The Canadien Champion, Friday September 07, 2007 - 29 Sae Hel Sae He Saies HeIp HospiiZ I Hoii 0I Notel Resturanl HA*O eOMNT JOfice AsistanttLA t ,ý ~~B 0I,~~ Y COFFEF We are oeekîng lv f111 a 6 month contract. Respon- iblilîeo inclode reception and other clerical dulies. Requires excellent verbal and wrilten communica- ion skills, Ihe ability lv work independently and eoperience wth bard f0 verve clients. Prfîcîency in Word and Excel iv essentiel. Ideal enlry level posi- ion for recent graduateo of a social services, legal support or vCber relaled programo. Pleaxe submit resme by fax: 905-877-8223 Onytlrose elected foran interview wll be coniacied. Oeadlne to sbmil an application iv September 14th, 2007 OFFICE MANAGER wl Srong Finançiai Skiffs Llght Nouse Promotions Inc. lonated in Mxv. Ontario, a leader and innonator in tbe promotional induvtry ban an immediate opening. The role ennompasses produning accoonto rec/pay, budgets, monthly financialo and over veeing a rapidly growing team vof . Preference wiît be given lv thoxe witb xncoxnting dexignations & knowtedge of 'Simply Acounting' but ix not mandatory. Pleaxe sotimit att rexumex and valary expentation directty f0: Mr. Stephen Willwertb - swiliwerff@ Ulghtounrmoc TRAFFIX a vmatl wel-etabtixhed trucking company in Milton requirev Orde En Caoer Service Repa. Candidates must be a highly motivafed and work weelI under pressure, have excellent Englixh communication, good tetephone manner andt computer vkillv. Great opportunities 10, grow! If you are interexted in becoming a vatuabte member af our team, pleave email your rexume ta: annmary@ P/T RECEPTIONIST reqd for buvy Milton-baved ccanner ca. Mon, Wed, Fni; gam-3pm. Munt have excellent cutomer vervice vkillv, comput- er experienoe andt trong organizationat akitîx. Poxxibility for FT n future. Please forward resume ta: COSTING PERSON Hoskix Scîentittc Lîmttd, bas an opportuniity for a Costing ClerIr in our Barington office for a Mater- nity leave replacement. The position nonaxsts of tme following: *Coting and Receiving of Produnt in an Adagio Enironment *Procesng Repair orders and Purchave ordero *Offlero duiex ax required for a buxy office environment The individual xhosld posvess a background ix adminitration duies. A familiarity with Adageo and Mirosoft Office software. The position requîrev effective nommunicafion witb our prevent staff and an ability to work tfrougb detailed order entry. An aptitade for problem asoling and the ability to muIti- task vsa key part of tix opportsnity. Ineresteti appftcants shouid tomwandt feir resune in confidence 10: Pet Wilson (Mms.> HOSIIN HOSKIN SCIENIF1C IUMITIED 4210 Morris Drive, BuigonON 7L 51.6 Fa:905-333-4976 r> E-mail: Immediate Buringlon opening for Profevvional Receptioniot xl a fast pxned hgb profile exenotive centre. Mainitaîn buvy reception area, greet cli- entslguevtv ix profeoional manner, ctiedule meeting roamo & variovo administrative taskv. Eopertene in a vîmilar role/ront devk hotel, 3 yro, with evceptîonal notomer service okills nenevsary. Great boors (15-20 )w/ffeoibilîty FiT Administrative Assistant Requireit by Renas FetoDepot iv Oukville Must be experienceit & rganized. Word/ ExceffOulioaokîklfo essential. Outies in- ciode bMing. rderîng supplies, openîng mail, bunk depositn. data entr. Opportu- niity for advancement, Fax/Email Resume 905-257-4614 or, but ave govit îelephone mannerj IHoudy auge + Benef is No Slodents Cvii for interview 905- 855-0856 Ref# 23 &4th Lne. Dulîvu wîii include but are nul limited 1: dalabase management, inven- tory control, cienîcal support, N/R and NFP The ideal candidate wil h. an indepen- dent sef-starter aitt advancedt computer andt administrative okilîs andt te available 10 warti flexible dayoltrouro. Salary $18BOOClyr. Piesse fax resume 905-469-1942, email lace2o5 a d3in seekîvg FIT Sales People for: Saleu, cutomar service anit produnt handlîng. Email resumne to emploi4@ or contact Lauren 9056290170 Felearketei I Fuil-Time& Part-lime $12rCalI: 1905-315-83801 or Fax: 905-315-8378 Georgetown Volkswagena 0ur growing deolership requîrev evperencedm Sales Professionals ta serve aur evpondîvg customer base. You are reodly for action and willing t a