B8 - The Canadian Champl>m, Fr«lay, Auquai i17. 2007 First Nations celebration at Crawford Lake Sunday Ar îi n ing l hIl« l f, l o annual Spirit Sings esii tIiîelal.c Sunday from 6 to 9 pun. Just imagine sipping lîemnlock tea around a camphire as the rnooti and stars appear above the longhiouses ol the recon- structed lSîh century lroquoian village. A session of traditional games will chaI- lenge visitors of ail ages, and they'll have the opportunity 10 learn many secrets of the forest as they participate in a guided i ic a lit Si ic i \ c i tt vil Il ii gi i lStii ivi eîluig. h ocîooian Ioods 'wili round 1out lie exIerieoice. I1ie-registration is required, and space is lumuîied. ITle coi iiý $15 for adults and $12 lor seniors ancd kids aged eight to112 years. T he event isn't recommended for kids younger than ight. For more information or 10 register, cal (905) 854-0234 or visit wwwconserva- tionhaltonon.ca. Choristers seek new members Il you're ready t0 take your singing voice out of the shower, the Miton Choristers is looking for you. Ncw m mnbers arc cecled tb 010 le ,,)ti iic list ci ulcarsail siltake place Iucsday, Sept. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Knox Preshytenian Church, 170 Main St. E. "With our 4Oth anniversary coming up next year, this is an opportune time for new members 10 corne out and gel comfortable iduring this performance season," said group *president jim Douglas. He added newcomers to town have been jnining over the past few years, and he *invites other new residents to give the Milton Choristers a try. "lt ,s a great way to meet new people in the community and forge friendships with those who have a love of music," he said. November, parinering with the Milton Historical Society 10 commemorate Miltons I 50th anniversary. The Fauré Requiem will be presented in spring and the season will wrap up with Classic Rock in lune. Anyone interested in joining the Choristers is asked 10 calJim Douglas before the first rehearsal at (905) 878-1632.1For more information, visit wwwmiltonchoris- ters.com. My name is Spencer. 1 often hear my people refer to me as a German Short Haired Pointer. 1 don't know what that means but 1 think that they eall me that because 1 like to point at things that catch My attention. 1 particularly like to point at the new Frisbee that we got fromn Ren's Pets Depot. It's the best toy ever! I take it with me to the park and have my old man throw it so that 1 can practice my super fly catching maneuver. Sometimes Daddy throws it too far and it gets lost in the tail grass. It takes me a minute or two but I always find it and when 1 do I like to point at it so that everyone knows that I've found it. I always get a lot of tickles and praise when I bring the Frisbee back ...I1 love this game. m PmOU,, sVEW Big Kitty is a durable %.ý- toy made of canvas that really flies when thrown. Dogs love to shake î floppy arms and legs for maximum flapibility!!!1 Flexible durable fun! The world's best rubber flying discs for dogs of al breeds and ages. Potato & Duck Dry Dog Food is our special Ailergy Formula, made specifically for dogs prone to allergies. i NO CORN - NO WHEAT* NO SOY