Al12- The Canadian Champion, Friday September 7, 2007 jI~gege 0 CORRECTION NOTICE k ift b.1 d 1 bth 1 SUPERSIORE ln our Fali For Fashion flyer (September 2-16, 2007), the description for Home Studio Hampton Leather Parson's Chair is incorrect. The description should read: Home Studio Hampton Faux Leather Parsons Chair. The Wamsutta Bamboo Duvet Cover $9999 Queen is incorrect. The correct price should read: $9999 Twin. Queen is available at $129.99. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Need to upgrade your Math and English skiIIs? Take ACE Academic Upgrading classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Milton Employment Resource Centre, 55 Ontario Street S., Suite 203, in Milton For more info, cou 90o5-693-8458, ext. ioi or visit www.thecentre. on. ca Sheridan eo The CentreSkle eeopment & Traning ATTENTION Men and Wornen Do you have pain in your belly? Do you have Chronic Abdominal Pain ---r Dscomforf. with Constipation? If so. you may have a merlicai condition known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation or IBS-C We are looking for men and women with IEW-C te participate in a clinical research study of an investigational medicafion for the trealment of the symptoms off BS-C. You may qualify for the study if you meef the following onitenia: -Are at least 18 years ot age. -Have abdominal discomforf or pain and fewer than 3 bowel movements per week. with a feeling of incomplete evacuation:, -Have hard or lumpy stools or straînîng during a bowel movement: -Speak English fluenfly: -Are able te complete a daîly phone questionnaire during study participation. If you quality to partîcipate in this study. you will receive study medication. office vsits. and sfudy related medical procedures al no cost If you are interested in receiving more information, or te see if you qualify. please contact: Please contact Dr. Kamouna at 905-876-3843 ext.4 or 416-554-9145 I I llTo eMeR Il oeal opein IEkvIe§ 10Mllslde Dr., Und 1206, 314,, jesseBernesil, Tom Snea 1565 Dockray Dr, $5M,900, Steryll Gry 1580 Cavell St., 900 Mlodie Rose Rimax Rel tutate Cettre, 905-t7T 867 Chlds Dr $418.600, Doseeec Manctisi Pudenttai Towt Reaty, 905-878-9t0O 318 #4 Laurier, $289,900, Mattte Clapperton Royal Lepage Meadtwtowte, 905-878-tt0t 12-2pvt, 725 Eduarita ave, $339,10 Chis Barneteare Remax Performatice Reaty Inc, 905-624-3434 816 Trudeau Or, $449,M00 Peter Byers Right At Home Reaity 647-232-7355 1M Miiside Dr, 8000, S279911, Shiraz Karadjian Remaa Reatros Reaty Itc, 4t6-388-t32t 12-2pvt, 6%4 Chants Ave, $26900 2-4mr, 6M0 Trîrepioa Rd, S, $324,910 MnMaxRatyInc.,416-264-1ttt 6M0 Walreri Line, $Wî,M, Jouph Brueau 235 Brat Si. M05,$21911, Verge Cabrai 386 talleeiv Cm, $45,1W11, Sandra Hem 318 #4 Laurier, 020,00, Babylajine M08 Guelph Liee, Jegie HaRevIi Rioyal Lepage Meadtwttwte. 905-878-8t0t 571 JoyS Bie. , M , 'Deei NMainc 621 JeyeO nt , 111W1, Damenic MaecH*s 755 CaWe Trait, 048,00,C*eeie Gavat PnîdeentalTuwnReity.905-878-910 437 VlleMvew Cre, 400,9 lodie Rose Bu Grham Bel, 033 400, MOyille 100 Milside Dr., Ued 120,31496, JeaseBernes& Tom Soeau 1565 Decîay Or,0S%491, Sberl Gray 64 Brante Ued 1, Bevrty Froai Remax Real tutate Cente, 905-878-7777 417 Hifliside Or, $49,11C111ris Neaveil Keer Wiiams Out Town Rraity, 905-078-4444 10M Ilîside Dr. 81115, $279,W, Sires aruiai Rema ratrot Rra4Ity c,4t6-388-8320 A Milton man lias been arrested and charged in corînection wîtb tive break- ins and failîng to remain ai the scene of an accident, ihe an-est was made August 27, sbortly after a Halton Hilks auto repair sbop on Trafalgar Road was hroken into. Police saîd a jaguar that had been at the shop for repair was stolei anrd involved in a collision in Oakville that nighî. There was also a break-in and an attempted break-in at residences in Oakvîlle. An t8-year-old MenrittiDrnve maie was charged witb