The Canadian Champion, Friday. June 15, 2007-A7 ~tCouncillor's ongoing fight over NTown council quorum discusses power plant tougfl wo swaiiow appointing municipai orliciais DEAR EDITOR: I ans writiisg iii regard t tise arîtitle tîct't îsîîsg t icillor Rick i)aN's coniiîitîisg saule againtîs tise srtîisusec elet trical getserattsg powîser plantii ustht lunaie I Chaisî tons. ti cornes as uitlesttrîsi-se tisai Filaltois wtll iseil adititots.î elet- tiîal getsetatlng power cIo lî ceps Isace suti tise lîroiecieti pputla- îlots grotis ,\ccoriiisg to tise Provini ai ( 'ro\vtil Plais i ialioiss psopulatiton is exîsetteci tt iscrelse 10 780,000 peoplie iN, 2031 , roctgily double ils psrescrit ptopulatiton. In spite of' tise growing demand for electrîcal geîserattug capacitv, Day was a vocal oppo- nent of tise Prisîtise Power prt- ptssai in Miltosn, stippotrting a tcsuncîi iestslutios ts oppîose tise prisîscsai. Resîcleiss have iseîs sistsketi and disnssvet to fitst tisai tie cistsen locatiosn iii i taltois Iis at Steeles Asvensue anti Sixtis flise is oisly a shosrt distaîste rons tise Mîiltton site istoîosed is' Prîstise Poswer. Milton ccîuîtîcl aist resîdeiss isow fisd tisai tises hsave ar less isfluenste oser tise ifisai tiescloî- tisent since tise des elopisent svtll he locateci ii isotiser jcîrîs dictton. 'ici DaN, continues ils deissanti ansssers frotss Haittsn lzills counicil tos reteist tetcîiss sisc critîcize resuits osi ils negotia- tions wîtis TransCanada. Halton His counicîl ts accsuintabie tcs its citizeiss, niaI Ici Miltcsn ccsuiscil. Aisvtîn insier- ested ns ctsuntil decistoiss tan always t esc tise minusttes tt i lnt out vhs a teietsîlî u'vas masde oi- aittendc tise t iitil sessions. lialtots I lis liaci a t ots i t lic saisse repsots as Milton c ootstil aîst unseistool tist ise isittict eti grsstis li tise regtît suult îsetessîttte îsc re,îseî cietrtîcil geiset itg tapislis i lîton His cîstîtîtil t lîci-c- tuec ciecie il) bisuc par o tilt pi îcî'ss and1 worii k isaitîs getitg tise besi positble clesel- opinentîs ici salsict' tut' seeds tsi its resîicsîs 's tus tise recluire- mnst tor ex1santiet generatîîsg capat ity. lise resitlttng generatîîsg sta- tion wîli hrtng significani bene- lits ts Haltuts His, îîsclutlîng tobs, tax revensue, parkland and caîpital for infrastrutucre. In cotssrasî ts Day's asser- tntots, recent articles abouit tise developîssent presenit a vssttaiiy- attr actise lac ilits; witi emissîîs tisît xuill exceecd protvinctal air cquality, stanstards. lis tise Jutîe i article, ccitisciiior (Cosin Besi was qittteti as sa\sisg tisai tise stacks lîttît tise lutin er geiserat- îîsg kai its \vtult us tise 'tew toi tise uscaricit lise pritposeci facilîts' susl he a tssderahie distaîsce frîsis tise estatiisss aisc in ms' oipiniont svîll istt rin the 'iess' atîs' tmstre thaîs ass tii tise exîsîiîg igis tise bcuildings in Milton. \'î'htt seeins appsarent is tisit Milton will oi receive any ben- eût wisatstieser front tise new lacilit, soissething Day sceiss unwilling to acknowiedge. Tiss issue lisas igblîgised ists tiîiiereîst tesîstnses Ici tise tchallensges of a ralsîdl)' gro\vnîig tomnini>. One i reactiotsary and. .01511 utionatl, wivhlc tise otlieris a pi agîssatit, p15i'tiveil msana.gemnts aîsîsîtxch tlusi idenstifies tise loîsg-îerns rieeds ausd giosu h trends o tise coin- isit', aisc suorks toward meas- uirahie goals aisc objectives. t lie effet iicess of ihese iwo aîsîsoaclaes ctnie udgedl front ilîcir tesulis. TIse p laclttin grtis'i of' otîr conimninty has heeni deter- nsined lsy the P'rovince, aîd lsow our local governoscot inses ihai challenge wiii deternine the quality of life in tour communiîy. Tisank you to thse Champion for uts recent series of articles isigisligisting counicîl discussions of suhiecîs sudsi as tise (rei prograrn. it is very ilislnl 10 residents in their efforts to understand tisese issues and tise dtfferent options tisat are isiesetily beiîsg considered. It aiso iselps us to understand tise areas of respoisstiiitics of our local gosernmisit anti to be more realistit ns our exisecta- titois of lecteti crsîsai \\e tanîsot retsoisabiv ex1sett t local itîittn to stop Otttario Poswer (etîcratos Iront lotatiîsg ais electrîtal geîserating statton tts flaltoî oir for tisai malter exercising aisv msore thantsint- cd influencte oser tise detisîoîs of a trown corporaiots Our countuiliors deserve our respect for taking ots a dîifcuit and often tisankiess loib. SOPHIE CHENEY CAMPBELLVILLE Bad decision made about pesticides t ram TOWN on page A6 Pa>' motre attentioni tcî scumecne wisc lias "wýAorked Mths pesticides icur over 35 s cars- ihan tiscse suist tare (Cotulege tf' Fansil' Plissic tans, Regîstereci Nurses \ssotiatiton, Caisadiais Cancer Scetyi.... ) fcsr or lisalîl. This is similar