A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 15, 2007 Heat can deliver a quick bite to trapped poloches Please donit leave your dog in the car this sumner - even for afew minutes Imagine heing lockcd in your car on a bot stimer day. As thc minutes slowly pass by your bicart begîns to piiip faster and perspiration ancd general discomforî fromi tbe suf- Iocating surrotindings graduallv increase. i)ehsdration hegins to set i as yo it roasting iii the encloscd shi, ihno idca 's ben relief \vill come. Not exact1' a pls'asaiii scenari), is îî? So wby do s0 manry people put ibcir supposedly bcloved dogs ii just sucb a situation every sttnincr? Wegets calis about ibis alm-ost even' day Ifs incl-bog- gling,- sain Oakville and District Hiumane Society executive directorjohanne Golder ibis week, offering a reminder of the dangers inherent xsitb lcaving dogs in cars in the surmmer. A~nd according to Golder, tbe al too-rommion response of' 'l jcîst lcft cem out bere for a few minutes' simnply isn't accept- able. Just a few minutes is A i la akes for a car 10 turn into an oven, even witb the ,vindow crackcd,- sue explained. 0f course most owners don't mean to put their animal in barrns way, but thats pretty much what happens when a clog is ieft car-bound for any length of lime. "Dogs can and do die [rom heing lcft in the beat lîke that, Golder strcssed. "They don't swcat lîke we do, so tbey can bake pretty quickly" As an alternative to ibis negligent exercise, might wc sug- gest one family member stay behind and walk the dog around the parking lot whîle thse other mun in to the grocery story or shopping mail. Or why not do ail your errands and then go pick up your dog hefore heading out on that lengthy road trip? That shouldn't be too much to ask for what many dlaim il a member of the family. On a related note, dog owners should take along some extra water on those long summer walks. After ail, if you stant to fccl low on fluids, chances are your furry friends in the same boat. Readers ýWrAiteW E-mail your lattera te milteneil@haltenisearch om Town council's refusai to adopt a pesticides bylaw DEAR EDITOR: Wîîh the exception of an enligbt- ened fcw councîllors - Rîck Day, Colin Best and Wendy Schau - and in spite of overwhelming evidence pre- sented [rom sources which we ail count on like the College of Famiîy Physicians, Registered Nurses Association and Canadian Cancer simply a shamne Socity Milton council has voted agaînst implemnenting a pesticide bylavv This is despite the fart that the cost of the program, as documented in the report of the Town Clerk, is about the cost of a rup of coffee for each person in Milton per year. lt appears that council prefers to: - se BAD on page A7 Z13be Craiean Cb~antpion Milton's C ommunity Newspaper Since 1860 555 Industnial Dr., Matiton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editoniai Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.mniltoncanadiancharmpion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Advertiaing Director Wcs sdy M Nab Managing Editor Kareni Miceli Production Manager Tim o los Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teici Casas Tihe Canadian C-hampion, pubiished every Tuesday and Fnday, in a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. - Grosîp Publinher Ian Oliver. A5sertising is accepied onc te condton trali ,the eseci of a rpoqraphia er, hat portion of the advertisnIg spase os spied by the enonecas 'te"' togetcer wit, a feasoeeable allossace fsign turc wsefnl obe haned fo but thebalance ofthe adetsee nt wall be paid for a' the applabe rate, The pubaesher eseeses the right Io salegorieadvertstereisor dedline CCAB Audited ifoasilizesi foi exc:eiisc e Isy A o On Stario rarnaîeiy A o n essspapers Associaion C NA Canadian Community Neauspapers Assoaion * SuburianNespapers Aroundtown Tise (arAaia C2hamîpion is, a proud siosisa eponsor for Becoming a Miltonian, partl two; the honeymoon phase Halo, eitc WcV'5 .*Mi- a Right n0w l'm in the "honeymoon" phase -of both my marriage and my time in Milton - and 1 couldn't be enjoying it more. lis been a înonth smnce 1 first became a Hounseil, and two weeks since 1 became a truc Mihtonian, and l'mn stili weaning thse proverbial rose-coloured glasses wben it comes to ffia town. For some reason, ail i can see is the good. Aithougis Ive been workinig in Milton five days a week for the past four years, 1 realize ail the more thats flot the same as living here. Now, l'm not going to suggest Milton - as charming as it is - can compete wnth a Caribbean crulae, complete with all-you-can- eat evertbing and top-notch pampering. And yes, il was a bit of a rude awakening when i returned [rom my post-wedding vaca- tion back to reaiity, But 1 can't complain. Milton really is a wonderful town, and ive Milton's downtown. 'Downtowns are what been exploring every nook and cranny, par- make small towns small towns. ticuiariy within the downtown One of my [avounite night- core. time activinies la to go out walk- Lets sce, l've'covered the farm- tng on Main Street with my new ers' market, several restaurants, husband after the summuer heat walks to the Mill Pond... They h ~ as died dlown and then grab an even had a party to, welcome me ice cream conte [rom Jays ice back - the I 5Oth anniversary 'Cream. street party, that la - as well as a For me, these past few weeks byeiection in my ward, which l'm have been ail about the simple sure they îtned with my move. - e., cheap - pleasures in life. Unfortttnatey, what also 1.. . hearîtly encourage resi- seemed timed with my move was dents to borrow my rose- the unfortunate moving out of my favourite coloured glasses for a btt and Fee Milton as a coffce shop, Espress Yourself on Main Street. newcomer. Tum a blind cye for a little while If's too bad, since I was looking forward to to traffîr issues, growth problems and other being within walking distance of my annoyances, and instead enjoy ail that Milton favourite java stop. bas te, offer. As you cao seie, l'mn passionate about You wot be sorry JigleBel Fund UNITED WAY M 0 0F MILTON ---TV AUCTION YYMCA Show%,case MIlio0-[1 GA 1_ i Awsad% M ILTON SANTA PARADE ý 1 1 ý 11, e