The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 24, 2007 - A3 Man's body discovered in Campbellville quarry pond Police divers fourid a rnan's body in a pond ati an olit cîoariy nu (-ainpýbeliiviie F d Detais aic scarce ai titis point and the vstim's identity and cause of deathi aren't vet being released, said Dci. Sgt. Murray Drinkwaiter. but lie did say the vicîrni isi a Milton res- ideni. Police were aierted Thursday to the possîiiliy that a dis- trauglit mari was missing i the area of a pond iocated ai an olci quarry -private properiy owned by a Toronto cotnpany - on Reid Sideroad. wesî of Guelphi ine, police saici Oficeis aitendeci iL scene ai abtout i atîc locaieci a truck wîîh a hoat inaiter. A check of the pond 50011 reveaieci a par- iiaiiy surniergeci hoat. A ihor- ough seat ci of thce aiea above the ssaier ssas conciucied, but no hociv was found. Fniday, detectives iroîn tbe Miltcmn Crîminai Investigations Bureau, lialton Police Marine Unit and the Peel Regionai Police Dive Teain searched tue pond - ii haci been ioo clark for divers t0 conduct a search the previous day, Drtnkwaiter expiained. Mid-m-orning, short- iy afier the. search hegan, the dive icaut located a man's body. T he dec eased was transport- cd o10 I aniilion (,enieiai 1lospital foi at posti moremn exaîuinaiioii, itut ai press trne s esterday, details werci heiiîg relcased. The investigation into the deccased's identiîv andI the circunistances surrouniding is death continue. Foui play is flot suspected. Anyone with information reiated t0 the incident is asked t0 cail Milton police ai (905) 825-4777, (905) 634-1831, ext. 2415 or Crime Stoppers ai 1- 800-222-TIPS (8477). No injuries in garage gasoline fire Two teenis leat ned at valuabie lesson -donit blaze goi oui of hanci, however, ancd ihey qoickiy play \vith fire - attet at gairage wenî up in ilarnes caileci 91i1i Kors' stici when they igniied soine gasoiinc. i-ortîtnaieis, the lire wts containeci t the Training technician Barry Korv wîîh the Miltonî garage aîîd ssas quttckiv exiinguished. Nobody vwas Fîre Deparîmeni saîd two i8-year-oid maies were inîured. workîng on a motorcycie iii a garage Saturciav Korv saîd that gasoline shouid neyer he ignît- nîght in the area of i hompson and Derry roacis. cd. li ie event ol a spili, an oul absorbent or kitty Some gas spîlleci on the ground anti, thitkting Inter cati be spread oser the area îo absorh the they couid humn i off, the teens îgniîed it. The gasoiine. Cause of death yet to be determined Wallace HUICK a CADILLAC 1 --1'