Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 May 2007, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion' FnîdaYMyi 07-Â UU>~ Home & School Assoc. Town Hall expansion stlt Sa T Bloomlin' "Barecu expanOsion and is is itîng Cs ci*s onu 1tom in n 11th cetebiation. The event, wich wili start ai 7 pin ait own iait Victoria Park, wiii îiuiudc a ground- hreaking ccremony'. unveiing ol a 3-1) modcl of the expanded Tos',n Hlai, an opporioni to ,neut the site supers isor for the construction proecc and an update on tbe expansion and upcorning construction. -One of ont highest pniorities in ibis expansion projeci is to preserve tbe historie and cultur- ai aspects of the exsting Town Hall," sad Mayor Gord Krantz. "-Tbe new plans aiso cati for expanded public space, includ- .11I jm Couitiiti1mi\.0010 IIIHI oi t iiilci 1i be lownl wiit also be acknowledging tbe Province \\'ctncsctay loi ibe $510,000 grant it awarded thbe municipati- is' ibat w'ili be used iii part îo ensore ibe expandect lown tHait complies wîîb Leadersbip i Ens'iromnentai atictELnergv Design (f PED) certilicatioti standtardîs.Tbis inctles a sari etV of cdesign leatures, selection o4 fiisbings, lîgbi ing require- ,lents lor, att workîng areas, lanclscaping approachles anîd operationai detaits. "Tbe expansion of town ilil witi bie our lîrsi municipal con- Louis St. Laurent work may it looks ike ibe construction timetine for anoiber road in Milton \wittsoon 6e las-tracked tbanks to an împendîng fînan- ciat agreemnent beisseen tbe Toswn and Mattainy t-omes. Atitis îmeeing Mondav nigbt. tbe loss',n's communits services commitieceenciorsed blas'tng staftftiegotiate ss'ttb Nattan'tyto pas cîp front foi an ensironmc'n- taI assessmnent (LA) and final design of tbe Louis Sit. Laurent Boulevard crossing oser tbe Sîxteen Mile Creek. If everstbing goes as plannei tbat runs fromi Regionat Road 25 casi over tbe crelssAould 6e advanced froin ils original 2010 timieirame to next N'car. Th e agreemuent faits undeî tbe Acceterated Transportation C apital Prcgrai'n.wbicbi forms a partnersbip lbet\ween tbe lTw'i'i, Mlaiiamv ltitmes and in sorne cases,.tibe Region, to acisanue constructiton timetines foi major tborougblarcs. Miattams' [tomnes is lroniing tonds for t'be program and Mill be reîmbursed, witbout inierest, in tbe future wben tbe roacts %vud'e nmlis' Krantz 'l'lie i1'1n nScttiig an' exatipte in tbe building indus- y and o other municipalities for sustainahte deveiopmeni tniO energy conservation." io)wn conut approved tbe scbeinsaic design for thme I-osr liait expansion in january 2006 Tbe dcsign was deveioped ai-d refinecd bascd on public input ai tour uoinmuni iy open bouses. tbe guidance of ibe 'iowns steer- ing coinnmitc and leedbaclk lroir town staff. l'ýor more inlon-natton on tbe Town Hall expansion or to sîgn up fo ra newslciter on ibi proi cci visit, s'wwmit be expedited corne forward in municipal budgets. iTbe initiative responds to tbe traffie wvoes ibat bave corne witb a rapictis growing cominunity Town staff estîmaies ibe LEA and final design ssork lfor tbe i oi5sSi.iLaurent profeci wll cosi inore tban 'S317,000. Engineerinlg Sersvtues Direcior Paul Ci ripps saicl ibe T"ownt bas vet to bave discus- sions witb Maîîamv on wbetber tbe bonte building conipany vil fi ront tonds for tbe aciual construction. [be maiter witl go belore town councit Mas' 28. Saturday, MYlit ILO:Ooa.!Â2OP ed vork on the section pioects oivu 1m- y lee anablan (Cbamnpi'ou ..«r ore$p$ Best Honte BEST HOMES REAL ESTATE PULL-OUT SECTION R tA LPubishes Tuesdays, circulation 21,769 for Milton, Campbelvitle, Hornby & Milton Rural :qTJ&TF WEEKEND SPOTLIGHT Pubishes Frdays, Circulation 21,769 for Milton, Campbelvitte, Hornby & Milton Rural ~ffl C~' p~.'iorma~C REGIONAL REAL ESTATE PAGE Publshes Frdays, Circulation over 65000 for Milton, Campbeltvitle, Hornby & miton Rural, Georgetown, North Oakville DOORHANGER Publîshes Monthly, Circulation 10,000 for Milton ýGReit Ic. SIDEROADS Publîshes Quarterly, Circulation over 10,000 for Mlton & Flamborough select distribution. FLYERS distribution by zone. Contact Dîane Wolstenhotme 905-878-2341 ext. 212 dianew@ miltoncanadialç ýL of

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