Ae - The Cànadian Champion, Fniday, May 11, 2007 OPIN ION Censorîng surveys could cause more harm than good \\ fidliriiiicligil iai mot i tatc l lii Itc have I lahfiiiiCathlirlicitsricti Schl Bo hairfi i tisers actIiîg i. rriisors criuld lic appîiim i l xîlî sri liitlecirkgr ornil fmi îaist v.c ionîrrîîintrmducerl ls' furliîgonIriîhustcc Jematne Matters rails fror staff'tri draft a prlifîr calliiig lfr irtisece apprrwal of srirveys andc piflrt prrijects iliai areciîmrral- Iv sensitive or crinirrversial niinature. While Matiers believes irustees sbriuld lic awarc of siri dent surve> s andrfpilrot irmerts fI)*ef rt iicy-re inîtiaierl. smîîîc arcund the borduftable - inrludiiîg nue strîretît irustcee voîced crincerti abrout bmîxs lier mioniiriî ruld lic pfin itr 1rar tice. Sperificalîx. Natters ,vas ,skerl lim Wri.ld liccIciriig wlicb surveys arc c\aîîîned aîîd wliri voulcl erlcîcrîîîe ,Niai constitrites inrirall'-seiisitixc orr riitrri\ersial rcontenti ii a sUIves 'ic etrusice rfferefi no specifîr exaruples omii rorversial surveys a iicvwlbrard prlicy îîîglîî gnard agaiiist. rîtferiîg -That s sinetiiig ibat can lie addrcssed in thelîe îrfîrtiai xsll be developefi bN rîur staff!" Vue rîrn't ceis-\-tlîrse borid staff'liurdcierl .ith ithe rcsprinsîbility of haininering rîout tlhe detaîls of a prilie tîtat Matters berself isnî preparefi tripuit inrriiiie\t. \%'bat wec do know is iliat somne parents crîînîlaîîîed otrihe bîoard and tbe tmedia frllriving a rermiit I lalîrîn Youtli SurveN' distrîbuted lîy Oui Kids NeissNoilk. -flic vrlriniars strse> asked direct questions sncb as 55 bhetlier sudets bad es er crîntcmplated suicide rîr usefi îobaccrî. drrîgs or alcrîbrl- C nfrirtuntatelvC, a letter sent hormce ri parentis iii advaiîce of tîc suirvcvys dstrbutîiîn dîdîît prrîvîre deîailedcrfeaîîîîlcs if \vh at kfo nf questirounsriould bc ashsed Still, is i icrlucs- tins students arc beîîîg asked orii ilir iotciital anssscrs ilai Matiers is îîîrst xsrrried abrot? \Vhilc drng rse aniilou,,lîis of sruirire aiiimig ouît s miuig perople are cdisturliiiig gîmrmog îlîcîîcsscircmsont i Ac the prohlem gria. C ensorîng thcse surveys v. oui i iutthe lid balî,oii Pandrîras box. Itfiiay liweer. iicgattvcls skcv. iîîsalualilc data ibai belps prnî'niders of impoirrtant bealîh anrdsrocial sers- ices fror yrinîibdecrniiiic wlcre itie gicaiesti i(ccrs csust in Haton. Readers Write E-mai your le tete r t i ed@haltcnsearchoem. Let's recocjnize nurses thus week. DEAR EDITOR: liu ever\,rolc ai Cvry ci\ 1usdON'oi ii lid oou ui V 1rom leaiders lu cduca- tors 1Ior liniial spcriiliçss.the nuirses of -sont 1-liz,liciliIlcalih C arc (SFI- iC (laieIo b uakc a dict-ctce cvciy ,dav fo rliyiitiilC, auid.Iilic st iosc polor c, ands,î co IIihCsf o i lic l,îîîdscapc oî if lii(r-arc - imaking rlîciiî r ciercd crc reîicaliyN l)uring Nationail Nurses \\ccl, (Mayî 1< I13),SI-I C wîiuld l îc io i cco)glic andl liaiik oui itrscs mît ilicii rcommhit suipprr peoiple i their commrunaleis. ()vci itlhc asi s car. SI-Il C lias airhics cd iiaii gr-catiniigs. iiludîng iecognitionf l ioic0f1 aiads 50 Bcsi iiîloycrs andl a tlcst Pi acmîc spotlighi Origniziiiou 1Ilis,\,voualdl lot haver liccii îîî,s-,ihcii iotithceicr aind csclir ilmniui scs. is l otirli fililvcs o ouiiilntcss îpcoplce ecryldaNs SHARON ROBSON, MANAGER HALTON SERVICE DELIVERY CENTRE SAINT ELIZABETH HEALTH CARI M)rIw QE.zabin Qijarnpion Alc " Co ... r u 55Cr186 555 tudustrial Dr. Miltcn, Ont. L9T SEl 905-878-2341 Enitorial Fax. 905-878-4943 Advertising Faxý 905-878-3187 Ctassified:905-875-3300 Circulation. 