26 - The Canadian Champion, Friday August 17, 2007 Index: Real Estate 100-135 tir Business 140-169 lRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-76-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampioncom 'Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. to Fn. 9am-5pm BONUS' AIl classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com.*Srie 7075Fr ICLTONcl:9 5-874 Ad submission by miail orin persn nThre Canaalian CChli 1 pioin.555 lodustridl Dlove. Sole Doou ri2d F[mur, Milton. ON L9T 5F1 Deadiles: Mon .11 a.m.,for Tues. publication, Thurs. il a.m., for Fr1. publication. Special Feature & Holiday deadlines may vary. Payment We accepi cash. cheque, lnterac, Vsa. Mastercard. Aiieriiiitir Express Ail ads pfaced are non-refundable and no credif willI be ssued, Business accounts cao Se opened with an approed credit application anailable front your Sales Consultant. CHECK< YOUR AD TH-E FIRST DAY IT RUNS lu ilisil ielinfîîoîrmaîtionî is correct. Contact yuur Sales Conrsultant wtbîîî 24-Hours il an 01101 appears, An errorin a Fn. publication must be reported nu later than Mon., il a.m. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT flouses Personals Blrths itn Fr e-tB -h STEELES/TRAFALGAR GEORGETOWN lauge3- HOME and GOf OPEN * ,, anished bachefor anart ea ovm bungalow, tp -IGUSE! Corne set 00w ment 5650mb .Ave labe nu Near parks, seiras, onu couid nel up to 100 I mmeaiaey 2bedroom uer iaundyNu smok- af$ in frae pu0uc nat 9 house wfth aoabla e gae n/nets. $1 ,27/month pus Aug 1 ttx -8pm ana Sun 24/ $ 1,5/t vial Oc- uilitesAvailabiaîimmedi- t2.4pm. 2248 SolneGlen ingipets Everythin in- cOlie @ 9000002-0992 for Isabella and Mark Gouiwg oe Milton * are pirasad r. anence the apemiwg S marriaf e of choir daaghrter Ja Oe(. & effe tu Rpb bo .6rt q! son of Bruce and Cari lHerbert of Milton. Weddieg te take place ai 3pei ue Sept. ! lSr at ifeyRoaary Paritk Charch. GEORGETOWN 1-bcd- room basamant. Near GO 8800/monts inoloaas heat/Ohydro.tI-pakîng spot, iriage/stoveý' No smnk- ingîpatS preterrea Ceii Brenda Maconald, John- so0 Associares Reairor 905-877-5165 GEORGETOWN 2-bed- ronm apartment. 250 flont Parking for 1-car. walk lu GO Avaîtable îmmedîatey. Nu pets/smoking pretarrea. FirstAant. 8880/monts inclu- sioe. Cati 905-873-3063 alter 6:00pm. GEORGETiiWN Bcauýtfui 2-bedroom basement, No pets. 2-minute catk te GO. Prînate entrance. 5-appli- ances. Parking toi 11-nehi- cix. 8850/monts pion 1/2 Hydro. Anaiabie immedi- ateiy. Caii today 905-877- 7910. GLEN iliams,. tbadroom main fioor apaîlment. No smoking/pets. 5800/month plus utîties. First/lant. Cai 900-873-1113. Cmi tOpportitnity! MILTON Haîghts 3-boa- room apariment ana 1600sq. noffce space. Appliancas. perking ana smali yard. $2.OOOlmîh plus utîlîties and services. Avaîtabia Immediaîeiy. 