iii agrec- ing with a sînîsker suit sas's tisai bc isas sîsokcd for N'cars atud secs tit biseilt ici tise smtoking bylaws tisai we hase corne to depeîsd on. \VWatt for a igiser lesel toi govensmeil Ici at raîlser tisais proviciîng leadersip ai tise local lesel. We neced counicîl tcu make a stand lor our isealtis by deseioping a Made In-Milion cosmette pesticide bvlaw tucw. - Disregard tise diretion toi Dr. Bsis Nîîsal, H-altns Chiiel Medicai Cifficer osf Healtis ss'io uts as cofficial stateiseiit isdcated, (,îseîs tiss esf- tient e, tise 1recaîtttinary îurîîcusle aispies. T he Medîcal fuitter toi lealis believes tisai psesticide use siscuod bsc as tîded suien tise tusi benelît is ais aesthettt tone." i amî s ers' cisaîsîsîsnîed us ibis torrent ci. sil. ssiiisthe excepstion toi tise enlîghîened fes' Dio tise ctsuîcti isembers ott sec tise iink between ur isealtis and tise use osf pestcies? JUDY CLIFFORD MILTON 'Time Capsules' are geins nf infor- maion cxtracted froin past issues of the' Champion and other publications in order to pioviele a window into Miltonfs pa. Explanatory comment is sometimes provideel to place the situra- tion in context. Jassuary 1910 Town enunicil got its quorum ont on Monday evening and diseusseel the proposeel bylaw to appoint municipal officers. ht is understnnd that tise offices of clerk and treasurer will be combineel with perisapa another added. There is no objection to this, but, a suitable man baving been fosand, hie should be paid a rea- sortable sslary He will bave to be on duty fronm esrly morning until late evening every working day of the year, hie must bave exceptional qual- ifications and lhe should gel more tban laborers wages. At the annual meeting of the Milton Horticultural and Local Improvemnent Society, officers eleet- ed: Pres. A. Higginbotbam; lst vice jas. Dent; 2nd vice J.M. Bastedo;, Directors Mesdames Stnrey, W.J. Dewar, R. Ellis, A. Higginbotham, Messrs Gen. S. Bnwes, R.H. Hare, E. Syer, D. Hartley, H.P Wanzer; Sec- treas. H.P Wanzer; Auditors Dr. Robertson, C.E. Hollinrake. The snciety is very much gratified with thse results of it working s0 far, although as yet not a year nid. The members sec a splendid opportunity in tise wnrk nf the society and are enthusiastic for the year which it bas juat entered. Last year the society without the govemrment grant, gave prizes aggregating $30 and alan, gave free to every member $1 wnrth of tulip bulbs. This year, with 100 members, tise anciety will receive a grant of $100 front the govemm-ent, which will make $200 to, be distrib- uted amongat tise members for beau- tifying their homes, donating prizes and in other ways assisting in beauti- fying our town. J.A. Ellis, architect, of Toronto. whn makes sehool buildings a spe- ciaiîy was here on Monday He visit- cd the public sehools in compan>) with aIl the trustees except Dr Robertson whn was kept at home b) ilineas. Mr. Fulis condemneel tht buildings (Bruce St. School). Ht milton 4 , Ime capsules found themn much too smaîl for the 485. pupils now enrolled, this causing overcrowding in the departmnents. The ventilation was fauty Lighting was an bad ilsat it could hardly fait to have an injurious effect on tihe eyes of thse pupils. The watts were cracked and in poor repair. More ront was needed for thse library and thse con- tinuation classes' laboratory Thse closets were unsanitaty Mr. Ells took measurements for remnodeling the buildings, adding three moims, providing ventilation, steamn heating, lavatoriea, etc. In due tinte hie will subtnit lais plana and estimates. Before Mr. Elliss visil the trustees were unanimous in thse opin- ion that tise buildings must he remodeled or, if this coulil not be done to, advantage, new buildings should be erected. They were con- scinus of the defecta pointed out by tise architect and that insufficient as the accommodation was, it was like- ly to become more an on account of tise probably rapid increase in the population of thse town within thse next year or an. When Mr. Ellis sub- mita hia plans it will be decided whether t0 remodel the buildings or erect new onea and a plebiscite of thse ratepayers taken. February 1910 The town counicil bas appointed G.A. Hematreet Clerk, Treasurer and Collector of waterworka and electrie light rates. The town is fortuntate enough in gettitsg the services of a man of bis business ability and long experience in municipal matters at a salary whicb hie ta to, receive, $520 a year. Palermo will fit up the nid temr- perance bail as a public baIl and many residents bave signed subscrip- tion liat to raise funds for cement walks, toward which the township counicil is asked te, give a grant. This material ta assembied on behalf of the Milton Historicai Society by jim Dills, who can be reached atjdills@idi- i .4L ~