FAmazing health care received DEAR EDITOR: st h t t 'titi c'd Ilotiti'Up ndi todA iiafli business and i.are W stem i hese da\ s. hiocsed ciliiiiciicy .and (hc! iue's Recentix i had an opporînii \Vhdle i iay' in tihe opet ating ehhtdh u aeies tN 10 cotiduc.t a verv persiîîal, table xatehing the surgeon hiigitedh ur thegiveday hirst-hand sudy ofot tîN t! n 51m rk, via a nionitor ON e!'r 111Vpi orLd ieis and the petîpl w ho \vi rik iheic hlcad, io occurred to lme fhai ses idcielilv ihnvrafn On Arnil 5 5, eitieC Goud ciali cai cailie! noicherinls N'ih nveia h I ridas' 1 expeei-i ied stini'cliest nlogy exisied antd pteolie iimnif ctuipiiitiii pain, 1 o mv tiittstNlconi-panitm positon oiNNuld haN e heei tele Kudos tt ,l i e sit ii i ci andd I shouioff ti NMilton Distr ici gatecd tovi-Nersiest! te uN e litestyles gerncy, lUrU, utcesciegical war 1 lospitat NS Iscv-i tisinutsiieis 1 -il tthes sciir\ i'ed ai al anîd ihe Vrillitn Cenr. ciLcest wias haie iii thc «izais!,t oia ifliecIpeople niithe t iýiliuisî titigci i\, gcncrat prîct titin siretcher ,s ihihANy Ntai signs I(-enire! iiVi\' (Ioi hai i hvpass aiid arditttigisi. heing moitmored. t i om ilserc pioitedurcs latparioscotikaIllis , -Ai e tver the ioidav weîI starited a fouriie'5 hiîiugh It.C a hiavt' iw o ii d iidecd. Msy end tIse\, saVi meccN'erv 1da'. NI the lrillîcîîn ('.entre, hacîs Ioia piocedure tiiol, plac e ai nontiiihat goes otil tii y'oci,11. 1litar stirgicat wvard nii lin andc Aprîl 13 and ai b. 30 a.ss. the ufovurhdwrka bacl, aain to he frilNuniinetiraysi\,Usoharet-eVitiupka bacs aaînic tIe ti lI m teNtda mN so pckc meup niosi oil ail tir the eaî îng y (-.cntre. ai the i iilittr and VieVent lur shotwedi this patient. Is each aiea 1 spent seNeral bicalsiasi. davs, a total (t 10 ii ail. During ny' tenure mi this flte, PETER D. HAIGF My stay endcd wth an angio- 1 have Iseen in a position to sec MILTC id ly ard 'l i ncr .11 NN and ou 3HT rON Clean-up efforts much appreciated î0f Miltol iti ii \, iîmi 4 cîîillîl s. ivs ieîlI us tli' Ciacmpiîtii ) DEAR EDITOR: i w ould like iii take a teV' niiiriies t0ii ckiilowt- edge the wondertnl effoîrts oftifei less peOPIi in Ile Roper Dosý,e/C ookc t.resi.eit area wiîo spent ihecir tiVin tîîîe and cniet gs cieatiig up tic nieýs'nii[lic field adacent to iw CE. 401 anti larnes SiioVi Parkways \Vbcn i arris cd home froiîu ssork Aprîl 20 1 sass a iman and a woman lugging garbage. î'îîilng sev- erai large tires andi a scaicd green garbage bîîî out of the dîtch. They must'se spent hours in that fied. The pile of junk rctrice'cd ouitif ibis stormn water basin vvas appaling, and the works not donc. My four-ycar-oid daugbter, seven-year-old son and i went oui after and colicctcd numerous bricks. industnial piping and1 rags - two garbage i oee.the iîaltîriiy of tise pile tii eoiiectcd trash was ihaîsks ii ihe inan and wtinaii i lad seen carlier. i îank sN'u for ihe great 1toh. i wtiutd aist i lketetthanis the lItii oftiiMilton, isaitiets the engineering aitd pt.iniing/devcltip- tuîent deparitetns i w'as iii contact w îth iithe fli ahbout the garhage and the scaied green garbage hiîî tuilliiofCittknowis what tiit Vlssci isiiidiy duipîet. i was assured thai the area weîuid he eieaned ip. Greatjoh. It toîik iwo residents in the arca to go in otitheir wtwi îîe twcî vearN after ihe hîn w'as dumped tcî rernove it theroselves. rhat's io1noich hp service. '-o to the few who pickcd rip somne lîtter and took some pnidc in their neighbcîurhood, thank you. Yîîur effoirts iiiade a big differcncet JULIE CASCAGNElTE COOKE CRESCENT Repeated vandalism of home just shameful DEAR EDITOR: As residents tif Ontanio Street1 South, we have once again been vandalized. Someiime overnîght May 3, someone decided that otar post liîgt at the end of our dnivesay was no longer necessarv to us and smasbed it off.- Vie gucss that thev dîdn't liLc ibis one ans' licter mIet" the last three that cine tAN the saie demise. Lasi year our bouse nuinher, bangîng on this same post. net tbe samne eîd. Now there is isoliîgbt and noi nunsber at the end of the tunnel. rlopcfuliy emnergency vchi- cles wil lînc us whcn necied. \\e chunt îhînk its worth reîlac- îng ctber of theiî as we cant imnagne that îîur propertv wîlt lic anv bcttcî respettec i iithe future lovfu lorder GI Chicken I Fried Rice wp Wings I with $25*order. %Olier Expires May 25/07 HOURS: MON TO SAT..11:3AM - 11PM SUN ........... 