTON Stand oea ACTON 1 -bdoo 925imonth and 900-873-1309 abir theLîna fJhnAnt)Anold, Ctylng Mewne Mortgage, spocîous. elegnit. Avoulable M'y ro1 gt 9 rfote Alioe 500P TO (Lidasu) Arnoldty( Muc oed untey Louns bsgbt and quiet r 544- Frîdge. otove. otilities Ags 5hIcue ees S #alDn(u)AnlMc oe nl ba _ sement suite. încluded No pets.hahyr/alPk-ATN 3bdom ED O5L of many nieces and nepheas, Gary' Îik M DlE Sroa e etacFrtls/eeecs - n hexr aiyrioi Park87- hue 1-2 ba- 198CRSgreotest love as bis fomif y and moto SSSOd S0Uedit a Soa e parine nfe Fpp irt aeeeCe se5- înetrCo 628-87 bous f-igto oth- 198CRScross Af Gary's request there atîl be nr empoyed. ances Saîtable for 38Toomsed Fisto st C8FLSIG FuseraI Service. Cremotion bas faker Sud, c re ax! mutgag prkfin ale applim- qGErdRCoE519853 62- cîuded ont lushi place. A fond in the name of Macfeszir ja y raiOtrio-ea n pet sefere GeOrGEo WN ar t-i St.timofNo p usk 26 fr Tain 350 Ernest Zuest bus b)ees establisbed af The oearoo 1-Wo307ment Pn utîlîtiest Nor 1esomk esgnt 540m ta sousc Canada Trust Company, Brancb 0065 apartm a lenng srvc uen ut MascP t5t ýnoh ai aities. t5-5t eot Cveora fions f0 Prnceso Margaret Hospital A ntS& Aaill Miay st. Building -pets. nvni-smoîars Ou drve Psno sus Pencer Brais Tumor Cenfer would also b FlanFor eeot No-pets. f92 ChurchuillRfrnes pes potty k sînk Needs 905-693-1 970,Rerne lae FoRnt TC diS2ý0 GOB lecie may te mde. ah in earyfuer GEORGETOWN Tra- _________ Rood South Coul St9 Daptime 905-877-366t. F Gee TLC l2 s 00aeced y th dea it Do yu e sd fagrfoh iera. CON Aarm tý853-1281, evenîngs 'weeiiends m fagriOh SieOd &CO Apostmenfo 51983-273 985M 88 o1 Large___ __ terom90 sq lit toms ouse sep- avoulable June & Jury. ACTON 2-Sedroans MILTON Large. dean tOiî" arate famîly toom 2 Fsdge & stove, laundry apartment May itf GEORGETOWN 2- 3-bedroomn roanhouse. levais. utîlîtres inci. faciîfîes Prefer no0 S88dinronfe ufîldies sr- Sedrovm apartment. Beaufdui aiea. porsîng. Renavated. Na smk- dogs 519-853-4374. cluded Quiet Building. Abave shop on Main 8iCý ioosdry. appli ___ îng dogs preterred Open 7 daystweek. No pest92 Churchill Streefý S850imonfh onces. Avoulable om- -(JT lel tst S98Oimth Samle day approval Road South, Coul Sf9- pios hydro. 905-065- mediateloý Stimt . iJfniFÀR -'as 00331 vr 01. 73-5616 905-878-7006i t Jane 'SI 416-274-754-, e tf 1 wymmLreaL4&,Qa 853- lo. ý