905-854-1687. SPACtOUS i Oadînnm aparîmant close 10 GO. Ail appiiences înciuded, Washarlaryar. Fîrstilast. Anaîlabia Saptambar tnt. o pars. Caîl 905-877- 4967 MILTON Village Parc luiiv ry 2-badronm conan. Gym, saura. ir-anor pool. Ana/labna Non mis $t400/mih, ocludas atliis & cabla 9050878- 198. MM For Rent MILTON DerrylTknmpson 3-bdrm Orana nec bouse, close te ait amenities/GO stafioni4Ol. tmmediate on- cupagcp. Cati 647-831 - 5557. ~ Flts Fr Ront 2900 SQUARE FOOT AFFOADABLE custuo Oeargetown home un a websites staring ai $295. LNEE coua backing enta he Honteng Services for $90 OR Bruce Tait. 4-bedroom, 4- per menh Free dnmaîn AATET bathr 00wmmnfo Oa egistration with a.Con- 12 ,neSrt wood, duai srded O epacee tom eoeiopmwnt ltr$25- Suh itr upgraded kteben, O foot $40 per heur. Cali O3Pro ce imgsatro o pot lghts Crporation 905-543-4310 acpOn and more. $039000. ex 204 Fexible cosng. Cal 416- 984-7468. For mare infrmatin I rtots& an/rrtomake an a i PfIIM Sal« GEORGETOWN spacious 958857 ............~ and beribasement aparr oHdn angr LOEO ERETW ,ent. t master bearoom -.nrd&Pen LOVT E MI 3-EROWmN, eth opate rmom. Fuitlirilch- mainTH or fmitp beroom, eartad lage lng rom in- __________ cminefor a lin adrig ddastour apiaxees. 2BDRM ruOgSqf.Oapt, liv- Nagbied kOchax aiti alar Qn parkixg space ant ing and famtty monm, pi- tog prinatenreed bakati. separate entaxce. nate ennaxnce, camle. park- No nwgbboomree bhrd. E- $1 ttO/month plus titihes. rg, Bampton/ Mionssauga Naxce te os e îrom gat- Suifabte for professionat Rd. euuntry home. ta.Ce tamîos ro axa -ew single. Must see! October $Ociuimtb. 905-457-1847 woe.< tumnsaettgnod n tla. Cati 905-877-1401. ater 6tm or ceattends. O appiances, C/A, double arioe. Close ta geboots, GEORGETOWN newiy ACTON 1t-bearoom sbopping anaGelilent Cen- renoateti 2-bedroom,' $600imontO, 2-bedroom nre. $295900. Cati lu iew bigt basement apartment. $luoimooto ana 3-bea- 905-702-9532. Appliances, taandty, park- rM 50/mnnth att plus ing, separate atrance. utîtties. Aino Georgetown $85n/montO pusa titites. 2-bedroom St OtjuimontO * Tonhousa No plus waterittydro in Vcto- For Sale smoking/pets preterrea. rian Home. Cati 519-903- Suitabie for single. Cati 5080 or 519-853-0352. TOWNNOUSE for sale by M"7260 ticeer in Acton. 3-bedrnom, ACTON bachetor aport- O n-bath. Renonated 40l/ffAFALGAR Country ment On qniet -plex, conm- basement. Frxsb paint. 2-bedroom basement piteiy reonvatea, aunary Good starter homel Cati apartment. Hoga, rîgor. ana parking. $550imonrh 1 c0-0-40o eil quiet, separate entrance inclusive. Avaitabie Sep- 64-85-23.Sit sinole rteant. - tember lt s. Colt 905-873- comm.Special MILTON 3600 sq. O .unit office, casb oum, 2-bey dours on Lawson Dr Avai. immettrateiy. 52500/mth + otitien Cai 900-702-8802 FOR lease: 2200 sq O ight indoustrîal/cnmmercîai. Main Street, Milon. 905- 875-9500. REASONABLE indus- triai unit 3201sqO cwilS îoaîng aocks 905- 277-9347 or 905-270- 6834. OFFICE spece avaitebie. 300 square eet. Suitable for 1/2 person office. Cati 90"-76-8777. 