11:3AM -1PM ter probiero - one garbage bag, a wcek fulil castoffs - Irro passcrsby on our iawn. Cornie on Miltoni, ibis touid- n't ail corneî frîîm îiut-ot-town- ers. i ets stai t îreatîng ottîbr peopies prîiperts' as ournr îi BARBARA AND STEWART ROBERTSON ONTARIO STREET SOUTH The Canadian Champion, Frday, MaY il,2007-A?' lThree more families affected Fwi lrai diphtheria outbreak 'lime C apsules' are gm-ms oj injoi' mation extracted from Piat issues OJ the Champion and ther pu>aiiccmtion. in aider to provide a window intt Miltonti past. Explanatory comment i sometimes provided ta place the situa tion in contexi. October 1909 Up to the latter part of last weeki was hoped that the outbreak of dipi theria had Npent itself but it bas sinc broke out in tbree families. One c the cases, that of a son of Jamic Morley, is very serious but the boy1 stîrewbat better now and it is hope that he will recover. Yesterday; noon the public scbools were clost until furtber orders. The Board Hiealtb will insist that quaranti regulations shall be obeye Yesterday Police Magistrate Di, fined the father of a diphthet patient $5, tbe minimum and co for allowing the placard on bis bot ta be tom down. Mr. and Mrs. WB. Clemnents Y move in a few days into their n, two storey bnick residence, located the corner of Thomas and Qu( streets. it is one of the largeat 0 finest in town. The style la coloi and the design by one af Toron leading arcbitects. The opening services at Ont Preshytenati Churcbh ast Sunday Monday were a great* success, proceeds amounting ta $312.50.' new churcb la a neat structure af brick, finisbed inside with Gem Pine and lighted witls simMlex gP al, the cburch presents a appearance, rellecting credit or contractor Mr. Sanders and the gregation and community in w it stands. WF Dewar, manager of tbe F Highlanders' Band, la at tihe hor bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Du Dewar, and la likely ta stay in until spring when tbe band wi out on next year's tour. Dr. S. Zimmerman amyiv Milton yesterday evening frot DAIL.Y BUFFU ARGE SELECTION 0F SUPERB & AUTHENTIC ORIENTAL CUISINE1 Tropical and Exolic Drinks, fuily licensed under 1-L-13. lo aL- i 6905 MilicreeR Dr S905-567-0088 MEADOWVALE. Milcrtek Dr.& Aqutane. exto G Tan S www.geocities.com/parkndine 'OfFR SBJCTTOCHNG A NDOR IS EIN Lt j- is t ce of ine îg Capsules ranch at Humboldt, Sask., to stay in Ontario for the winter. He says Saskatchewan had a larger crop of wheat than any other western province, one-fifth larger than antici- pated. There bas been splendid weatber for thresbing, not a day lost. Dr. Zimanerman crossed lakes Superior and Huron on the steamer H-uronic. ice Rev. Canon Aj. Beit of Grace nsi Cburcb, Mlton, bad been appointeil sta rector of Jarvis ta succeed Rev. WE. use White, who goes ta, St. Matbew's Churcis Hamilton and whom Canon Belt succeeded in Grace Churcb wiabout nine years ago. Jarvis la not îew quite su large, as Milton but Mr. d at White leaves thse paish ins a flourlah- een ing condition. There la. oniy thse one and churcis in it and Canon BeIts work ,mal wihl be bghter than it bas been here tos with tbree under bis charge. (Ail Saints Mission. Milton Heiglats; Grace Churcis, Milton; Omagh). agis November 1909 and The public library board bas tise decided nat ta let out any books until Tise furtiser notice, on account of Sa ýred mucis sickness in town. All parties orgla having books out will please bring isî n thernin. fine atise Tise Milton Boys' Atbletie Club con- held their first Bible class meeting in nhicb tiseir club marna last week, under thse supervision of Misa A.C. Ruddy Tise boys were out in force and tise meet- raser ing was most succesaful. Thse meet- e Of ings will be held evemy wednesday ancan evening at 8:30 and aIl persans tOwn desimous of joinmng tise ciasa will be ri set wehcomed. This materialislasaseînbied on behalf of the Milton Historicai Society by jim ,cd in Pilia, wha con bec reached a( jdiiis@idi- m bis rec.cam. IDINI IN' S25%oW il Oriental Buffet i Enjoy Up to 4 buffets at 1 25%/ off reg. price. 1 Park'n Dine Restaurant % Otter Expes May 25/07 - - - - - -ý