Ai 6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 15, 2007 Not the riqht time for EFW: regional chair - trorn tOvi [VIil ttIÈ or page A3 Oakvilfe C ounicillor Aflan Elgar ulti mately mrade the aforementioned motion, notîng hc believes the FFW tecbnology will change down the road. nl fixe yeais une we'il kitoxs a loi more,' lie said. Eeflow Oakviffe Ctttifoiot Adains said lie also ihinks an Ff\W facifity is preiainre ai iis lie. lie asked foi- the comionittee to titi nde a part of the original staff rec- for erixironntental siodics bo acquire haseline data about the flaiton Wasie Management Site. T he amendineni was sîipported. Rýegioiaýl Cha~ir Gary C arr once agato reîîe aîetf bis canmpaign position ibat tfhe Griectri andf eiîfantetf ietx t fing shotîld he usetl Io exienti the lîfe oflitie faîîtfflf ont to 2030, flot -FW "This ix not ifhe lime to do tl, lie saut, noting as 2030 approachex tbe 1-EW tethnology will be differeit And lalton His Mayor Rick otte delegation sax'tog Ictx get an F FW" There's a Urne to be a trailblazer, and tis isn't one of them," bc said. Burlington C ounciffor John [aylor asked staff to report hack on fîow the Region can be beiter prepared to tîcal with the FEW five years f rom now. The malter wif f go hefore regionaf counifi for consideration Wednesday. Mî'lanie Ifetitnessesv cti l fiacfted ai tii tenriessey@rrDi tot aiadiancfiarnp t on.tom. 2?3 20ww907 EnterourPr-aw/'ra ,fnd i# &$* 1~et fa// of «iai*ty rodacts A -w-Me Itaiein Lifte and'Ioco! wff are o/v/ne aw gf« 6ws to &e firsf2opeopie thnmagh Me doorf V 'y I is your office or wormpiace ruecnutiy. iTfe Hafton Region fieaftb Deparîment wifl bost a frc workpface beafîb neîwtîrking meeting next Eriday, lnne 22. 'I-be eveni - wbicfî wifl mun from 9 to Il a.m. at the Hialton Regional Centre, f151 l3ronte Rtf, takvilfe b as beeti desîgned for buman resonîte prolessionaîx, iccnupa- lionaf heafîb tnurses, bealtb and safeîy representalîves and weffness toiittlee members. fTbe meceting wiff fiiens on the predicted thanges to (anaclax pofpnlation, tbe nniqne nieeds and skiflxs of an agîng workforce and ils important rîtle in hefping organîzations remaîn prof itabfle and prodnctive. Participants vif f receive a topy of tbe 'Ixperience Works' resource kit devefoped by keynote speaker Jeny Wallface, direcior of workforce devefopmeni at the Lonrdon Ettmntmie f)evefopment C orporation. Tîose in atiendante wulf afso bave an opporîunity 10 net- work wiîb oîber professionafs, discuss workpface bealîb issues and sbare success stories and suggestions for impfie- menîîng workpface beafîb programs. "I-oday's job force is cbanging. Work environments tan be sîressfuf, wbicb affects tbe beaflbh of empfoyees. f amuies, communities and tbe beafîb-care system,' saîd Regional Cbairman Gary Carr. "A commitment to workplace bealîb from organizational leaders wilI affow organîzations îo aitrat and retain top performers, alfowing îbem to remain conipet- ive and to bc recognîzed as an employer of1 eboice. Accordîng to tbe beafîb deparîment, a commilmient bo workpface beafîb from organizational leaders tan befp) tomn panies reduce absenteeism, turnover and fîcaf î betiefit costs fn addition, empfoyees working in tîrganizations tbat plate a bîgb vafue on workpfate beaftb cari experience imprtix'ed beafth lbincreased job satisfaction, decreased nisk ol injurs' and/or ilfness and an increased abifîty 10 bafance work and famîfy responsibifities. 'Witi over 200,000 empfoyees in Haf ton, it is important for orgaiîizatimns to make a commilmeni to xxorkpface beaftb," saitf Haf ton Meîficaf Offîcer of Heafîfi Dr. Bob Nosal. "Tbe physical erirotiment, individuaf beafîb practices sncb as bealtby food cboices and physical activity programs, and organizational culture incfuding flexible work arrangements and family-friendly workpfaces af I contribute to a becaltby wtîrkplace." Tbe xsorkplate beaftb neîworktng meetings are beltf two to tbree limes eacb y car, wvitb the next one being bield in tbe faf 1. Foîr more information, t0 register for the networking meeting or t0 be added t0 tbe maifing fist for future meetings contact tbe Region at (905) 825-6000 or visit I 6626 Trafalgar Road Hornby (between Britannia & Derry) * 905-878-7107 SALON 'SPA 905.878.2527 3at/frdal ý9îune