Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 May 2007, p. 59

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The Canadian Champion, Friday. May 11, 2007 - B23 covrû Valery Homes introduces intimate boutique-slyIeO condominiums in Milton'#s finest location Ibere's notbîng beiter iban living iii style. Now imagitne livintg iii style ancl en]oyiug e iranquility and lresb air, xx ere you are miere bi mioments froîni ail tbe arietities ibai inake ci life a lîtile casier aiiîd a lui more excitiig. lit is exactis wbaî Valerv Homes ix offerlng o ai tibeir new Parksîde Resîclences iii Milton. a Discox er ibis \Nouclertui locationt %x it itinmate restaurants, greai sbopping, cîcaîni c1 sireets. breatbtaking escarpitteti ixx and t cbarîntng niegltbcurliools. c Ai Parksîcle Resicleuces, Valirs 1ilîes is c nowx oftering tue ctppiritity tcir condcîîîîîît uni buyers iocieitlîi a litesis le iii Miltonithiai was itever clreaited potssible. "Miltoni basc becu waiting fotr a produci like Paîksîde Residence for a veux lotng runîe. i atît pleaseci ibai V'alery Homes caît provide Itis aiaziug tics lifestyle bere it Milton", sass Ted Vaieri, Presideni of Vaiery f lotîtes. The best part oîf s ocr cla\ wîli be ite îbctughi of coiîtiug bcnc iii the xxelconte oit itarksdD, elegant lobby wbiclt bas been dcsîgued wîtlt soft seaîîng and two sets of cie- vators for vour total cunvettieuce. Yoci iutmedtatelv, bave a scuse ut' ibe quaiiv and craftsîîîansip tbat N'oct cati eiox iii s ocr îndivtdual suite at Parksîde Resîclences. A sleek, futropean-îuspîred cerainic Iocîr usîters soct întct ycuir prîvate wctrld, exclu- sîvelv resers ccliitlv fcîr a liltted nuii ot resîdenîs. Facb suite is dcsîgtted xxitb beau- ts attd futîcton, invitittg tbe bouteoixyners, tii applv ibeir individual tasie. Suites range froîin 610 to 1,057 sq. f. aund teature uniîque desigîts cituiplemeneci xx îîb bas xxindoxvs andi s1tacîcus baicontes. f'tiox tue icixurs ut 1) c eiitgs tltrocglitct vîtur suite. kitchens teature gîtrgeous grattttt couiteriops, alccug xilti ctstcctt u,tk caltînets andc -W- lîîgti pper cabtints i crcpeau cet .tttttc buti îîg dot u- lic bthii .tttcl - u t tar5stc otters tîte coni- ofttii c' clc isctt' ititcî lacic mi , i ttal Colicili i 'ilstl Rc.icctcc-' attcs . it'cltt'a lic tttin, i-i i alocti xx iltcliit aitiiîltctit 1ls lie\\ tectitticlcgx itllci" ttttiitiiti cîtitiei cotitirol Inii liî >ktiittiter uandx %itet. îîclctcl ing etttcietcic tes tai xx II tranislate tuu igii icat eîtcrgy savigsý Vaieny Hitties have becît building coitît ututtîtiies ut exceptitial quaits sîîtce 19)58. lbey are proud to baxe dcs'celoped and buili iaudîîîark residential comînunittes ui soute of Ontanios fînuest locations încludîng Oakvile, Burlîngioti and Milton. Noxx% thes,ý bave reîurned to Milton wîîb Parksîdc Residences. an innoxative ncxx condonium resîdence. lits greai tu bc back in Milton wiib ibis xcîuing new condortinjun ODur experience ece was incredibly rewarding. f ix a won- ert li comrutin l which to reside" \'alcry1 lomres bias dcx'eloped a wide range 1 residences svitb a spccialty i desiguîng nd btuilding award winning condnîntiis. ,'alers understands tbe uinique lidestyle con- liinlun living olfers. [beir liandpicked cant ot arc bitects and designers ensures y ourj ondomnifium teaturcs A tbe luxunies and onveniences ihai enlhance vour lifestyle. Parkside Resiclences is an intirnate enclave ol six storey boutique-styled c ondominînutis. set i une of the anca' ltnesi locations. The Fairmonti s tie tîrsi building tu be releasecl and will set tbe standard for the buildings to lolloxx Designed îo conîplentenit the unique cscarpinent seiting, tbe exterior tacade lueur- poraies a blend of earib ioned natural stone along xvitb tbe subtlety of dlay brick. Modern touches and applications ot clranmaîîc and decorative stucco, add definition ici tbe over- Al arcbitecture. Tbe resuih is a nittculously deîaîled and refîned resîdential offering. A\s a Parksîde resident s ou cin cnijov iag- niticent Niagara Fscarpîineni viexxs. Close to aIl tbe urban amenities, ibis îdvllîc location is a perleci blend oftiown and counitry '-cbop for tbe laiesi mierebandise în tbe neigbbouning national brancl stores and serv- ices or siroîl do'Xn tbe bistoric sîreets ut dxnxxnMilton. Dîscover 1 9îb century arcbitecture tbai bas lkcnl loi'nglx restored to bouse ain eclecîîc collection ut quaint shops ancd restaurants. I njo a 15-mninute drix e to Camlpbllx ilIe lor at dax of anîiquing or bike ibrougb tie trait-sut the cscarpmnit lor i aglînpsc( oIf nature alitus moýýt plisiue Sconie ut Ottnario s tuosi prcsitigious got1lis including( bI n- e'itniotCois mc11l Ileciigttt iiti Mu C ai cu iti 1crit ut xxa lit, 1til cxcil Ici \- xx itiiî as cii aces lîelix a s401 atici 407 11i neltl îicccîîîctîIS 10t %\11, \tîs M 10d t OUI d cicc uit l'11 \lîssisstcig sý la îiiiitiics 1o ilic cisi1 andl Pearsocn Internatiiontal \îrpccri oiuls a te\mincîtes more. -Our investnieni ni \hon ix a nmajor long-teni communient. \alers flintts wvill be part of the Mitlton landscape for mnans vears ici corni. Prîces begîn as lîîw as $18l 1,99. Visi t cîcr fabulous Sales Office, just wes t i -ourîb f mne on Demr Road, in Milton or cbeck oui www .valerybhomes.comi Cal1 905-864-0509 or 1-888-757-7737 today and ask for Wayne Picyk. Valery understands the unique lifestyle condominium living offers. Ibeir handpicked team of arcbitects antd designers ensures your contdominiumt features aIl the luxuries and con- veniences thal enhance yocîr lîfestyle. MASTER BEDROOM FOYER LIVING/ B AL CON Y BEDROOM n6 Some of Ontarios most prestigious golf clubs, includtng Club Links Glencairu Golf Course and the magntftcent Greystone are îust moments away. Suites range from 610 to 1,057 sq windows and spacious balcontes. ft. and feature unique designs complemented vvitti bay

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