905-878-5947 Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Miceli Production Manager Trm Coles Circulation Manager Charlenme Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Friday, is a dvsion of Meroland Media Group Ltd. - Group Pubiiher Ian Oliver Aicirsn ,rir mr accp utru ciii iai ,nte c l a typorialo ii ai poilQi of heaaoeUS,iiSpa@ai(ped S thieneoius hem. ioeiierciii a reasonable llomuaie fo qn hi ur luintbe haîed forbt the baacef headerismecuii ep ooain ril ecaerbuciifrlr l CCAB Audited C+NA ileaspap, soilo - *~~ne of Ancaac Theviewvfroflihere-- Hereý to mom- How do you tbank somecue who lias devoted the past 26 ycars of ber lIffe to you? l'm sure by now my moîn is tired of get- tfîîg caîds and trtnkcts for Moibers Day. 50 I îbougbt Id use tbis spacc tîi pay trîbute tri tbe nîcst kind and caning woman 1 kncw - someone 1 aspire to be like every day Ask anyrîne wbrî knows ni)',iiom and they would agree ibiat shies the type cf 1irsrin who's always willing to bend over backward to blp somecon elcsc. In fact. 1 neyer realized bow inucb she was lrîîng for me untîl I mrîved out witb iry b- band several y cars ago. Suddenly my days were filled wvitb crîril. f îg and cîeaning on top of working fulIl ime and Iculdn't beîp but wonder bcw nîy mnîn managed to do it with me and my sister in t0w In fact, I couîdn't believe she neyer threw my role mociel, confidante andfrieMd in the towel or eomplained abîout the laun- dry the dishes, the grocery shoppinîg, ec... On top of A that, shc hac tri lîsten tri the never-endiîîg woes of t\m n teenage girls. Boy troubles. Iricnd troîubles. School troubles. But slie was always willing iii lis- ten. in faci. îo ibis rly shes tlîe first person 1 call if 1 hav e a prohleiî. Nomnaiter lîrîw nId yrîu get, tlieris 7 just soîîneîbîng ccifortîîîg abrouti1r tallring tri yrur mother duiiig tirics of trrouble. Ofîeîî wc tall, alîîost everv ciay ii ihe phuone, even if ifs Iust to say lîow oui days went ai wîîrk. I like to tbink in a lot cf ways l'mn snîlar to my mcm and that any gcood qualities I have corne frcm ber. years j've learned te, always be kind to others, dont judge a book hby is cuver, don't give to receive anîd doîî't waste your ime holding grudges. She also taugbi nie îo appre- ciate the lîutle îîîîngs. Ilii lact, liii sure il I fust gave heî- a eopy of this coluiin for Motîiers Day sbe'd becinore thanî happy S So Mom, I know 1 may nut always say it, but 1 truly do appreciate everytliiig yuu've clonc for- me river the ycais. rhaîîks for lîsteîîiîg, caring, protectiîîg, loving. worryfing, helieving in, suppcrtiîîg and lookîing out for me. But most cf al l 'm thankhal that 1 dont just have a mcm - 1 have a best frend. ilaion HealiSar ingle Bell Bun UNITED CAY OF MILTON TV AiiCTION PARADE siurwcasc.4ioi rGAuLA Aweauiu 9