two couis of break and enter, two couis of possession of stolen property, failing to stop at the scene cf an accident, attempted break and enter, and two counts of breacb cf probation. The suspect was additionally charged with break and enter and pos- session of stolen prcperty in ccnnec- tion to the break-in cf an Ontanio Street North restdence August 23, and îwc more counts cf break and enter in con- nection to tbe break-mns cf two Steeles Avenue homes cvernigbî Augusi 24 and 26. He was also charged witb twc counits cf [ail to ccmply witb probaton. Tbree vehicles stolen Tbree vebicles - twc cf tbem luxu- ry vehicles - were stolen tbis week bv unkncwn suspects. In the first incident, a black, four- door 2006 BMW BX5 valued at $76.000 was stolen Tuesday between t:30 and 7 a.m. [rom a dniveway on Ramsbaw CrescentIls licence plate is AYI T821. Sometime between 8 and 10:30 a.m., also Tuesday. a 2004 1-onda Cix-ac ,worîb $20000 was swiped [rom tbe c oiesa f Miltosn Ditrict Hîgb Scbosil on \\ illiarins Avxenutc Thbeige four-doîîr vebîcle bad the Fabulous Fail Colour An cutstanding show cf coicur and texture in the faii gardien ix the subect of this week's TERRA Trend, Cool nghts and warm day ae taditonaly the fi st s ns of fal but for the gardener the first hardy mum to fower emnnds usthat autumnis herelFailsa geat oppor tunity to I the garden w th spiashes of cour Fatl mum corne in a rainbcw cf cc ours and shades and are great when planted tcwards the front cf the gardien bed, n hanging baskets and containers. Mumns can easly replace any spring planted annuals that are stan nqg to look tied cr cao be piaced thrcughout the garden. Wh o tyadigsre. rse adatr o comlet auumngaMn ai. e t oorandtxue Stopby oe o ourgaren cntrs ths wek ad e. PoliceBlotter licence plate ATYK254. And between Sunday and Tuesday, a 2005 wbite lummer H2 was stclen [rom the parking lot cf Auto Ccnnect Superstcre on Steeles Avenue, The vebicle was unplated and valued at $35.000, Painkillers stolen Police are asking for tbe publics belp in lccating an asscrtment cf med- icaton stolen [rom a vebicle Monday just befcre10 a. m. Police said the car was parked in front cf a business at Charles and Main streets when unkncwn suspects entered the unlccked vebîcle and teck a wbite straw purse. Inside were a spare set cf keys and about 220 puIs cf vani- ous painkîllers. Anycne witb information is asked to caîl police at (905) 825-4777. Narcotics swiped A substantal amount cf narccîics and casb were sîclen [rom a Derry Road pbarmacy early Saturday mcrning. Unknown suspects pnied open tbe front door to gain entry to tbe ground floor cf tbe medîcal building, said police, who responded tc an alarm at the building sbcrtly before 2 a.m. Police are învestigating. Safe stolen A sale ccntaining ssx laptcp com- puters and casb was stclen cvernigbt August 28 [rom a mobile office parked at Milton Maîl. Police saîd unkncwn suspects gaîned access to a motor bome being used as an off>ce by Employment Ontario îbrougb a small Mindow 1-ix e of the comiputers are sîlver Dell laptops, %vhile one ts a black Toshîba, The svalute of tbe sîclen property is S6ý000) -see CONSTRUCTiON on page A13 Maaee foest - ee o rta e ' If you own more than tes acres of toresteti property, you cas quality for property tax reductions ustier the Ontarios manageti torest tax incentîve program, OIN VWdnsdy Sflt.mb.r 12, from 6:30 - 8:3Opm, lb. Oetauom slay Auuociaiauw& h rusOMM uloFoadiu wiII boua fkee watubp ouwoodoit.aag..ut et thse Halton Conservatio Office 2596 Buitannîa Road, m»aiLawydIh North Uulington, Onfteoo. Worksoep opace it limiteti astipre-regîttratîo s strongly encouraged. Calthre Ontario Foreotry Association tisa at 1.800.387.0790 te finti out how te property manage your wootilot asti reduce your taxes. A ONTARIO FORESTRY F0 UN DAT ION -Milton man charged in recent break-uns