coervrodote the active schedules of your customers. n western Toronos newest Volkswogen deolership, we provide quolilîed candidates a fuIIy computerized workploce, prolessionoil Volkswogen certif îed training and o comprehensive compensation package iliat includes a fll benelît pion. Pes. repiy n confidence bo Mark Hughes: F-u,1 ,3 1914 Eu-1 .vs~gvieuusc Part-lime Sales Associafe Loking for v nustomer fonuveit professionaui tlvin our team. Reoponoîble for vovîtîng nustomers and reneivinglproneoving orders. Eocellent communica- lion okllis and the abîlity taliftup t p x Oba o requireit. Paint knowiedge nonvîdered an asset. Intereted applicants pease submt your resume to. Chnv Wright, Store Manager 214 Guelph Street, Georgetown E-mail: s07250ici[aints.c or Fax: 905-873-6975 - 825 Telemarketer $15-$40 hour, experienceit, part imne, flexible houro. -Executive Assistant $1 5-$20 hour, part lime, flexible hours. Cali Stan ai Quantum Wealth anagement (Miton) 90547878059 #100. The Oakville Beaver Hax as opening for an: INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE The qsalifled candidate wîll bu a motrvated, iode- pendent, seff-starter witb an interest ix advertivîng sales. Yoo will posxesv excellent written and ver- bal communication vkillv andt be famliar witb Mcrosoft computer applinations. An educatîosl banckgroundin i advertîsîng would be an asset. A great place lv start yoor career! In Iis rate, yos wîll be customer focoved and will build strong relationshtpv witb new and eoixting cli- entx by exvuring that their advertiving needsarse met. You will be goal-ortented and capable of meeting regular sales budgets andt opecial section targeto wthin a deadline focused envîroament. If you would lîke lv work for a leader in the media induvtry Ito opportvnity may be the nght ove for you, If intereoteit pleave torwvrcl your reoume ta: We appreciate the interest of ail appicants however only thoxe selected for an interview will h. contacted. No phone catît or agencies please. CONSTRUCTION SALES & RENTAL RER. We are establisheit rentai house on- panding aur scaffolding and awîngstage business. Must have al least 2 years expeience andt ready for a challenge. Fax 905-825-2801 - or email ttyl 8@steepiejcksericescom Aïe yOL Iil iML AIL xALE flowo f Are you interested in a much BETTER netail job? Were veekîng mature, talexteit, evperienced pao- pe wtb a background ix velling ix a retail environ- ment lv become La-Z-Boy Sales Professionals. We offer a generous Compensation Program, Company Benefit Plan, Profeovioxal Traning, Op- portluxiies for Advancement and a unique opports- nity lv work witb Canadas fasteot growing bîgb ý ual'ityfurnitsre obowroomo- La-Z-boy Furnîture You must bave reliable transportation, excellent verbal andt written communication okilîs, vome pre- viovo retaîl eoperience andt a flexible scbedsle Ibat permitv yoo lv corti on weekexds and some even- ingo. We bave openingo aI- Oaielilei Mssissauga Border, Brampton, Burlington, Northfi Msais- sauge and Elobîcoke If's easy Iv applyl We take applications by tale- pbone only- 24 boums a day- imply caîl Charlie at 905-789-5800- wben prompted to 'enter an exten- sion'- yoa dîxl 150, mhen dial #6151 to responi tol sveral questions. Seeking a mature ASSITANT fa work in e refait optical store in Meadowvele. Frevious optical exp. preterrent. Some evenings & Set urdays. Please Caii 905-826-0140 jM~edialna Are you a Hygienist veho wants ta wark in a busy & tua dental office? Located in the west end af Milton. Fuît af new technoîagy. Fax reaume Ici: 905-271-1013 DENALHGNS Required For Fiendiy Georgetown Dental Office. 