,~ MILTON IûRARY. ~IjIeQaîîbtaî c!Lifamioîî R E A L E S TAT E See what's on the market inside S PO0R TS King hoping for big return to Open C O M M U N 1 T Y IITetacher goes to space camp -______________ idwiicampon- m Step ito Uoe Id. \Car forced i"n front of train, killing couple GRAHAM PAINt / cANADIAN CHAMPION GONE BUT NOT FORGOlTEN: A heartfelt memorial has been erected by a grandson of the Rockwood couple at the scene of the fatal crash. Milton man charged with drunk dnivin& flot for first Urne By Stephanie Hounseil CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A conductors yell, The blare of a borts. The screecbing of metal, screatns and then crying. These are some of tbe sounds Milton GO train rider jay Welch heard as a veritable nigbtmare unfolded before bim. The twisted wreckage of a car spin- ning through the air. Two lifeless bodies just 12 feet away And a dog stili breath- ing, the only being to come out alive. These are some of the sigbts that will ikely baunt Welcb forever. What started as a normal Thursday for the Milton commuter ended in îragedy wben be wtnessed the alter- math of a Mercedes barreling into the back of a car, sending it into the direct path of a Go train. A 66-year-old Rockwood man and bis 65-year-old wife were killed. "The whole scene was surreal,"1 Welch said. Various media sources have identi- fied the victims as Andy and Henrietta Miller. The next afternoon. Welcb was shocked to find out a 28-year-old Milton mats had been charged with drunk driving causing deatb in the inci- dent, and that be was already before the courts for drunk driving charges laid last year. Police said the incident - witnessed by scores of Miltonians aboard the commuter train - occurred just before 7:30 p.m. at a railway crossing on Trafalgar Road, nortb of Derry Road East. A nortbbound car and the couples southbound car wcre botb stopped at the level crossing for an ôncoming GO train; the wamoing ligbts were flashing, but the barrier arms hadn't, yet gone down, police said. A third car, a silver/grey Mercedes travelling soutb on Trafalgar Road then failed to stop and struck the elderly couples car from behind, forcing it onto the tracks. The Mercedes skidded across the tracks and struck the stopped north- bound car that was being driven by a 34-year-old Milton woman who wasn't injured. Moments later, the car on the tracks was struck by a westbound GO train headed for the Milton station, police said. The driver of the Mercedes was treated for non-life threatenîng injuries. In light of the charges, Halton police Oeputy Chief Andrew Fletcher spoke about the dangers of drunk driving at a press conference held at the scene Friday moming. He said there bas been much in the media recently about guns and gangs, but that "An ompaired person behind see GO on page A4 ToDdays Champion CHAMPION couNTRY A5 OPINION DATELINE MLSE AIl s A' m-iltoncanadiancha.mpion. cuo www.miltontoyota.com wwwgorrudsoutogroupcom A6 A7 EdirgOS) 542-2745, Jack Nasarzewski Broker -.-à [M 1 LTO'7Ni LTOY