The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 11, 2007 - Al19 PORTS __ PAIii / . VJM",rjs,i ltpimii CLOSE-QUARTERS COMBAT: Ml!tor tstDît' cs B' l, k uni om) ightforta' Ua oitraý agdist a pair ot Cathedral defenders durîng Tiesdays ser- or boys ugbygaîme a [CDrury Hgh S coTheHamhr iior ,peved 25-0 Jr. Sox hoping to step things up in '07 Expetie'fCCSIould bc key to improvernent, says Tfurmer By Steve LeBlaflc play sucdy ltttiinoit \\ iib a s eaî îîîîc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF cxcix ou. Nefli iow oulcîNe Nci. 1flic RcI Soxs 'inaiîagcilî olds pa11 ticufaily G lennilurmer lbas Neen aroud Nigb taule foi pi ogres' o lic pLaic --an loing eog to appeit rea wbere the 2006 lincip \vas tevleogb prectateediocre ai limes and almosi ucon- W ibe stinmnalu of expentne existent ai otbers. ofitbeiat imm d, ai le si nYeaioui bitiing %ascceriainly pet tbe opmine se asnedskrinsporadic. I bais ihe one parittfour regarding is junior Red Sox ix xi-gaeta il icyimrv h ing to ind ils way to the surtace. nt. -We bad talent, but we were an axvfully Turner looks to fonner New Brunswick youung îeam last year. About aîfthie îeam was proxincial team mnemrber Adamn Aubie - wbo stil1 înîdgei age,' ai4"rurner, wbo along wiîb joined the local squad atter mcîvîng to îowni returning assistants Rick Mc lracb and Frank last year - as someone wbo's expectecl to put Hume wîil lead Milton into season-cpening up bigger offtensive numbers ibis summiner. mnton, I ce(-Mailie sbould lîeIPl'fel Mil ton s' iliting effort" sssI a s \Ci 1ming staiied i' corne iiito bis osx îîint ai regard laie last scai \long wiib added cxpitiec c l ur ler beCliecs bis xcr ciitai tinuýh(lîf eeiict Iinl an 'addition-Ns subtraction scuenai iii-01 more siinply ai slimimcd clown lineup. lie admits ibai with a betity two clozen pl:îyers on tbe 2006 rosier, keepîng everyone active - and sttbsequently sharp - proved to be more tban a litte dittîcult. Tbat sbouldn't Ne much a problem ibis year, wtth the ranks cul back îo 18. One addition Turner bas made is ibe receni acquisition ot rural Milionian Ryan Waller, a six-foot-tour-incb, 200-pound pitcber wbo -see JR. on page A21 Moffat mnakes the cut Vrestler earîis spot on national jr team 1 aving AIt ady tbris'ed on the provin- cial and national stage tbîng, li tfor Alan Mottai to (do iN en]oY a itle ienational suc cess. F lrorsxstar wýrcstl illc'î vii isc the Alan Moff at tuns10do cxacily ithai ncN monlitin' Maiacaibo, \enezuela - xs'bre lNe l Ne pat of he PanAmerîs ai t he 61 kîilogri au div ision standou 1 \vas iiccently narnecl b C anadas Undci 20 i r iteani hcconiig Illetîi-I e\x(' local grapplr 10 do so Hes also fusi ilý hir %I ilioniaai iiilNe sclecied toi i, uatonal xicî igsquad, floit Clins Denit h andl Kcvn lwasaMadgc,ý' xîo tade he cadet cut in 1994 and lst scar respectively. Mottais addition to the ntational îuî- or canks îs Ile culmiaton of a stellai sci es of achieemrents oer tbe pasi inonîbs. the mosi recent of whicb xxaý sils ci -itedaf s how ing ai the C andiai, ' intor champonships in PF.. 1 bai came only îwo weeks abter tuec I 2h grader captured his second :raigbt OFSAA gofd. White new to the national teamn pic- turc, Mottai did cnjoy some interna- tional experience - and properity - taxi year, wben as the top Canadian per- former he earned bronze ai boîN itie Commonwealth Youîh Camptonshtps in Scotland and the Scottish Open. 1