2 Io3 Ovys Par Waek, Flexible Hoaro. Pleava cvlii 905-873-2012 DENTAL ASSISTANT. Temp Fosition, 6-8 Weeks, 43 hrs/wk. $20/lir. iMuvI have espenience. Start immediately. Fotential for permanent F/T. Fax Resume f0: 905-876-3278 MEIC Secetry P y i. - -sst sond aequencixg operation to the Auiomotive Manufacturera." Avlomodular Corporation, a Canadian Company iv cornently looking lvtî flI bthollowîng position for lvs focilitina located ix Oakville: Occupational Health Nurse The voccensfol applinant wîll provîde clinicat nurs- ing care, firsl aid emergency nare, and ongoing medical treataunt along citti bealti edacatiox for fwo (2> plant tacilities consisting of 500 bosrly and xalanied associates. He/sbe will be a registered oc- nopational bealtb nurse witb an establisbed and provex tranti record ix providing nursing services for 3 to 5 years in a manufanturng facility. W. cof- fer a hrgbly competitîve compensation and employ- ne benefits package as welI as a working environ- ment conducive t0 growtb and development. This as a 1 year contrant tbat iv renewxble apon mutual agreement. If yos waxt lv be part of Iis xew and exciting teara, please apply by vubmitting your resamne tf the following email: or fax your esume 1: 905-469-9997 or mail 10: Automodular Corporation Clo Human Resources 200 North Service Road West Unit #1, Suite 310 Oakviife, Ontario L6M 2Yl No Telehone Catis andl No Employment Agenciea. IEoperienced Receptionîsi and/or Certif ied Veteri- nary Office Admnitrator required for a busy vefeninanan chin n Halton -tils. Please send resume f0: P0. Box 2559 - 280 Guelph Street, Unit *29 Georgetown, ON L7G 4BI VETERINARV IIOSPIL Busy, compuferdzsd practice requires RECEPTIONIST We are Iooking for an entfiusiaotic and reliable indi- vdalaI joan our team. Part-Uime bours; aflemnoono and weekendo. Require fleoibility, cutomer care expeience preterred, and animal harrdling eoperi- ence an asoet. Please forward resume and cover letter (lv be eceived no later mhan Sept.9) to: Abbey Animal Hospitat, Attn: JilI van den Heuvel fax: 905-827-7027, ernail: abbeyanlmalhoapftal@belneLca W. afpreciate the intereat oa apil wcanta, how- ever onfr thoae aelected for an interview will b. contact ed. no phxone calta or agmee pleaae. lo HlResaratM Helreetian Now Hirng fr a an 19Applby in e. 3on1h. outhwest orner Sfuthpergedtwn Conm oarit erre we retatoe ning n urtw in We atrrnge ntusasiG-e0e1ei tonemma rte for L OSITIONS. s.\11 v LAI LR'x oipe ~ gsoî.în la Milton. F/T & P/T available. Send revumnev to: coffeec@ Irish Pub le Growing! Naw hiring for: ALL POSITONS Cooks Up to $151hr + benefits. Fax resumne f0: 905-864-6797 P/T Banquet Servers required. Weekends $10 - $12/hour Country Heritege Park, Miffon Emeil Renume: mrr&hs@ m dkn aheate'noua We are accapting applications for the foilowing: Full/Part lime SERVERS- Experienced - LUNE COOKS apptin npeoe.. BACKPORCH Emmas Backporch 2084 Oid Lakeshore Rd. Buriington Burlington Malt 777 Guelph Lin. Hrng Mature Day Hostess Mfon-Fn 1030-2W3 Exp. LUne Cooks The Fîrehali Hîrîng Full-Uime * Une Coolca 0 Wait Staff 0 Hostesses è Dlsiiwashers Appl.> in Peson or Fax 905-827-2026 doug@thefrehalilca Bnny office building cafeteria requires: General HeIp/ Dishwasher *Exp. preterreit *No weekendn Email resurne: LewisFoods @hatonca or Cali: 905-8256123 ext:7222 Monday ta Fnday 9 arn ta 5 Pmn "~6 1 3ý2>) ENTHUSIASTIC? CUSTOMER FOCUSED? We are footing for motvateit F3RT-TIME Retail Sales Associates for our Burfîngton location Retail Experrence & Wîne Knowledge an Axuet Orientation and Traînrng are provideit Osys, Evenrngv and Weekends as required. Plesse drop off your resume et Walkers Place, 350 Upper Middle Rd. Or emnail your resume and caver letter ta, or fax 905 643-4515 or mal tot 697 Southi Service Rd. Grimsby ON L3M 4Et iait us aI wwwvneflrds« for a location fa appiy in pereon. Whîle we tfank all Ibove wfro tpply we wll onfr expond fo tmoue voder conaderation andt askth at vo rexponve h. made by phone. PARMILD HOME HEAýLTH CARE RNs Needed Fait immunization Clinins Misssauga, Brampton, Ostinille, & Barlinglon W. offer: *Competitine pay rate *Supportîve team - aid Miles ge or travel ime *Accommodation of shifts ta availability You Bring: *Current CNO registration -Current CPR certification -A reliable vehîcle *Flexibility Weekday, evenixg, and weekevd shifts available Please fax or email resume: Numan Resources Fax: 9054847-10381 Our "NEW" Waterdown (Opening Oct.) & Fairvrew St. stores are currently recrufting for the following positions: Part-lime Sales Associates Fuil-Time Sales Associates t you're Interested In a Career dut WDrks su. the Store Operator et Appleby Ln. or Fairview St. with your rmunie ioday or vsit us onlne et wwwmarkscom Retail sales Help il ý saIes Help vewnaq Help_ la vewnarv Help 1