Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Aug 2007, p. 37

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 24, 2007 - Bi AIRTS Nightclub events for teens becoming big hit By Stephanie Hounsel CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF lubbing iit a sale, uIt c ti- ~roiirient ss'tb ne o leo(,hol Ito son, tiiglit sounel like ani oxs - nioron. [o(-)17 s car oldieliisîcilla Sang, t sounided lbke a hustness opportunîty Thiîs suniner, Priseilia decideel o ut it st action a Ioîîg-held decsire to bc an entrepre- rieur and lormced 360 Degree Productions, which nans al-ages nightclub esvents at the 1iardbali Cafe on Regional Road 25. Thc first event was field last rnonth, and thevs e been taking placce wcklv sîncc then, wxith as mians' as I150 tcen-s n autiedlace. Ehs einostIs' higlih oo110ýL scdnts lookîng for soinct hing te do on a i-ridas night," IPrscilla said, adding, «\\'c play' w ba( tises w antt te hai. . \Vi'th suniniet dravvtng te a close and school starttng up, enit s %vdl no longer be weekiy, but w II conîtine,lIsopelull\ mil itue end of the year.Fl i e-,ct rt wilI taRec pliace Fridas, 8ept. 14 and l tIlihas easaR te-scheel« thcnse. As usual, door s 5501 open att 8 30 p i. ssith the night runnîniig niitl t:30 ia n Conference sparked confidence I t al starteeltein chu iis -\wlseî tse attcnded a cenlteretu ýcc aildlcdte Yotung \\'ennntrep-rneurs ( onîc-rce sslureb uh s put on bs' the Ontaiot gos crnmnert -The cenierence operned my mind ansd made me realizc 1 ans capable,' sbec satd. in an effort te hind a niche that wasn't being flled un town, Priscilla satd she asked herself "What's lacking?" The ans\wýer wasnt long in coming. "The ver>' fîrst thtng that canme te id us there's nothing fer s'eutg adults antetis te de," she said. She decided te rnedel the nigbtcluh events after similar ones in dewntewn Tronto, but gear them teward teens aged 15 te 18. That way; she said, teens are happy theres semetbing "cool' te de and their par- ents arc bappy tbey're in a safe ensijronent, Each esent features a full lîgbt and seund show,~ witb music including R and B, hîp- hep, bouse, trance, Eure, and reggae, Pniscilla said. Seme teens bit the dance floor, wbîle oth- ers prefer te just bang eut and secialuze with GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION PARTY TIME: Priscila Tang has been keeping busy organîzing al-ages events trirough lier 360 Degree Productions company at Hardball Café. lriends. Eserseone whe cornes arc petople wbeî liRe te parts," sîse saI Saletv Icatures tîsclude uniftrrned securi- ty guards aletîg with a therough check of every'ene w'ho cernes threugh the deuirs %vith a metal deteccor. Bags arc scarcheci, and there's a 'ne) in and eut' policy The simple tact every'ene's around the sarne age is an added safetv feature, Pnisciiia said; parents ef teenaged girls - or guy's - dent hase te ,verry' about them getting mixed up ss'uîh eider crowds. "Semetim-es parents cerne in te maR-e sure its safe, andl thes' always leave satisfied," Priscilla said. Serne events hase ibernes, sucb as the recmit 'Areund the World' event. in whicb teens were invsted te cerne dressed iin cieîb- ing representing their cultural background. Oine otf the reasons Prîscilia thitîks 360 Degree Preductiens bias been se suce essiui is that, being y oung herseif, she knews wbat tecrns want in an esent. 'I arn ry ewn mnarket," she expiained. le pronsete the esenîs, shes uscd tbe eut- lets that iniesi appeal te tectis, utcluding Faceheek, verd ef meutb and flyers ai the rnesie theatre. Frem the begnning, Prisciiia said she was cenfident ber business wouid be a suc- cess. It fis such a large empty niche," sbe said. She aise did ber research beforeband, talking te ber target audience abeut ber idea and coiiectîng more tban 300 signatures on a petition sbe îitied 'i wanîte go ciubbing in Milton.' Her supporters base proven invaiuabie, "I'rn biessed te be working witb some great peeple," she said, namîng Carie Giangrande, ewner of the Hardbali, local band prometer Donna Danielli, wbo provid- cd adsice and support, and ber promotiun tearn. Entering Grade 12 and being the student ceunicil president at ber scbool, Milton District Higb Scbooi, Prisciiia knows sheli soon bave ber bands full. Nevertbeiess, she bopes to continue te bave some Friday nigbî events aitbe Hardbaii, Atbough financiaiiy sbe's bareiy broken es'en on tbe endeavour, Priscilia considers it a buge success. "Wbaî rnattered mosi is that i aecom- piisbed sornetbrng se important te Milton - providing teens witb someîbing safe te do," she said. Sîeplianie Hounseii can be reacbed at sthiessen@miltoncaniaelanechampion.corn. Make Your Move at Achilles Mazda in Acton 2007MVazda6 Sedan, SportHatchback, Sport Wagon, andMAazdaspeed6 0% P~rdi~se FIIi~g for ~ ~viOI1ttiS~ I.ease ~ for ~ ta 36 ~ OnIy 12 Minutes from Downtown Milton 357 Queen St. Acton Phone 519-853-0200 Toli free 866-620-3248 www.ach illesmazda .ca info@ach illesmazda .ca LI

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