875-4513. Mornings & weekexds MILTON 2-bdrm 981 - ktch- e, washrnom, amiy room, ait appt. Cali 905-864d 8890. ACTON APARTMENTS vary dtean, quiet buiding wits ieundry acility onssite. t & 2 bxdroom units nary spacînus. Open 7 deys & eoenîngs. Sae day ep- pronai. Cal t-519-853- 4374 wwm re aistar.ca DOWNTOWN MILTON Mlliede Teer 92 Mielde Drtve. Atractive quiet building. Spaclous brght dlean 1&2 bedruom units cilh aundry aciity ana sociatlrmont on site. Regalar resdeet events Open 7 deys & eveninge Calil90"-76-1249 wwew.reituria 3862. ACTON bright anad cean 1- bedrnnm bisement apart- ment. 5725/morth plus hydru Calit51t-853-9743, ACTONS bent apoîlmanîs, large 2-bedrooms cathedral ceilings. 5' showers, pins full yard. $t.200/monih. Mima 416-888-9164. eALLtNAFAD. Clean 1I Oadrnnm with enclosea porcS. utilities and satellite dîsh includea. 5790/month. No smoking/pts praterred. Cati 905-873-7299. DOWNTOWN Georgetowo Bacbafor aparîment rn quiet building. Non-smoker/nuo pets. 8690/monOh. Avalabla neptamber lmi. Please cati 905-702-3301. DOWNTODWN Milton bacbelor apt. Availabte im- medieteiy. Quiet building. $525/mlb. Cati 905-878- 2326. MILTON charmiro 4-bdrm Mattamy home. Lîf cnrner lot. acrnss mrm park & poodiwnndxa lot, Mary upgrades (mci. lîrepiaca. ensuite barh). Avaîlabix nnw 905-878-5066 or t1- 510-301-4854. -BEDROOM00etran Newiy ranunatea, large Oackyard wîrh shred, $1,tOO/monh pion utîlîtres. Anaiiabix Nonember itt Cai 416-300-7783, 3-eEDROOM bungalow, large tencea in bactyamd un quiet crescent. Close tn seisools and Mai. Cai 905- 877-1885 tn enquire, 3-eEDROOM bungalow, large tencea r backyard on quiet crescent. Close te, schools and Mai Cai 905- 877-1885 to nquire. 3-BEDROOM Georgetown bungalow tnp iloor. Centrai location, patbîng/laundry. Avaiiabie Oeptnmber Itt No smoking/pers pretetred. St .295/menth inclusive Cai 416-871-1023, 4-9EDROOM n acn de- tachea, 6 mnntOs nec. Thompsnn/Derry airea. Avaiabia October 1 t.t Froperty tîstea nMIS St,799imth v utities. 416- 888-462. 6-BEDROOM country house, marn & upper iloors, ineludes 3 appi- ances. 3 acres Hcy.6, Carlisle arxa. 81.500/mn. notîliSaes.905-690-4604 CARLISLE. Large country Single famiy home, 2700sq.1O 4+ bedrnoms. near public/ cathoic schoans. 51300/mn outlltras. Sept.15. Non- soking/ Nn pers pre- terred. 900-609-2004 COUNTRY 3-bearoom bungalow, anuble garage, Balinatad area, Soitabte for familles. No pets. Septem- ber Itt.Cati 905-702- 5200/905-873-3290. COUNTRY home fnr rent, 4-beroom, large baro. Be- imeer Georgetonrand Ac- ion. Avoulable Octnser lut, $1.300/mnh pionusriiîies. Cal] 5t9-853-2074 Ext. t01. GEORGETOWN 3-Oea- ronm bungalo, $t50/mnh pion urîlîtias. lOvaiabie Oeptvmber 151K Cati 905-890-7078 or cxii 416 993-9758ý GEORGETOWN 3-hed- rnnm dxtached hume wîth garage. Duiet cnurt, nleps no Paru. Clnseatn au amenîtres, No pets pratxrred, onn-smok- xr. Firsiilast/teterencxs please. $1.490/mnnith. Cail 905-846-0526. GEORGETOWN 4-bed- ronm, quiet Street, 3-bath- rOmOM ciobar tnt. Large yard, close 10o chools and amenities. St .900/month. 562-5M3-7649 alter Noon. For Rent GEORGETOWN 3-Oea- ronm townonuse. Ail appli- anGes, garage. Perfect con- dition, upgradas thrnugh. oui. St.3500mnnth pion utîlties Nonsmoking/pets. Avalabte eptember it n Cail 416-884-5092 OAKVILLE- 3 badrnnm tocnouse anaiabie îm- medîateio trnugO Octuber Itt 4 appliances, Hope- dlate Mati area Lakeshore Management 905-876- 3336 MILITON Prottssionaiiy in- isbxdavnor 800sq.fO base- ment larit.)I Fieobilites. options on rentai. Quiet. empinyed. nion-smoker on- y 90-884-887& ROOM for lent, suit quiet dlean temale. shared f kigtath, mci launaro. park- 1 1lét Cai Kate 900-878 - 1 TIENUDI1DN - Curfia & LuCla (ne Williams, 4977 (Milton) J D Laycare formflyof Milton,) are prnad to annoance tire Wanfed Iana f their baby girl. Olîvia Erini Henderson MLTON turnished/un-tur- 5 9 wao boro on Fiday, Augut 10, 2007 ai 11:28 nisbed room for lent. Errol DAYCARE reqoired tot 2 Pm weîgbi ng 6ibu, iSoz. Mom & Dati are ana tat. M nih. Rooni girls 3 & 5-yrs nid) tfor i-lRILLEDIIlî & Board aiea avaitabte Tues, TOurs and Fris start- $600imth. Cati 900-878- îng September. Drop noff ______________________ 2068. ana piu rom St. Peters scb00i (Milton) neeaedt - Marie 905-878-2028. MI LTON Prînate bath, ___________ shared ktchen, t-car park- eEFORE anda aoer schoot ing, waik te shoppingibus. care rqie o r No sokin an no ets uesay. Thursday axa ai- preer4 d Rfem nes ternate Frîday IJ M. De- $4/t.905-878-9830. nyasi Sharon 905-693- OAKVILLE Ttafagar &823 Upper Middle. Sepatate ,I entrance. S475/mth park-O > I o r ri' ing inctuaxia, ait inclusirve *13 e er i ineiuaing able. iaundry fTelIULrfd--Iu8 re ana A/C. Cai Bob 905-Ily rfany&frinc 8M-89033. with Birtl-sAnnotunc.erroents Ijpî~ Supplies ho ,»(hann SWIM NOW, PAY L4TER!I 6-12MTIL OAC L ' ' ' ' 7 Custom Sizes Available! ~~nEe ComingE.et oigEet 1.800.668.7564 905.955.4624 www.kayakpr)st r Hobbes& Craffs sc/lDnc &N'instruction eEFORE and/or aller school Gare. Expariencea provîder cîtO CPR, First Aid, police check, Minutes from E.W Fosiar. 905-876- 2026 EXPERIENCED Daycare Pronîder. Aga 3- Fus/Sala Ennirnmeni FîirorAid. Po- lice Checkr, Non-smoking, Recaîpts. Reterences. 00e- 1i 905)1870-1770ý SHERATI area Mom anaiabie for bafore & alter schoni Chîldcare. snacks proniaxu. Cai Jeanîx /@ 905-878-2196. DAYCARE provîder Tru- deau/Derry. Expariencea. reiabie, a9fordabe, be- fore/after schooli Police check, tire safty ir- SPeCted. CFA. Fîrsi Aidý Non-umoker, pet-free tlexible heurs. 905-693- BELL - We welcome Ethan Ellis Morgan Bell with toving heartu and open arms. We giv.e thanku for this beautiful 8 pound 12 ounce baby boy, born Sunday Auguot 12, 2007 ai Womens Coilege Hospital in Toronto. Ethan is the firsf child of Lori and Mati Belt of Mississauga. Proud grandparenfs are Marilyn and Terry Hearn 0f Haiteybury and Janet and Bob Bell of Brantford. Ethanu tloving great grandmofhers are Arvilta Winters of New Liskeard and Kafhteen Morgan of Brant- lord. Eager t0 get 10 know Ethan are his Uncte Tyson Hearn of Haileybury, Aunt Eise, Uncte Adam, and cousin Joshua Bell, ail of Misissauga. Create a upectacular digital photo book! Re-use your supplies oner and over again wifb unlimifed digifal creaivityt GUITAR LESSONS rmvaIe gotar essuiîs avaitabte hum auperiencea, prutessounatlostruGuors. Bronte Coeporete Ceef e. Rlc6 (W5)81 75-460. ho place your ad in zw cm" caxya cali 905.878.2341 11 I tki 1 1